Sunday, February 16, 2025

Message to Dr Nevers Mumba: Zambia has no capacity to analyze a Vaccine


By Dr Teddy Andrew Mulenga

Nevers Mumba is a former classmate of mine at Hillcrest in Livingstone 1974-1978. He went the Pastoral route, I went the Medical route, but that is alright I have the greatest respect for him and he is an intelligent man and a damn good Preacher Man. But when he says no Covid Vaccine to be used in Zambia till our own Scientists have tested and verified the safety and effectiveness of the yet to arrive Covid Vaccine, this is where he seems not to understand the following…

  1. Zambia has no capacity to analyze a Vaccine. What Zambian Scientists do for any drug or Vaccine is to look at the research results, the methodologies of research, the conclusions reached, Peer-reviewed papers, by those who have conducted studies on such. You can’t physically break them up and analyze, as he seems to suggest.
  2. The World has reputable institutions like CDC(Centre for Disease Control) USA, FDA(Food Drug Agency) USA, British Scientific bodies, The Russian Academy of Science, Chinese Academy of Science and others including WHO. These when they recommend a drug or Vaccine, you have nothing to worry about.
  3. No one has ever said there is Vaccine or drug with no side effects. But what the Scientists follow is the benefit Vs side effects. Minimal side effects are acceptable in drug use.
  4. No one has said they with certainty know the long term effects of the Covid Vaccine as it has just entered usage stage. In the short term there is plenty evidence of their safety. The monitoring will continue.
  5. No Zambian Scientist analyzed the ARVs saving lives today nor the Polio, Measles, Small Pox, BCG or any other Vaccine in use today.

It’s therefore unfortunate for Nevers to send wrong signals to Zambians suggesting they should reject the Vaccine till some analysis is done. We have plenty of conspiracy theories flying around and anything indirectly promoting this is rather very unfortunate. Our Scientists have already looked at the available research and have advised we all take the Covid Vaccine when given the chance.
The plan will be to cover the Health workers, Teachers, the old, those with underlying health problems in a 20% first strike.

Let us not deflect these plans with wild demands!

Dr Nevers Mumba’s Response

I have taken note of the comment and feedback from Dr Andrew Mulenga in regards to my statement on the need to validate the coming vaccine. I wish to confirm that my colleague Andrew was my classmate at Hillcrest in the 70’s. Great fellow indeed.
My only concern is that he is focusing on what I am not asking. My position is simply to challenge government to ensure that they do the verification. They then inform the citizens about the processes taken. Yes, this is hard work, but government must consider it as the most important part of this vaccine rollout.

Andrew refers to previous inoculations which we took without question. This does not count. Times have changed now. Social media has been flooded with information most of which is not true but unfortunately being consumed by our citizens. We did not have this amount of information in the polio and small pox days which Andrew is using as reasons why Africans must just accept whatever is given without question.

The only way to give confidence is by mounting a responsible campaign to intelligently convince an overly enlightened generation that the vaccine is safe. Threats and political power are insufficient to suppress people’s views. What people need is respect by having government assure them of the safety of this vaccine. Governments have a responsibility to convince citizens on the safety of the vaccine. To defend the status quo is almost an insult to Zambians.

The five points raised by my friend Dr. Mulenga have very little to do with my point.

  1. That Zambia has no capacity to analyze the safety of the Vaccine: This point does not advance his argument but affirms my point. Zambians have the right to know that their government has done due diligence.
  2. The World has reputable institutions like the American CDC: This is a dangerous path. The Tuskegee syphilis Experiment of 1932 undermines our confidence in the CDC. Please google this unfortunate abuse of black people with a lethal vaccine.
  3. No one says the vaccine has no side effects: Wow! At least tell Zambians this and work on a research which helps us to understand what these side effects could be.
  4. No one knows the long term effects of the vaccine: To sustain such a position would make us a bunch of irresponsible leaders who can become a danger to future generations.
  5. No Zambian Scientist ever analyzed previous vaccines: This does not mean we were right not to analyze the earlier vaccines. As Africans, I think we are now of age and therefore free to ask questions. This is not 1967 but 2021. If asking our government to tell us what is inside the “food” they are giving us is wrong, then I don’t want to be right.


