Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Lusaka Mayor encourages waste recycling


Lusaka Province Mayor Miles Sampa says there is a need to improve on garbage collection and recycling of waste in the city, in order to sustain the desired health that people need.

Mr Sampa said the generation of solid waste material has increased due to population growth and if garbage is not managed properly, it will bring about disease outbreaks.

Speaking during a courtesy paid on him by Binzagar Mercantile Private Limited (BM) yesterday, the Lusaka Mayor said the council is keen to progress in waste-to-energy conversion because there is too much garbage in the city and nowhere to take it.

He stated that increasing on recycling methods will not only allow the council to keep the city clean but will also contribute towards economic growth through job creation.

Mr Sampa added that as a city father, he has experienced challenges in the garbage collection and delivery process, especially during the rainy season, noting that the dumpsite needs work, hence the need to venture more into recycling of waste.

He said during the rainy season garbage closes the inner roads, causing difficulties in entry and exit of the site.

“We need to partner with friends and stakeholders that will help us with capital because the whole process needs a lot of capital investment” he explained.

He stated that it is unfortunate that many proposals brought to his office to turn garbage into electricity, fuel, and fertilizer among other materials usually come to a halt following meetings such as that held yesterday and that he looks forward to the progress and full execution of BM’s proposal to launch a recycling plant in the city.

“With the Central Government, the Ministry of Local Government and ourselves I am hopeful that we will come to an agreement that will better the lives of the people of Lusaka” he said.

The Lusaka City Mayor assured BM that they are in good hands with the Council’s Public Health Department, through the Waste Management Unit, and that his office will give them the necessary support to complete the task.

This was according to a statement made available to ZANIS by Lusaka City Council Public Relations Officer Lisa N’goma.


  1. Ba Facebook giant Why are you Stealing muliokelas ideas?

    The least you could have done is engaged him. This addiction of wanting to be seen as the God father or most kind man in Zambia, needs to stop. Grow up miles. Sometimes I wonder what nchimmy saw in you. When I was close to her she preferred mature men

  2. Recycling is very important as waste has a huge negative impact on the natural environment. Harmful chemicals and greenhouse gasses are released from rubbish in landfill sites. Recycling helps to reduce the pollution caused by waste. Habitat destruction and global warming are some the affects caused by deforestation

  3. Gone are the Fisho Mwale days…..not this attention seeking moron of a Mayor…..anyway am not surprised attention seeking and doing things just for show is the new normal

  4. LCC back in the day used to successfully collect garbage in Lusaka. Then the contract was “given” to Given Lubinda and we are now putting more money in his pockets.

    Get that contract back, you will be creating more jobs at LCC and filling the coffers of LCC.

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