Saturday, July 27, 2024

Joseph Kaunda was executed; murdered by the very people who were supposed to protect to him-HH


Late United Party for National Development member Joseph Kaunda was yesterday morning put to rest .He  was killed last Wednesday in circumstances that are still under investigation when UPND members went to offer solidarity to their party President Hakainde Hichilema who was appearing for questioning at Police Force Headquarters.

Paying his final respects to Kaunda, president Hichilema solemnly stated that Mr Kaunda was murdered and executed by the people who were employed to protect him.

“We want to express our sadness…[It’s a very sad moment, indeed!] We are here to bury Joseph Kaunda who was executed; murdered by the very people who were supposed to protect to him,” he said.

And commenting on the heavy Police presence that characterized his appearance at Police Force Headquarters last Wednesday, Mr Hichilema wondered why the Police blocked him when it was them who summoned him.

He stated that the conduct of the Police was evident that the men in uniform had ulterior motives and that they wanted to use the opportunity to kill innocent citizens.

“He said there is no need to investigate the killing of Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda because footage at the Cabinet Office and surrounding areas picked everything. From what happened on Wednesday, it is now very clear that they wanted to kill innocent citizens. You don’t need an investigation, what you need is leadership. Fire Kampyongo and Kanganja, now,” he said.

He has since called on the PF to respect the sanctity of life and stop using the Police to kill political opponents.

He also pledged to end the rampant political violence and killing of innocent citizens by police.

“We will not allow this to continue. We will end this segregation where when it is PF officials appearing at the Police there is no Police but when it is HH, there are bullets and heavy killing machinery. We will replace guns with scholarships,” he said.

The 26-year-old has left behind two children, a boy and a girl.

NDC leader, Chishimba Kambwili, RPP acting president, Lesley Chiluse, UPND National Chairman, Mutale Nalumango, SG Stephen Katuka and his deputy for Political Affairs, Patrick Mucheleka also attended the burial.

Others include NMC members, Members of Parliament, Provincial leaders, District leaders, Women and Youth leaders and other members and supporters.

Meanwhile, Zambia Police thanked the family of the late Joseph Kaunda for the role they played in ensuring that their loved one was buried in a dignified manner.

In a statement released to the media, Zambia Police Spokesperson Ms Esther Katongo further thanked the Opposition United Party for National Development leadership for the guidance to their members which ultimately led to a peaceful funeral procession and also the general party membership for conducting themselves in a peaceful manner.


  1. You led that boy to his death, deliberately so because you didn’t want to heed the early warnings. You heartless HH

    • We know there are slow learners, we know there those that are ignorant as well as the gullible ones, but we will repeat in case one day it sinks. HH never ever requested any body to accompany him to Police, no matter how much you deliberately mislead yourselves, HH is a brand and even if he was summoned again today supporters will come again on their own, in any case again for those who may want to learn, there is absolutely NO law in Zambia that stops supporters from going to offer solidarity to their leader, if this is difficult to comprehend I can translate into vernacular so stop misleading yourselves again and as usual that the cadre was in a wrong place, no and these are simple basics

  2. You led that boy to his death, deliberately so because you didn’t want to heed the early warnings. You heartless HH.

  3. If potpher Tembo had not organised those unemployed youths to come to your personal battles, he would not have died. Both you and Potpher must be answerable.

  4. Iwe Tayali and those who feed you, you have finished the work you started. 2 young lives gone while you sit and drink your orange juice. By the way why do you wear that cross around your neck? Do you know what the cross stands for? You are so full of hate young man and it shows when you are talking. You have a lot of issues. I feel sorry for your family. Remember the blood of the fallen Zambians will never leave your clan. Your name is sprinkled with blood.

  5. (HH) don’t ever attempt to gain political mileage from the death of a citizen. Your ending will be very bad you son of Sattan.

  6. Is that Charles Milupi looking so finished? The War Crimes report is still at 95% complete?
    Looks like it drained his small brains.

    • This guy is another missed call, not sure why all these PF chaps were denied intellect to think properly, no wonder the country is in a mess

  7. Instead of asking about President Lungu, NDC Kambwili should be asking about the health status of Milupi. I hear his wife is on the lose in Lusaka.

  8. LT?
    The Mast Newspaper is spreading falsehoods that our President is under Covid19 because of Lawrence Evans. So whats wrong with my comment? Let Zambians know.
    “Instead of asking about President Lungu, NDC and Kambwili should be asking about the health status of Milupi. I hear Milupi’s own wife is on the lose here in Lusaka.”

