Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu will win 2021 polls – North West PF


North Western Patriotic Front (PF) Acting Provincial Chairperson, Koshita Sheng’amo says President Edgar Lungu will win in the 2021 general elections.

Mr. Sheng’amo told ZANIS in an interview in Solwezi today that the primary focus for the party in the province is to sell the candidature of President Lungu and ensuring that he wins the 2021 general elections.

He called for unity among the PF membership in the province, saying unity and discipline is paramount for the party to deliver for President Lungu in 2021 elections.

“We must stand united…observe discipline and we must all know that we have to sell the President first. President Edgar Lungu must win…that should be the primary focus of every party member and official”, Mr Sheng’amo said.

He said the party has resolved that members should go on the ground to sell themselves for those who want to stand as Members of Parliament and councillors.

Mr. Sheng’amo, however, emphasized that those selling themselves should conduct themselves in a civil manner and not to malign others.

“But what I can emphasize is that I want this exercise to be conducted in an orderly manner…when people move on the ground, they meet the structures even help the structures organize the party and they conduct themselves in a civil manner. People should not malign others….carry out smear campaigns, no”, he said.

Mr. Sheng’amo said the mood in the province has changed as people want to work with the ruling party as they are fatigued by the same opposition politics over the last 20 years.

He said the onus is now on them as a party to get down on the ground, motivate the people so that they move together with them.

“Yes we are going to deliver by winning at least a good number of parliamentary seats, even council chairpersons…yes we shall be able to do better than 2016”, Mr Sheng’amo said.

He has since called on the general membership to ensure that all the wards are reorganized and put new people in positions where some members resigned or died.


  1. What a useless prediction. Knowing Mr Shengamo as an old opportunistic politician – a bootlicker, mushanina bwali and muselela kwakaba, it’s not a surprise that he can please his masters by making such bizarre predictions. Shengamo is few of those NW who blindly follow pf. 2021, even lungu himself is shivering. All odds are against him. Its Lungu and pf versus the majority people of Zambia.

  2. Get on the right side of history sir. You are the unimaginative loathsome lot taking bread from the hands of Zambians who most need it.

    After 9 years, $18 billion and bloodshed we don’t want what you are selling.

  3. Is this Mr Sheng’amo the only voter? PF cant win a free and fair election. Ask that serving permanent secretary I mentioned 2 months ago who clearly whispered to people that PF cannot win a free and fair election

  4. Your president is a criminal you know that, how do you expect a normal person to vote for a criminal, how many people did he kill in his leadership, it’s uncountable so your sense is wrong the person you’re praise to win election is already gone down, it just a matter of time , wait you will see keep this words in your mind.

  5. If Edgar Lungu will win with this total mess, It means Zambians will have really lowered their standards. You measure a country through the following major bench marks – GDP growth, per capita, inflation, exchange rate, reserves and exports. However, all these have been down even before covid came. However, if you are going to measure the President through donations which him and the ministers are doing which is not sustainable development in any way, he can probably win.

  6. Lungu can’t get 50% +1 if the Elections in 2021 are free,fair and credible. To retain Power Lungu will have to massively rig the 2021 Presidential Elections. In case of a Re-run with HH Lungu will lose miserably. That is why Lungu is on a Mission to remove HH from the Ballot Paper by Hook or Crook. People are Angry and Hungry and want a change of Govt in 2021. HH is the People’s hope in 2021. With or without Rigging Lungu must go! The writing is on the wall.

  7. These PF cadres and their leaders are still in a comfort zone.

    You can get all your international rating but you won’t win even rigging shall fail.

    The way you cried over Bill 10 was so shall be.

    Edgar Lungu is dusted and with revolt simmering in PF just prepare to scratch your anal areas.

    PF must go!

  8. we don’t want this sh1t in North Western, we are honest people and we don’t deal with fical matter like what we have as president. This Lungu small d1ck chap is dull, what the fcuk can he offer… theft… scatter teeth m*th3r fcuker

  9. Don’t f0000l people with this edited pics of the late SATA mhsrp campaigns..
    Zambia has already decided for change, even on the chicken we will vote.
    Dollar 25,
    Pound 29,
    Cooking oil 5ltr 200,
    Akabunga 150,
    Boom paste 20,
    Even the biggest bank note at the moment can’t feed a family for a day.

  10. When did Lungu ever win in North West ba Mwata? With Miles Sampa, I honestly doubt the chap is normal. Besides, he has COVID he contracted on his wedding day!

    • You started well and put Miles Sampa, in there, do you think us who stopped smoking are fo0ls. Don’t follow Kaizar and Mr Kudos blindly, these smoke high grade, they are my friends I know them, however though I am PF, I agree that with the way things are, we cant win a free and fair election. Mr Lungu has done his best with infrastructure but we need somebody to come and give us food now

  11. That’s possible if they have made more friends than enemies among these groups of people:
    – Private radio and TV owners who may not be free to host guests of their choice.
    – Marketeers and Bus drivers considering their relationship with cadres.
    – Civil servants on loan and those who aren’t free to act proffessiinally
    – Retirees
    – Unemployed graduates
    – College and University students and
    – Well- meaning CSOs.

  12. Who killed Joseph Kaunda first the Police must reveal their friend who pulled the trigger, they know him. Why should a life be ended in such a tragic manner. That is why JJ from PF goes into Lusaka central police station to clobber some of these police officers, he does not have patience like the rest of us. Do we need to use the same technic, go into there and clobber them to get answers?

  13. This is not just a prediction by the pf. A well known international think tank last week also predicted that pf are winning next year. Again the upnd are burying their heads in the sand. When results are out, they will run to court crying like a pregnant rat

  14. I guess Mr sheng’amo your prediction will happen if you only know how this economy is moving, let’s open our eyes if we are not careful will start using dollar as the currency. Advise the President not giving him fake hopes and how sure are you that we are going to vote for him again?, think twice.

  15. A pf cadre who survives on 12.5 kg mealie meal handouts, his wardrobe is pf regalia he can’t even afford to buy clothes, will definitely scream pabwato nafuti especially when he gets social cash transfer, they even have no clue where that money comes from, him thinks its from bakasaka kandalama’s pockets.

  16. Yes ECL and PF will win 2021 elections. It’s simple. Imagine before PF- the journey to Mongu Western Province. Before PF imagine many cinderella towns which are now attracting international attention. There will be two serious international airports which will attract many international airlines. Towns and cities are now properly connected by good roads and the list is endless.

  17. HH has already won presidential elections, yes you heard me right, but only on social media. I am not sure about the ballot box in 2021. Instead of gathering people to go and offer solidarity support for his underhand activities and disparaging the electoral commission he should try hard and have the electoral commission count social media votes otherwise he should consider very serious his retirement strategy for 2021.

  18. Please UPND leaders, twakomba do not resort to telling Zambians a lie. Rigging has never taken place at anytime in our country. Those who have won have just won genuinely and those who have lost have just lost genuinely. It’s just like football, you know, there must always be a winner and a looser, simple. You can’t both win or loose at the same time. This rubbish story of rigging, I think Zambians are tired of it.

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