I thank You.

Dr. Nevers Mumba


  1. Covid is a novel virus which even amongst the most medically advanced nations, few have come up with the vaccine. Dr Mumba, under which facilities are we gonna Test the vaccine? Our system recently failed lamentably to test medical gloves & condoms & now you’re proposing we test the vaccine? The companies that have developed the vaccine have invested heavily in research & development of these viruses. What R&D do we have here? Our Medical Practitioners maybe qualified but without state of the art research facilities & funding ($billions by the way)into specific virus strains, it can’t Dr Mumba. The best due diligence is making sure we avoid another HoneyBee saga. We need to get this vaccine directly from either Pfizer or Moderna, the two verified by CDC & WHO. We shouldn’t engage…

  2. Put simply, Dr. Nevers Mumba is asking that govt acts more responsibly before they administer covid vaccines than they did distributing uncertified paracetamol, “leaky” condoms and defective latex surgical gloves in the HoneyBee scam.

  3. Nerves statement sounds good on paper. But in reality what he is saying doesn’t makes sense. Its like asking the Zambia civil aviation to first certify a plane before Zambians can fly on even though we have never even produced a plane in the first instance. What capacity to inspect do you have on something you cannot produce?

  4. mad people will disagree with Nevers Mumba & politicize his advice.
    Millions of people are dead in a number of countries that host the most advanced technologies yet these same countries are still skeptical about the vaccine. Between us the least affected countries & the most affected countries who need the vaccine first? so lets be very careful analysing things before we become too excited in agreing or disagreing with other pipo’s opinions. Let us agree to accept a vaccine that will wake in Italy, US, UK and South Africa otherwise our government is desperate for money & they can give you poison.

  5. Dr Andrew Mulenga do your job don’t be lazy. What kind of a doctor are you to even proudly say you have “no capacity”? You should be ashamed!! 50 years of “independence” what did you *****s fight for? What do you think KK sent you to University on a bursary for?? Do your job and uphold your oath!!

    • He is saying the country has no capacity. Its not that he doesnt want to do his job. Give him the facilities and he will be one of a team that does the job, Such things are not done by one person. That is why the government has a bbig big role to play in such a project.

  6. Med Doc seems to be content that we cant analyze anything. It may be time to start growing/using existing capabilities. Depending on peer reviews are a standard but on ur life u should able to review a few things.

  7. This is the academic exercise we need: argue well, point out what the other said and then give a counter-argument. Fact by fact, not ad hominem ati, iyo the reason why the archbishop is speaking like is that is because some one had children with his sister. Dr Mulenga and Dr Mumba have responded to each other in a respectable manner. Not inselele, ati catile cobe, ino province ni bedroom yandi, ni no go area for you, when the person is pointing out some failures in economic policies.

    • Cde Kanyifwa Goma, indeed we do not have the capacity because we have too many jokers in our Country. Our so called Scientists are merely logisticians, specialised in supply chain of drugs and vaccines.

  8. Performance of Due Diligence before accepting such a controversial vaccine developed overnight is not too much to ask. I stand with Dr. Mumba on this one. Also especially that our Ministry of Health and other responsible entities have not demonstrated good faith in the procurement of Drugs for the population, makes the nation ever more skeptical.

  9. ZAMRA does pharmaco vigilance tests on all drugs before they’re administered, alternatively it partners with other partner institutions to do it. I’ve so far registered 3 new drugs on the Zambian market and it cost $50 for each. Let’s not say things for the sake of saying something in order to look clever. What has Nervers to say about conmen asking people to stop ARVs and instead anointed water? Isn’t that not more unreasonable?

  10. Dr Mumba is rightly trying to ask our experts to be more cautious and responsible especially after the Honey Bee scandal. B a class is just overreacting and rushing trash Dr Mumba’s concern. Dr Mumba is not asking you to breakdown the vaccine but to be responsible and do what you have already attributed as to what experts do in Zambia and failed to do regarding the Honey Bee scandal. Meanwhile let us continue using masks and social distancing!

  11. Kudos to Lusaka Times for bringing together two opposing views. Nice debate from bloggers. This is what it should be. Next time choose a topic and ask political parties to give us their plans and policies eg on agriculture or education or health.

