Saturday, July 27, 2024

UK bans travel from 11 more countries including Zambia amid South African variant fears


Eleven countries including Zambia have been added to a UK travel ban list after a new mutant strain of Covid-19 was found in South Africa.

Amid fears over the new strain, the South Africa travel ban has been extended to any southern African country, including Zambia, Namibia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Eswatini, Malawi, Lesotho, Mozambique and Angola — as well as Seychelles and Mauritius, the UK Government has revealed.

Meanwhile Israel (and Jerusalem) are to be removed from a list of travel corridors for England following “data showing a significant increase in confirmed cases” in the country, the Department for Transport said.

Brits returning from banned countries will need to quarantine for 10 days from 4am on Saturday, January 9.


    • LUSAKA, Jan. 6 (Xinhua) — Zambia on Wednesday reported 850 new COVID-19 cases in the last 24 hours, bringing the cumulative cases to 23,495 as the country continues to grapple with a surge in the second wave of the pandemic.

      The cases were picked from 10,461 tests while five people died bringing the total deaths to 417.

      Figures released by the health ministry further show that 146 patients were discharged during the same period bringing the total recoveries to 19,672.

      Huge gatherings have been identified as the major cause behind the second wave of COVID-19 in the southern African nation.

      Health authorities fear that the country’s health system if cases continue surging and nothing is done to contain the spread of the virus.

  1. Does not make sense. There is more covid in your UK than in Southern Africa. In any case we do not want to come to your heavily infested country.

  2. GOOD…MAYBE FAKE KZ (COUNCIL FLAT UK OCCUPANT) will stop foolish blogs…. Am informed even foolish blogging is suspended until this COVID issue is dealt with…..

  3. Observer -what a childish remark, what we should be doing is also banning people from high risk countries like Europe, UK, US and South Africa and PROTECT

  4. UK should ban all flights into the
    Country.This decision has come
    Too late as country faces highest
    Cases as lockdown one after other.As health professionals don’t know which way.vaccines is
    Waste of time and money.let zambia also ban flights.

  5. Who really cares? I mean who would even want to travel to UK where they have lamentably failed to manage the virus? I am afraid that UK is not longer appealing to most zambians apart from those upnd diasporans who lost their zambian citizenship and are being kept there. The UK needs to swallow pride and ask us how we have managed this virus better than them. There is no such thing as a south African variant. That virus came from China. Do not paint this continent black because you failed to deal with virus. Don’t patronize us. We are not as daft as upnd diasporans

  6. Who really cares? I mean who would even want to travel to UK where they have lamentably failed to manage the virus? I am afraid that UK is not longer appealing to most zambians apart from those upnd diasporans who lost their zambian citizenship and are being kept there.

  7. As long as you don’t ban EPL the move welcome. After all most of these *****s traveling into your kingdom are our corrupt GRZ heads. I wish the entire Europe could lock them out.

  8. Ise bazungu are coming in from their heavily covid infested nations and we are say….no powers over our own destiny, awe sure poverty is an inconvenience!

  9. Lusaka tines sort your chi website. I am not in the mood today especially with this terrible stomach upset I have. You won’t manage kuni lowa ba upnd. I am from the east kiki

  10. Banning flights from southern Africa as if that’s where the variant came from? Yet it can mutate ANYWHERE. It’s like trying to stop rain from falling by throwing stones against the sky. Just shows how clueless/helpless scientists/politicians have become. Covid has brought them to their wits end.

  11. Every country has the right to block visitors, its not personal mwebantu Stop seeing yourselves as victims. We know some of you who are too shallow start thinking you are very special if Britain doesn’t ban your citizens from visiting. And then you go about walking with a false sense of pride ati ba master ine banikonda bazonda che South Africa Good! Izi Ninzelu za ufontini. Focus on yourself and on your home certainly not on your former coloniser’s home.

  12. @ Kaizer Zulu, why have you ostracized “umwaice” Munir Zulu from PF party – he contributed K185,000.0 buying a hat for ECL (god).

  13. Despicable @KZ is incapable of analysis. Every country does what it takes to protect itself according to current science – whether they have erred along the way or not. Zambia should do the same and don’t kid yourself that others have to learn from zambia’s ‘measures’. It is now to be really serious as inductions are that the transmissions may merely have been slower.

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