Friday, February 14, 2025

HH pays glowing tribute to the country’s musicians for allegedly rejecting PF’s bribes


United Party for National Development (UPND) leader, Hakainde Hichilema has paid glowing tribute to the country’s musicians for braving the hard economic times and refusing to fall into the trap of being bribed by the ruling Patriotic Front (PF).

Speaking when he graced the ‘HH Roadshow Fundraising Braii’ at Kool Park lodge in Chilanga, he stated that artistes played a critical role in enlightening the masses and educating them over the numerous happenings of society through music.

“Your trust and confidence in us will never be abused and we’ll not let you down…kwashala fye panono (there’s little time remaining before we cross over) because music is the best communicator; it is the best platform and your music has given us strength to soldier on and we’ll continue to fight until we achieve that which the people of Zambia want,” He said.

The UPND leader also pledged a K50, 000 contribution towards the artistes and hoped that the contribution would go a long way in aiding them carry out their functions with ease.

“You’ve done a great job through this party, UPND. Am aware that some of your colleagues who are associated with these ‘Mwankoles’ are getting cash handouts, but you have refused to sell yourselves like vitumbuwa (fritters) at markets! We salute you…we salute you for that! You’ve shown strength; you’ve shown a sense of purpose by singing for change, freedom and the UPND,” Mr Hichilema exclaimed.

He assured the artistes of a better future in the industry once he assumes office in 6-months-time saying artistes played a critical role in ensuring that the voice of the voiceless masses was heard through music.

He also told the artistes that their trust in the UPND would soon pay off.

“You’ve worked towards what you want and I can assure you that you’ll get what you want, very soon, because what you want is what the people of Zambia want. The people of Zambia want a better life and you are leading the way through the tremendous work you’ve done for us by singing,” He added.

Mr. Hichilema also He called on the country’s artistes to ensure that they pressure the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) to extend the ongoing voter registration exercise which is scheduled to end on the 12th of this month.


  1. Iwe naiwe which musician? Lolela next year ? ukamona iwe chimudala. You are behaving like you don’t stay in zambia. Bali mu studio apaso balepanga fima hits.

  2. HH is not different from PF. Both of you are abusing musicians for political ends. No wonder i don’t take part in politics. Let others vote

  3. kafwainda December
    7, 2020 At 7:10 am

    “…..No wonder i don’t take part in politics. Let others vote….”

    You are letting people destroy your children’s future by not voting……

    Know every vote counts…

  4. HH is Seer1’s puppet what different things can he bring except the same corruption that he did at privatization that pf is also doing. You are all criminals. So just wait again in that 6 months your criminal friends will steal the elections. And Zambians will do nothing. You will cry like a bi.tch u

  5. Under 5 mentality. So you want Musicians to collect corruption money ONLY from you ALONE….Others No..they are mwakoles. HH sounds like a magician…vote in the stingy tribalist and everything will be paradise on earth..Clever Kawalala wa privatisation.

  6. QUOTE:Those who are too smart to engage in politics are punished by being governed by those who are dumber.

    @Kafwainda you need to rethink your current position, you should be worried about the Power of F ools in numbers.

  7. You have also bribed them with a fifty pin,you are condemning ba pf and yet you are doing exactly the same,ba polotishani ubufi….Show us your manifesto! Yes things are hard but what is your solution? Rainbow,Socialist,DP,PF,they all have manifestos but ba upnd zero.kuli fye ati pipo are suffering,pipo are suffering, there’s hunger in the country,wamene saziba ni ndani give us manifesto mambala

  8. “Don’t sing for PF, sing for us UPND” that is the message from the under-five politician. And some people wonder why he only belongs to opposition. No articulation of the real ISSUES-NOTHING. His new adopted Mwankole word,. is actually suitable for him and his team, taking chances using a tribal card. UPND need a nationalist character to turn the part into what it should be an alternative political party, but as things stand this party can only go backwards.

  9. Tell me one thing hh has said he is going to do differently from pf in terms of policy? The guy has no message for zambian. All he knows is criticising pf. It hurts him that had he not been arrogant and proud and agreed to be second in command in the alliance,he would be president now. Tawakatekepo

  10. HH is saying it’s only ok if they sing and bribed by UPND….typical Politician!!!!….you’re all the same and what’s the K50000 for ????? PF,UPND,MMD etc are all bandits

  11. HH Leading the way. Making financial contributions fro his pocket.
    Others use tax payers money to openly bribe Zambians and call it “empowerment”.
    Without tax payers money, the PF wont last even 1 year in opposition.They need to stay in power to survive.

  12. KZ, @ Independent has rattled your goose spots, that’s what truth does pieces your conscious to the cole, leaving you in a sele-le-que stupor.

  13. Kikiki HH ni crook .How can he give them 50 pin and concern others. Politics teyabana iyo.Noweonder Mmembe thinks UPND can be worse than PF.So better we keep PF in power pantu HH ni bandit umubi saaana

  14. The way PF fear HH, just the way kids fear darkness. For example Monday Chanda is just marking HH, including the ka lab tech. Thanks for a wasted 10 years PF, This is not like an exam where you repeat when you fail, you just need to exit in 2021, there is no alternative, you fail and you are out

  15. Is that k50,000 not a bribe. In short, when you pledge you are not setting a trap by bribing the musicians. But if PF do the same you accuse them of bribing.
    Should they reject your pledge? please hh make me understand your puzzle.

  16. If you love those musicians give them assistance so that they can expand their talents, than tying them to the same poverty.

  17. Do not worry my president. Its these people who are paid to respond. You can read their mind, no wisdom, no sense, but bitterness. These are people who never sit and think of being self reliant, they have to be parasites for ever. They have no dream of being bosses so as to be able to pay another person. Their concern now, is if pf is gone, how are they goin to survive? If they were genuine people with senses, we would have been together. Its like trying to give a new dress to a person who has been used to wearing rugs. They will always carry their rugged dress, even when you ask them to throw it away.. The normal thing is, to change dress and put on another dress, its normal. You want HH to be distributing his money aimlessly? Not even pf president does that. He gives money which is not…

  18. This how Under 5 dribbles himself, he is a fool fooling himself. He is doing what he is preaching against, zoona ebu Under 5 ubu. Get lost!!!!

  19. And it’s just a pledge. It may not even be paid. Your colleagues in PF are dishing out real cash in Choma and Dundumwezi.

  20. Yes they rejected the PF bribe because HH paid them millions of money as a bribe. Should we consider that every musician and artist supporting UPND has been bribed?

  21. Majority of people are supporting PF, so they don’t need to give money to anybody. But HH’s case is different he always needs the sympathy, attention of Zambians.

  22. By-elections were the eye-opener where PF received maximum votes and UPND was not even close to PF. So it is clear that who is giving bribes to whom.

  23. Even after being so many years in politics, there are hardly people from rural areas knows who HH is because they don’t have the internet as HH is only famous on Facebook.

  24. If HH gives money to the famous musicians then he is giving them for their welfare and if PF donates money for the poor then PF is giving bribes to innocent people??? What kind of double standard is this?

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