  12. For the first time I agree with nevous mumba. He is showing that we need to use our heads & not just be told by people who have previously acted against us.

  13. Dr Mulenga writes like a typical Zambian of yesteryear. What capacity is it that Zambia lacks outside of human resource like yourself? Further, wouldn’t it just be great to be predictive in what side effects our people may encounter and whether we would be able to counter them. This and other valid points is why I still think Dr Mumba is on point. Sanakane Iwe Mulenga; tifuna tiziwe

    • Kalok what are you talking about? Human Resource is but a fraction of medical or scientific endeavours. That is why Zambia and other African countries have continued losing the scientists it produces to the developed world. Scientists need equipment to do their job. Zambia doesn’t have a private hospital because the capital required for such a venture cant be provided by any of our doctors on their own. On the other hand South Africa with a big business community has the better facilities we lack. Think

  14. Now these are the incompetent educated people that are a let down. So you are telling us that you are just going to blindly accept the vaccine without even putting in effort to test what you want to inject people with? Simple logic and ethics demand that if you don’t have capacity to test it then don’t give it to the people. YOU CANNOT USE PEOPLE AS GUINEA PIGS OF SOME NEW DRUGS WHOSE EFFECTS ARE NOT FULLY KNOW!

    • Wise Banda so that 7 years our friends do is for what? Just to dispense panado? Or just to put together a diagnosis after someone tells you how they feel? We need to do better… It can’t be.

    • Juven Manyungu exactly. I don’t understand a person who has undergone 7 years training using public funds saying he lacks capacity to test whether the drugs he wants to administer on people is safe. Thats lack of seriousness to say the least.

    • This kind of disrespect for education is what leads to a nation of corrupt thieves. Those who don’t respect education think they can get wealthy with stewpid shortcuts such as theft, robbery, corruption and other vile acts.

  15. So you mean to tell the Zambian people that it’s better to accept everything that is thrown at us because you guys don’t have capacity? What happened to building that same capacity? Remember this is not a hundred percent political case but Medical as well. Why then do we have national research council and their institutions?

  16. Kikikikikikijukija Hehehehehehe
    Nevers is delusional and naive here.
    What Mulenga is saying is full proof of how the medical professionals work. It’s pure naivety for Mumba to rant that we need to be opening up antiviral drugs, measles vaccines and the likes.
    Dude Mumba, you don’t have capacity unless you don’t understand the term.
    Drugs sent for international administration always meet set standards. Build capacity then yap. Do you have the time though? Otherwise kuifukutilafye ngataulefyaya.

  17. Enditaye, Mumba aletila we were sleeping and never interrogated Asprin, Paracetamol, Caffeno, Nolorone, Chloroquine netembusha. Nakuchilisha ama vaccines ya TB, Measles, Polio, Smallpox na fyakuti fyakuti.
    1. You can’t make a simple pain Killer
    2. You can’t combine or disband a simple carbone atom from a compound of carbone dioxide or oxygen from Water.
    3. Do you understand how vaccines are manufactured? The Time, Training, Environment, Performance, Expertise, Processes and Procedures.
    In short manufacture your own before yoh begin to interrogate other peoples work that has made you live. At least as we speak and before you mislead many, vaccines of TB, Smallpox, Measles still hover your blood Mumba. You have kids and you never stopped your wife to inoculate you very kids. You’re a…

  18. Cho? Cise!
    Ukwasukana mumapepala yapa internet.
    This Nevers, what made him lose his jobo as a vice to LPM was, cho? Cise!
    Mulenga is a medical practitioner, Nevers is former pastor turned politician, not a good one at that.
    This is the problem with politicians, they think they know all. If I tell Mumba about my profession, he will ACT intelligent and try to lecture me.
    This argument is simple. The riddle. Mumba is a Politician and yaps like opposing politicians -illogically; Mulenga is a Medical Practitioner and he is telling it as it is, period. Both win in their worlds. So this is a medical world. Mule wins.

