Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Employers Disregarding Labour Laws to be punished


Mkushi District Commissioner(DC), Emmanuel Sinkonde has warned employers in the district that he will take stern action on those that are found to be disregarding stipulated labour laws in the country.

Mr. Sinkonde told the media yesterday that his office is looking forward to improved adherence to labour laws from employers in various sectors in the year 2021.

He stated that he would act strongly on those who are found to be violating labour laws, adding government takes particular interest to uphold and protect the rights of workers.

He insisted that there is need for employers to ensure that they complete the necessary procedures of registering their workers with labour related agencies such as Workers compensation fund as well as National Pension Scheme Authority (NAPSA).

Mr. Sinkonde said that there is need to consider the possibility of injuries being sustained by workers at work for sectors such as mining, construction as well as agriculture, adding that registering with agencies such as workers compensation covers the plight of workers.

He further noted that employers must ensure that they provide transport or accommodation for workers who come far from the places of work, saying that this is particularly applicable for farm workers in the agriculture sector.

And in reference to the Mining sector, the DC said that government had laid out specific Laws that pertain to compulsory provision of protective clothing for workers such as gloves, safety boots and helmets.

Mr. Sinkonde expressed worry that over the past Months of 2020, the labour outlook had been characterized by issues related to none or late payments of wages to workers.

“this predicament had been experienced by workers of various sector and I will not hesitate to act sternly on those who continue to subject workers to suffering caused by non or late payment of wages,” he commented.

Meanwhile, data obtained from Mkushi District Labour Office showed that over the past quarters of this year, more than 45 labour related cases involved the mining sector, 29 cases were from the agriculture sector with more than 25 cases from the construction sector.

During the same period under, more than 166 cases were handled by the department with more than 142 of these cases involving wage related issues.


  1. When government pays CBU lectures on the 46th of the following month, is that respecting labour laws, and you should now be talking of punishing others, look at the log in your eye first.

  2. In the COVID era where businesses are struggling or failing, late payment of wages is to be expected! It’s not the employer’s fault! In fact such employers should be commended for keeping employees than laying them off! Employers always have the option to pay employees off!

  3. Can you say that again for the upteenth time, please? We didn’t hear it over the last nearly 60 years of independence. Please repeat it again and again, because we like to hear you threatening.

  4. There is one notorious tribal demigod leader of upnd who is well known for paying his workers peanuts. In fact if he was a whlte man he would be a racist boer farmer

  5. But where is the workers union of Zambia on these issues? Ain’t they the one to ensure and protect all workers in Zambia? Well, the problem I see here is that some of the worker’s don.t really know their rights and where to report when it comes to employment agreements and other work-related stuff, therefore, it will be better if the workers union see into it and educated every employee what their rights are and what is not. there has been too much exploitation on this fundamental accept especially labourer workers. and also the government should look at the holiday packages, People, really and truly in this modern era are entitled to paid live in most of these big companies if not all. Holidays are good for everyone who works hard and it also helps to stimulate your mind to reflect on…

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