  9. HH has concluded the investigation and knows who killed the two. We shall wait and compare with the police report. Maybe beyond this statement HH should also provide a detailed report as he seem to know the killers.

  10. Hakainde, you must begin taking responsibility for such things because I had an opportunity to act wisely and tell your cadres to stay away. All this would have been prevented. But it appears you got the results intended by not being wise or applying wisdom, if you have any

    • Even if HH did not stop cadres, that should not be a licence to kill people. The bible says don’t kill and it ends there, if you want to change that chat with the Almighty which you cant

  11. Hakainde, you must begin taking responsibility for such things because I had an opportunity to act wisely and tell your cadres to stay away. All this would have been prevented. But it appears you got the results intended by not being wise or applying wisdom, if you have any.

  12. Zambia Police has now become an arm of ruling party PF .The ICC in The Hague should investigate these PFolice killings.

  13. Warnings that Police would kill whoever would escort HH?Indscriminate use of live ammunition can kill anyone including you and me,no sane individual can support this.PF Chilufya , Chitotela we’re escorted no firearms were used…

  14. Executed and murdered by planted snipers because that is what you really looked forward to so we can be distracted from the real case they called you for

  15. After the report today I have a feeling the Minister of Police Brutality may head to another ministry, transferring a problem, may be they will put dall Kaizar there or another danda head called Kudos.

  16. Strong feelings but it’s unethical to insult one another.There are cameras around the area which can help to prove if the cadres were unruly.Even if they were (and they weren’t) was there justification to use live ammunition?

  17. same mouths will say the youths should participate in the affairs of the nation, same mouths who claim bill 10 was about youth representation, today the same mouths are telling youths to stay away from politics and encouraging them to stay home.

  18. Allow you people blame HH, you are indeed FOOLS,instead of being objective and blame the indiscipline and unprofessional conduct of your Police You focus your foolishness on HH, sad. Am not HH sympathiser but when a crime is committed, as Zambians we need to conderm it including those responsible. The Police did not do there job for whatever reason and need to be condemned. And remember the two innocent people they killed are Zambians just like you and if this situation is not stopped, tomorrow it will be you or your family will be killed. And to remind you the two lives were lost not because they were in the wrong place NO. So stop confirming HH you fools instead conderm your government with a bunch full of failures.

  19. He couldn’t report to police until he had planted snipers to shoot two people, that was what this cruel character was planning for, now that he has killed these two he is so happy that he has gained favour from people unfortunately.
    The souls of the departed will be crying for vengeance from God their blood will not rest until someone pays for it, the agonising of of their families are reaching up to heaven daily.

  20. Mzamba wa Zamani ICC at the Hague should investigate what? Charles Milupi still has a war crimes report which is at 95% for 3 years now since 2017.

  21. Time for some serious Political Mileage….Kambwili is everywhere…HH is all smiles behind that mask….these guys are evil and no wonder they will never become Presidents both of them…they can set the whole country on fire

  22. Third World, to them going to give solidarity to a leader is an offence. One can now understand why Dr Kaunda categorized ignorance as a serious disease. They are busy telling themselves that HH or the cadre did some wrong, and there is nothing painful and difficult than trying to convince a mind that deliberately misleads itself. And to them the punishment is to kill the cadre, Police brutality is okay for them

  23. Young Grade 8 Frank Mugala was killed, Young Vespers was killed, Graziar, Lawrence Banda, and others were also killed, was HH there? now because HH was summoned as dall as you are as usual you have to link the death to him. But are we surprised, because even in the past when we had drought, climate change issues, blame was hipped on HH. May God deliver you

  24. Instead of sorting out the economy which they have messed up big time, the focus of the PF is on HH. You are in your eighth year as a party in government, atleast start pretending you are working, inflation is now double digit MMD left it at single digit, even exchange rate was single digit. The issue that is affecting Zambians is the biting economy not HH, recalibrate your priorities please

  25. If you see what is going on in the country, you would understand the statement from the University of Zambia Lectrures Union that only somebody without a sane mind can vote for PF. Inflation, exchange rate, reserves, GDP, Unemployment levels are all in negative and you choose to focus on HH on an issue which took place in 2004. Our currency has depreciated by 53% to a dollar in a single year, our economic challenges started even before Covid, all other countries have covid but they have not seen such erosion of the currencies. It is common knowledge that we need somebody with the Capacity, Competency and Intellect to come and sort out these issues. The ubomba mwibala alya mwibala regime has no capacity at all.

  26. PF has never been a democratic party that is why you have seen people like KBF being expelled from the PF for merely expressing his democratic right to stand against Edgar Lungu, and you expect such a party in power to respect the democratic right of a UPND cadre to merely give solidarity to their leader, no, not these guys, they have no clue what democracy is and how people in democracies live and co exist. They shoot somebody dead and they say HH called the supporters when in fact not.