  19. Dr. Mulenga wrote that “Our Scientists have already looked at the available research and have advised we all take the Covid Vaccine when given the chance” In an earlier post, I requested Dr. Mulenga to inform us what work Zambian Scientists do in assessing the various drugs and vaccines developed in other countries. Where is the report where Zambian scientists have looked at the available research prior to advising Zambians to take the Covid vaccine? Iam still waiting for feedback on this request from Dr. Mulenga. If indeed Zambian scientists are looking at available research, then by now we should have a comparative assessment on the various Covid vaccines developed around the world. I hope the available research has also covered side effects. Where we are not sure of side…

  20. @ Matumbo the debate is healthy so far because that is because that f**l has not woken up yet to start vomiting his standard HH, UPND diaspora nonsense.

  21. Very civil discussion we have had here! This is how it should be all the time if we are to move forward.
    I think the learned doctor has enlightened us on a few points but Dr. Mumba indirectly tries to point out that there needs to be ownership on the Zambian front. The GRZ should have appointed a committee of imminent medical persons to gather enough information on the efficacy of the different vaccines being developed and advise government and above all disseminate educational information to the masses. This will provide future generations who to hold responsible for either success or indeed failure!.
    I dont know but have you all noticed that one KZ has steered clear of the intelligent debate? LT keep him away for good…

  22. Dr. Mulenga and Dr. Mumba were my seniors at Hillcrest. Dr. Mumba even held the highest rank in the Cadet force at Hillcrest while. These two gentlemen were very intelligent to say the least.

  23. Zambia may not have the capacity to analyze the vaccine but it does’nt mean we have no capacity to make our own decisions. There are definately other scientists on the continent who can work together with Zambian scientists to verify and approve the vaccine. However, I still cannot comprehend why the need for a vaccine for a disease that gives you immunity after recovering.

    • The immunity that the infection gives you lasts only 5 months. This like many facts about this illness has just been discovered recently. However you may be right in that we don’t know how long the vaccine’s immunity will last. We may discover its only a year and that might mean more costs

    On one hand, Dr. Mulenga raises good points of reflection for Zambia. Are we content with our current level of development where we don’t have labs to analyse medicines we consume & vaccines we’re injected with? Not only this, when our Presidents & those who govern us have problems we fly them out of the country. Covid must wake us up from our slumber. There’s still a lot of work to be done in order to achieve higher levels of development.
    On the other hand, Dr. Mulenga’s critic lacks Political considerations. This is where he got Dr. Nevers Mumba wrong. He states they were at Hillcrest together but afterwards went different routes; him medical & Nevers Pastoral. This introductory distinction echoes an undermining signal. In other words, Dr. Mulenga the Medical thinks he has more authority on the topic than Dr. Mumba the Religious. He dresses Dr. Nevers in a religious outfit & himself in medical then throws himself against Nevers in medical ring. The Dr. has ignored one crucial fact about Dr. Mumba- he isn’t only religious but Political too. He was Vice President & Ambassador. He has some Political experience. Dr. Mulenga erred in ignoring this crucial fact about his opponent. I did a ka quick small research on Dr. Mulenga & found his books on Amazon. I checked one book, “Sleep your way to Success” & in it found his brief biography. His biographer mentions that among Dr. Mulenga’s peers is Dr. Nevers Mumba- former Vice President & Ambassador to Canada. Dr. Mulenga is very much aware of Dr. Nevers’ Political experience & achievements. In fact he benefitted from it by advertising his books with Dr. Nevers’ name & political achievements. Why Dr. Mulenga elected to ignore Nevers the Politician & attacked Nevers the religious raises eyebrows & questions of credibility. Perhaps as the title of his book suggests, he wants to “sleep his way to success.”
    Politics play a major role in the development, advertising, purchasing, marketing & utilization of vaccines. This explains why President Trump took a victory lap in the development of Pfizer & Moderna covid vaccines. This also explains why most politicians are taking the vaccines in public. Vaccines aren’t just simply a medical issue but economic & obviously Political. How much money do these pharmaceutical companies & individuals get? Who pays them? Politicians. Who purchases these vaccines on behalf of citizens? Politicians. These pharmaceutical companies & individuals even donate money to politicians for Political activities. Politicians need money to do politics.
    All in all, there’re business & Political relationships between the pharmaceutical industry & Politics. This relationship easily explains the Chitalu-Chilufya scandal… because of money & influence some errors are bound to occur in the process of development of vaccines. Compromise does exist in the whole process. There’re various vaccines on the market. Which vaccines are our politicians purchasing for us & why? Obviously covid vaccines are of varying qualities (some are 50% effective while others are 80%). What kind of vaccines have our African politicians purchased for us? Any compromise or corruption behind these purchases? Something like the Dr. Chitalu-Chilufya scandal???
    All in all, Dr. Mulenga raises good questions of reflection regarding Zambia’s level of development but his critic has some weaknesses too, lack of Political considerations which are a reality in the development, marketing, purchasing & utilization of vaccines. I’ve my own critic of Dr. Nevers’ vaccine message. For now I respond to Dr. Mulenga’s critic of Dr. Nevers Mumba.

