Monday, June 17, 2024

Wife appears in court for murdering third wife to her husband


Patriotic Front (PF) Lupososhi Constituency Chairperson, Cosmas Kangaale’s wife, Theresa Chibwe, yesterday appeared in the Luwingu Magistrate court charged with murder.

It is alleged that on December 2, 2020, Chibwe 34, of Chikondo village in Senior Chieftainess Chungu’s area, Lupososhi district, murdered Yvonne Kabwe 30, who is also a third wife to her husband using a hoe after a dispute, contrary to section 200 of the penal code chapter 87 of the laws of Zambia.

It is purported that Chibwe had a dispute with Kabwe after she found her cultivating in the farm belonging to their husband and instantly hammered her with a hoe on her shoulders and died on the spot.

And Luwingu Magistrate, Kenny Nkundwe, adjourned the matter waiting for directives from the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP).


  1. Very sad turn of events. Although we find it absurd to state the husband’s job and details in a case involving the wlfe and another woman. Upnd way of thinking

  2. The institution of marriage… where was the CEO when implements were being issued and slots apportioned? Useless husband…

  3. Bemba lady cannot handle polygamy. Me too don’t support it. But her reaction led her to commit the ultimate crime Murder. Seems most Tonga ladies are immune to polygamy, please people leave it to the experts. Only a Tonga bull is strong to handle polygaym pressures. Not worth it now she’ll have to spend the rest of her life behind bars. It was better to leave the marriage & enjoy life. More women need to be empowered economically.

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