    • This comment above exemplifies what we have been saying time and again that thinking in the PF camp is very limited. No logical arguments every day, totally cursed

  27. It was you who killed Joseph. What was the need to gather so many people at the police headquarters? Why didn’t you go there with your lawyer? You are the killer, HH, you have blood on your hands.

  28. Police were doing their duty. You and your men provoked them. It was your plan to get Nsama Nsama knocked off, because it will delay the prosecution and you would get breather. You had planned the killing of Nsama Nsama and poor Joseph Kunda was collateral damage.

  29. You cry to rule, then you mess up everything with the country declared a junk state, and you start killing people. Pack and Go, NOW

  30. However, you may put it Zambians know PF government kills it’s own innocent citizens by it’s brutal police force on instructions from Kampyongo, by Kanganja approved by president Edgar Lungu. Killer regime.

  31. Who ferried those pipo to the spot? Who mobilized them to gather in such a huge number? What was the need of so many people at the spot? It was only to create tension and obstruct police from doing their duty. If you are innocent, why didn’t you go there just with four persons, as instructed by the police? You called so many people there and poor Joseph was killed in the firing. You are murderer HH.

  32. While addressing people, after your questioning, you said, the bullets were fired by snipers. Who told you that there were snipers? If they were snipers, why would they single out the state prosecutor who was nowhere near the site of commotion? He was not even in the sight of police! Who found him and shot point blank? It was your man HH who killed the state prosecutor and Joseph Kunda.

  33. Don’t give this foolish argument now. The tragedy happened because you Mobilized people to gather in solidarity. Why did you need so many people? If you are innocent, you will walk out a free man. No need to show how many people support you. The gathering was unavoidable. You got those people under a well thought plan to kill state prosecutor to delay the prosecution.

  34. I am wise enough to see through your lies HH. The two were murdered, not by the police, but you. Those who fired the killer bullets were mercenaries you had hired with specific intention. Your primary target was the state prosecutor Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kunda was killed to make it look like a case of police firing. Now here you are shedding crocodile tears! Do you think people of Zambia are blind?

  35. I don’t like UPND but the reality is that PF have lamentably failed in all aspects. Infact the 2021 elections is a no contest.

  36. If you didn’t have any intention to obstruct police duty, why the people who had covered their faces were vehemently arguing with police? Why were they not ready to leave the place despite repeated warnings? Why had they covered their entire faces? If they are your body guards, then why were they hiding their identities?

  37. You should say something about your cadre also, HH. They openly provoke people to cross paths with law and get violent. Would you ever bother to control them? What you did last Wednesday was pathetic. You have pit a blot on the image of our country. Shame on you.

  38. How long are you going to lie to the nation, HH? How low are you going to stoop in the politics? What you did is not at all acceptable.

  39. As CONCERNED AND PATRIOTIC ZAMBIAN, am so saddened by COMMON MAN’s and indeed others Zambians ignorance of the LAW. He writes that there is absolutely no law in Zambia that stops supporters from going to offer solidarity to their leader. The “PUBLIC ORDER ACT DOES”. BILL 10 wanted to address its inadequacies but greed politicians short it down and today they are pouring crocodile tears over the deaths of one innocent patriotic Zambian and a cadre.
    Note that any gathering of more one or two people be it solidarity, wedding, social function, political rallies/gatherings, unfortunately even funerals etc. etc. requires police and or local authority permission. UPND and indeed any political leadership are aware of the provisions in the PUBLIC ORDER ACT. Notions of being armed or unarmed,…

    There is no such a thing as absolutely freedom of assembly, marching, solidarity or procession (Ts & Cs apply) without ZAMBIA POLICE knowledge, presence and or authorization, NAY NAY.
    Police summoned only HH to force headquarters. The only solidarity the LAW expected of him was his lawyers and just few close family members. He was summoned as an individual Zambian and not as a politician. UPND and its leadership should shoulder the responsibility for the two deaths. Police warned everyone to stay away and UPND should have relayed the same message to its cadres. Meanwhile let us wait for the POLICE to give us a report on the incident.

  41. Don’t try to blame it on people, bro. Have balls to accept the truth. If HH never requested anyone to accompany him to police, then what was the appeals made by UPND leaders and cadre? What was the mobilization for using paid media? You are right, HH is a brand of violence in Zambia. HH is a brand of anarchy in Zambia. HH is a brand of anti national forces.