    • Ba Lusaka Times, a person who writes and argues brilliantly like this one should not be left in your readers’ posts section. You should hire him and let him write for you but most of you current internet publishers do not want to pay. You just want cheap or free articles that attract attention but have nothing to offer. Make this Francis Sauti your correspondent and we will be coming to your site regularly.

  25. I just enjoy debates, especially when it’s between or among intellectuals like these two. My take is that the arguments being advanced by one of these two intellectuals are basically made due to one’s affinity to who foots the bill at the end of the day; and therefore his arguments are not objective at all. The winner of this debate is the other intellectual! I also wish debates could also be extended to all presidential aspirants through the constitution…just my option.

  26. 2 sides of the same coin my brothers.

    You are both right, and both wish the best for citizens. Work together on this one. You will achieve more.

    The vaccine is questionable, especially now that virus has mutated. Drug companies are working around the clock trying to tweak their vaccines so they can counter the new variants. This is where the challenge is.

    The current vaccine is pretty much useless now, and, is being shipped to Africa. No surprises there.

    There is a lot of trial and error being done on human lives. Chipantepante.

    Zambia has ordered the Russian version of the vaccine. This vaccine has been around for months. Yet Russia keeps losing nearly 1000 people daily to corona. Make your own deductions from this.

  27. Dr Mumba is not explaining the real reason behind his stance. He is among a group of pentecostal doomsdayers who are postulating that the vaccine-they think theres only one vaccine-is a fulfillment of the 666 doctrine from the Bible, South African Chief Justice Mogoeng is one of them who believe that the vaccine will alter human DNA and inscribe the 666 mark on whoever takes it. This in itself is a twisting of the Bible but remember the bible has many followers each with his own interpretation

  28. Nevers mumba Iib0I0 fye. We shouldn’t have helped him to be released from Congo. The man is a loose cannon. A deek head

  29. Dr Nevers Mumba,i salute you.Thats the way to go.We must not just be taken for a ride just because we are Africans,,,no..We must ask questions.Am with you on this one Dr..Thumbs up for you.

  30. I dont see why we are missing facts here. Dr. Mumba raised two points. The first was that Zambian doctors should test and analyse the vaccines before rolling them out to the Zambian people. The second one was that authorities should do what it takes to validate the safety of the vaccines before rolling them out. Dr Mulenga answered the first point correctly. He said the country currently does not have the capacity to do the testing. What the rest of us need to do is to encourage authorities to do Dr Mumba’s second concern of encouraging authorities to validate and ensure that the vaccines imported are safe for the people.

  31. Well spoken Dr Mumba
    We are not a country that should just receive and accept any medication without proper analyses weather we gat the proper equipments or not
    We gat to hold on
    And see or hear the reactions from those people whose countries will start the vaccine.

    Years back we had HIV and it came as a great threat to the world.
    Am not in the medical field
    But I remember nations, and individuals had options and views about the ARVs checking and verifying how they could affect man kind
    Eventually the world made and agreed.

    We still have the right to do the same on covid today
    We gat to learn and understand the positive and negative reactions the vaccine may bring to man kind
    And when a suggestion is brought like the way Dr Mumba brought it!
    Their is no reason why we…

  32. Its funny how people laugh at their own when they are trying to tell them to exercise caution …you even have these shameless professionals Dr Teddy Andrew Mulenga giving points on why Zambia should just take any vaccine because they have no capacity to analyse. Seriously is this what they teach you in university …you don’t have the capacity but you are fortunate enough to have the raw data to conduct a research and come to a valid conclusion.

