Wednesday, October 23, 2024

President Lungu hails Zambia’s high ranking on COVID-19 Management


By President Edgar Lungu

On Monday 23rd March, 2020, I called for an urgent Cabinet Meeting to discuss various cross-cutting policy matters aimed at strengthening multisectoral efforts to contain the spread of COVID-19 in Zambia.

The key outcome of this Cabinet Meeting was the approval of the COVID-19 Contingency Plan, which received overwhelming support from all stakeholders including; Cooperating Partners, the Private Sector as well as Society at large. This ensured the effective implementation of my Government’s innovative Contingency Plan.

As a result of our above mentioned collective efforts, Zambia has been ranked among the only 6 countries in the world which have been declared ‘the safest travel destinations’ during this COVID-19 era. Zambia has been ranked the 4th safest travel destination, and it is the only African country among the 6 countries from different parts of the world.

According to the highly respected Travel company ‘Wego Travel’, which is used by millions of people worldwide each month, the above classification was based on: epidemiological criteria; the ability of countries to contain the pandemic; attained stability over a long period of time; and the efficiency of the health system, particularly, the clinical capacity for intensive care rooms and efficiency of the medical staff.

According to ‘Wego Travel’, the only six (06) countries which are safe destinations in order of ranking are: Australia which is ranked first, New Zealand in second, followed by Singapore in third, Zambia has been ranked fourth, Cuba is fifth, and Saudi Arabia is sixth.

In view of this, let me take this opportunity to commend our health workers who have demonstrated a great sense of responsibility, professionalism, selflessness and determination in our fight against COVID-19, in order to protect every Zambian life.

I also want to thank our cooperating partners, the private sector and all citizens who have exhibited high levels of collective responsibility and behavioral change, thus helping to prevent the unchecked spread of the calamitous coronavirus in Zambia.

As I conclude, let me remind each one of us that we are not yet in a post COVID-19 era.

I am, therefore urging you all to continue abiding by all COVID-19 preventative measures which my Government, through the Ministry of Health, has put in place according to best experiences in Global Health.

We are a nation of faith. Let us continue to face the future with renewed vigour, assured that we shall overcome our challenges and achieve the development goals which we have set for ourselves. Together, we shall achieve this, and so much more.

May God bless you all and keep you safe from COVID-19.


  1. It shows that Zambians can unite in fighting a common enemy such as this disease. Instead of dividing us on tribal lines, our leaders can use this unity of purpose to develop a culture of hard work

  2. any negative comment will Definatly come from someone with contaminated Dundumwezi mentality. kindly seek prayers from seer one if this rating doesn’t feel good to you as there is no other cure to this condition.

  3. Even in Tanzania,President Mangufuli told the nation they don’t have covid-19. However, the border towns of Nakonde and Nagama(with Kenya) have had many Tanzanian truck drivers and traders testing positive for the virus.
    The Brazilian President also played down the covid-19 situation until the grave diggers complained that the daily burials were too many.
    The real situation on the ground will sooner or later reveal itself.Keep the politics to yourself

  4. Comments yaba up and down… Very dull. These are international stats .. even hetch betcha can’t argue. He has no contacts at WHO otherwise he would have told them to make zambia look bad like he told his IMF cronies.

  5. Are you joking? What high ranking management are you talking about? People are moving without masks, No social distancing ,increasing numbers of brought in dead at the hospitals and now football fans are allowed back into the stadiums.
    Don’t talk without evidence. look around and see what is happening. You are busy having campaign rallies with disregard to COVID 19 regulations.
    Be serious for once.

  6. This has happened by serendipity. Sadly, some countries that were hailed as doing well haven’t done so well under the second wave. Notice that the countries mentioned are all islands and they locked their borders. Zambia did not. We do not have universal testing in Zambia, and the population is young, median age being around 20. This means that many Zambians who have been infected have had mild symptoms. I know at least five people who had classical Covid 19 symptoms but were never tested. Others attribute fever to ‘malaria.’ But hey, that’s what politicians do. They claim credit when things go well but refuse responsibility when not.

  7. Congratulations!! Keep it up. Facts and figures do not cheat: People do. This development paves way for the tourists to start travelling into the country. At the same time, this development opens doors for investors to continue where they left as Covid 19 struck. It is wrong to amplify, exaggerate or fabricate hate speech or fake news. The country is facing challenges bt the challenges are manageable with enough imagination, creativity and innovation.

  8. Excellent!! Well done Mr President!! Special thanks also to Dr. Chitalu Chilufya and all the medical personnel who risked their lives working on the front line. Your works cannot go unappreciated, you all are awesome!!! Thank you once again!!!

  9. Zambians learn to say Thank you. ECL did not do the stats. We know the panic that was brought by the opposition. Kudo GRZ.

  10. We have never had a Covid19 model in Zambia. Daily all we got were numbers of infections and deaths. Contact tracing was in the least nowhere to suggest that the spread was being combated by systematic prevention in terms of PEPs..Simply because the same politicians were busy holding political rallies…What a joke

  11. How about the corruption and mismanagement of covid-19 funds? You have not managed anything at all…ignoring the problem is not managing.

  12. When the devi!s in the red camp predicted catastrophe and their tribal leader wanted a total lock down. These doom prophets new very well what was going to happen to Zambians if a total lock down was instituted. They needed it for their usual way of using the suffering of Zambians for their political mileage.

  13. You stole the covid money faking numbers so that you get more money when there were no real cases in Zambia.Any enjoy stealing the day of judgement is near you alone will give your account of deeds before the Almighty God

  14. Job well done keep it ..Your Excellency President Edgar C Lungu and the team…I know ba under5 always rejoice whenever the nation is faced with challenges, This great news has come as a shock to ba under5 party.. Their foolish leader was busy exposing his foolishness in public ati total lockdown, without understanding..shameful. People of Zambia,even when one is looking for employment companies ask of experience.. Now hh has no experience no wonder his behavior is childish but lets understand the under5 shameless leader.

  15. Please don’t join this group for Bitcoin and Forex from home. These people are scammers. They swindled me almost $700 US Dollars, Please don’t follow these people don’t waste your money into this. There out there to swindle on people.

  16. We are starved of good news—understandable. But very worrying that even people who seem logical in other comments hailed this communique as great news. When do we base health policy feedback on an obscure travel website in Singapore? Positive comments alone have never, and will never cure our problems. Empty dreams they are. Stay clear eyed friends.
    Though, I am not surprised our President wholeheartedly grabbed with both hands the dubious, well preposterous claim that Zambia is ranked 4th in world regarding Covid safety. All the same, I am ashamed.
    Sir; we will love you as a former President and neighbor in the hood, swapping stories under a mangoe tree. Give someone else a chance at State House. This is embarrassing. Epidemiological information from Wego Travel?…

  17. Most people are relived that Africa has not been devastated by COVID in human fatality terms and hope it remains so. The reason is not what is claimed here. Nothing to do with ECL or Chilufya with their haphazard ‘measures put in place’ – as we know, not much social distancing has even been in effect. It’s more to do with a younger population, resilience to ‘traditional’ pathogens we have been exposed to overtime and minimal exposure to the metropolitan world. Median age in Africa is about 18 while in Europe it’s over 40. The fact people live longer in Europe has made them more susceptible to old age comorbidities and infections. It still remains that Africa has bigger issues of people being afflicted with and dying from non-communicable diseases – which is not helped by the poor health…

  18. This COVID-19 management has led to loss of tax payers cash through dodgy contracts especially at the ministry of health .How on earth did Caluza company get contracts to supply PPE s ?

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