President, Edgar Lungu has arrived in Ndola on the Copperbelt Province for a three-day working visit. President Lungu who is expected to inspect a series of developmental projects within the province landed at Ndola’s Simon Mwansa Kapwepwe International Airport around 10:00 hrs.
The Head of State will proceed on a tour of projects in the province. President Lungu will on Saturday congregate with Christians at one of the Seventh Day Adventist Churches in Kitwe before departure for Lusaka later in the afternoon.
Church in Zambia drawn across the country when they toured fish ponds
at State House in Lusaka.
Meanwhile, President Edgar Lungu has urged the Clergy to preach unity among the people across the country, during the run-up to the general elections in August this year.
President Lungu has noted that people with different political affiliations meet during Church gatherings hence the need for the Clergy to encourage them with words that promote peace and unity to prevent them from being distracted by politicians.
President Lungu says there is nothing wrong with politicians talking to believers about their political ambition, but there is everything wrong to incite them against each other in the quest to become leaders or provide governance.
“Wherever you are you find people come into churches from different political parties, but they have one God so try to use that teaching to unite them so that at the end of the day they don’t get distracted by politicians who really want to use them to get political power,” he says.
The President said this in Lusaka today when Reformed Church of Zambia (RCZ) Synod moderators called on him at State House.
The Head of State said his government is always full of joy to receive religious leaders as it provides both the government and the Church to discuss various issues of national development.
The President stated that government appreciates the various programmes running by the RCZ in areas of health and those which are educational in nature.
“What you are doing is supposed to be done by us but alone we can’t so we appreciate and we are not ashamed to say we will continue supporting you, in the process we are supporting our people. Where you have provided education and health services, we will partner with you,” he said.
in Zambia drawn across the country being shown fish pond at State
House in Lusaka.
Meanwhile, RCZ Synod Moderator Ackson Banda said the church appreciates government’s commitment to the declaration of Zambia as a Christian nation and October 18th as a National Day of prayer.
Reverend Banda stated that the RCZ also appreciates the love and support that government continues to demonstrate towards the church and pledged support to government in serving the people of Zambia by uplifting their welfare and eradicating poverty.
And Minister of Religious Affairs and National Guidance Godfridah Sumaili noted that the peace and sustenance that the country enjoyed despite all odds in 2020 can only be attributed to the hands of God.
Reverend Sumaili said she is persuaded that the same God will grant President Lungu and the entire nation favour even in the year 2021.
Working visit = election campaigning for PF !
The President of Zambia ECL
President arrives in Ndola at 10hrs, meanwhile
“the President said this in Lusaka today when Reformed Church of Zambia (RCZ) Synod moderators called on him at State House…”
Is this man a magician? two places at once?
Developmental projects indeed. Welcome to the copper belt sir.
Useless man he can’t even comment on what is happening at MOH…he is more interested in campaigning and bribing church leaders.
Instead of flexing and showing off instruments of power on the streets, why not show off instruments of service by providing good housing, proper health services etc.
Busy to buy councillors? 3 Day working Visit. Drinking from the so called Presidential Lodges everyday while campaigning and the poor Zambians are going to foot the bill for the chakolwa.
Keep the church out of your corruption please.
Agony is not knowing why you want to continue being president..
No local flights from Lusaka to the Copperbelt today because he is in the province.
Commerce and air travel is interrupted just because of one individual.
Zambia is totally finished as a country
Welcome to kopala
Eagle 1 mukali has landed. Now we hear hh planned a trip to the same place and has been refused due to security concerns. How can he be surprised by this when just weeks ago people died in a gathering that was commissioned by him. Why would the state risk having a violent joker like him close to the head of state
The insecure paranoid theiving fraud convict only going to CB because HH is attending funerals of UPND car accident members…….
Look how pathetic he is ……after spending billions on so called development he is now begging churches to campain for him ????
Lungu , if you spent billions on development , why do you have to use bribery and extrajudicial executions to force your self on Zambians ????
Kateka wachalo can Zambia. Work well sir
Le7y fcuker….useless
Like I said these chaps in State House sit down on Thursday or Wednesday and ask themselves where they will fly their moron of a boss to do on the weekend…I would love to see the overtime allowances the accrue for all these weekend trips…the past three months he has been flying all over the place even now he is going to CB knowing too well the their is covid-19.
A president for all zambians
All the best in your tours of duty
He knows that there’s always a spark when he’s in the same place with ECL but he’s decided to take his balls to the Copperbelt also. He wants their cadres to clash so that his mercenaries can get another opportunity to shoot another one in the head.
Flash PF symbol as if we all belong to PF. We pay him. We feed him. We dress him. We pay all his bills. He has even forgotten he came from a shanti.
All the best as you tour Copperbelt
The headline and the story are like and day…banana republic indeed!
Where did Olemekezeka get that watch? Is it a peck in Zambia to get a Rolex when you become President?
Our hardworking able leader
Commendable job you are doing your excellency
Busy going to the copperbelt to campaign while denying your friend even a chance to attend a funeral of their colleague knowing fully well that should he be allowed then the same person will outshine him on CB.
This chimbwi of a president has no plan. Galavanting province to province campaigning. Trying to bribe church leaders.
Gross mismanagement of the country, has stolen millions if not billions of dollars. Now that power has got to his thick head wants to stay forever.
Does history not teach us every tyrant will have its end.
Come august KZ will be pissing in his pants.
The sole purpose of this “working visit” is to block HH from attending his UNDP official’s funeral in Kalulushi on Thursday. Restricting HH’s movements is making him even more popular through out the Country. People want change in 2021. That change is HH and HH is Bally. Go…go Bally!
Lingua is a tin pot dictator and thief with no regard for others
@Seanmac, very true