    • Who told these PF chaps that HH asked cadres to accompany him, why are people so comfortable telling untruths in what is called a Christian nation, if you think shooting people to death is right, please refer to the Bible for further guidance

  42. A lot of untruths here as usual, police did not even warn repeatedly, there were not even warning shots. Was Nsamansama a Cadre to be shot dead like that, even Kaunda why shoot him dead.

  43. You blunder and want to put the blame on HH, even Nsama nsama who was doing his professional work was shot dead, and somebody still wants to blame HH. Extremely thick

  44. Democracy which we chose in 1991 allows any supporter to go and give solidarity to their leader as long as they are not unruly, and in this case the shot dead cadre was not even unruly. If you want to continue shooting supporters of political parties who voluntarily go and support their leaders, lets have a referendum and go back to full dictatorship since for now we are partially in a dictatorship, lets just formalize dictatorship. Don’t stifle democracy by shooting to death supports who go to offer solidarity to their leaders – it is unreasonable to kill supporters in cold blood

  45. Even ferrying of cadres to go and give solidarity to a leader is very much within the law in a democracy, so stop misleading yourselves unnecessarily

  46. And in this situation, there was not even any violence. Cadres were voluntarily going to offer solidarity, some leaders in the party organized some busess for their cadres and not HH, and just like in any dictatorship the Police were even harrassing journalists, if all is well, why even harras journalists. To hide what?

  47. This boy would still be alive had you complied with the law and told him not to accompany you to the police as directed. For that reason paniy0 pak0 hh. Chic0I0ur chako. Muk0ng0 wanly0k0. Tallmber niy0k0 x

  48. Next time HH is summoned to appear in court, let him appear via video link since he is a juvenile – under 5. In that way no more exposing the poor youth to the wrath of the law.

  49. In my opinion, the problem in Zambia right now is that many UPND cadres have become lawless; they are so brainwashed that they can’t obey the police anymore but HH can’t warn them like Sata did to PF cadres; they say they are ready to die for HH and it looks like he is happy. This is the root of the problem. Can HH surely allow his own son to die for him? Where were HH’s, Garry Nkombo’s and Jack Mwimbu’s children during this sad incident? Their fathers instructed them to stay home because they anticipated danger and the boys remained drinking coffee or playing in the swimming pool.

  50. The whole mess has been brought about because of Tayali If that small case over a Kalomo farm was an issue Tayali would have lodge his complain at Police in Kalomo why was he allowed to take the matter to Police Force headquaters? this only shows that there was hiden Political intrest from Highranking PF officials.Nomba mwamoneni mwaipashaya abuntu bakaele

  51. I THINK HH THINKS he can fool Zambians. HH your days will be numbered very soon. Don’t think Zambians are fools. They know what is happening.

  52. Nobody should direct a leader not to be accompanied to Police, that is un democratic, why should Police give themselves powers they don’t have. HH is a brand and even if he is summoned again today supporters will voluntarily go and offer solidarity. The offence of killing somebody lies straight with the Police and should not be transferred to HH, there is nothing like that in law. I am PF but a very objective mind, I don’t take partisan stands, I take reasoning stands

  53. Rev.Sumaile you need to pray hard for the people that put you in office .They have resorted to killing instead.Please work hard to turn Zambia into a peaceful nation.I would suggest that you quit cos your teachings are contrary to intended objectives. Leave now.
    I fail to understand how you feel when such evil is being planned in your cabinet.

  54. As Zambians we forget very easily. The root of all the problems in our country is that HH and UPND vowed they will never recognize ECL as President of Zambia and even threatened to make Zambia ungovernable right from ECL’s victory. Let’s not forget! Since then we have witnessed unprecedented lawlessness of UPND cadres; they are brainwashed and they can’t respect or obey the police anymore and, deliberately, HH can’t warn his cadres the way Sata did PF cadres; Literally, they are ready to do anything and HH is happy. Where were the sons of HH, Garry Nkombo, Jack Mwimbu and Steven Katuka? Their fathers instructed them to stay home while they were busy ferrying other peoples’ children to Police Headquarter.

  55. @Mary Chewa:
    You’re just an arsewhore and an idy.ot. We are I’m. Democratic state here so get that right in your sick head! The question still remains what wrong did they commit? Tell us the law which they broke? Tell us the Chapter, Section and subsection?
    The answer to that is none. So you should know that you’re an imbecile; go and wash your pussi

  56. You warned them that you will kill them? wanya, you will also be killed the similar manner. why do you people like supporting the wrong act. lets put our pride behind and accept it for once that the police was wrong to kill those people. Regardless of what transpired, firearms where not a resort.

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