  33. Look at impostor such topics are too complex for him so he resorts to mudslinging as that’s the only thing he has …he can not give his opinion because he doesnt know how the real KZ would react to this article.

  34. Thousands of Zambians consume herbal medicines and use charms that have never been verified by anyone whether they are safe or that they work. Now, you have a new disease and you want us to go the same way we went denying the existence of AIDS and calling it an American Idea to Discourage S e x . If it wasn’t for KK coming out to openly say that his son died of AIDS and we had a President like uThabo Mbeki, we would have lost more lives. We have no choice here but to follow the peer reviewed scientific literature.

  35. Ba Nevers Mumba should talk based on evidence. Not fake news. What kind of leadership is he showing. Politics is not like church. Please ba Nevers provide facts when you talk

  36. I agree with Dr Nevers Mumba,
    Depending on CDC(Centre for Disease Control) USA, FDA(Food Drug Agency) USA, British Scientific bodies, The Russian Academy of Science, Chinese Academy of Science and others including WHO, won’t convince Zambians.
    The same mentioned institutions are the ones recommending the COVID VACCINE not to be used in their countries.

  37. Nevers Mumba. Your Quote!! “Zambians have the right to know that their government has done due diligence.”

    For the Zambia government to do diligence it will require medical specialist experts and the technology. We don’t have people who can do that or the technology. This is what your former classmate is telling you. What part have you not understood?

    The problem with politician is that you are addicted to spinning !!!

  38. You mean from 1964 till date Zambian scientist can’t verify a single thing. And what is the government doing to help them.

  39. Mumba showing off his ignorance yet again. This chap will have you watch the world go by waiting for Zambia’s verification of the vaccine, when clearly you just have to rely on his MMD medical doctors to tell him that boss, the whole world has verified, we are the only ones remaining. Better to ignore him as usual, he is used afterall.

  40. Zambians should pull together a team of African labs and make their own tests of all proposed vaccine and search alternative medication. You can’t just say OH The Chinese and the Russians have tested their vaccine and the results are satisfying. Of course they won’t tell you the opposite, it’s their vaccine and they want to sell it. It’s like a asking a car’s salesman about the quality of their vehicles.
    The bigger question is: Does people living is sub-African countries need this Covid Vaccine to start with? There are researches that proves that Sub-African have the right anti-bodies and immune system to resist this virus and another researches could be on alternative medicine that prevents someone to catch or spread this virus. Madagascar has come up with this kind of research…

  41. Thanks for such a prompt and great response. I was going to go on Twitter and go after Mr Mumba but it seems his Twitter has no been active in a long time. Those who question Science with no basis in a time of a pandemic reminds me of the craziness and incompetence of Donald Trump. This also reminds me of when Levy Mwanawasa was refusing maize for the impoverished saying “it was poison” meanwhile been eating the same corn for 20 years. The pandemic is serious and if Zambia is lucky enough to get vaccine, I will say take the vaccine please. Unless you are a person who reacts badly to medicine or have a history of Severe Allergies or Guillen Barre syndrome. I remember taking vaccines in the 80’s at Lusaka boys and those actions by the KK administration has kept people alive. He belongs in…

  42. Dr Mumbai is right. We may not have the capacity as Zambia but we can use trusted partners like our Brothers in South Africa in SADC together with a Team of Doctors in Zambia too to verify these vaccines. I would trust my SADC brothers that CDC or Bill Gates Foundation or WHO.

  43. Does Dr Mumba know that once doctors in Zambia have carried out a biopsy, the specimen is sent to South Africa through Nkanza (lancet) laboratory for histopathology testing? The health care system in Zambia is so crippled that even cancer antigen test is done in South Africa. I am sure the number of deaths that have occurred due to covid-19 in the past few days should be reminder that the statement by WHO that Africa will be hit hard by the pandemic is coming to be full filled. Let those who want to receive covid-19 vaccine do so without hindrance and those who do not want remain as such. The so called UTH is dead hospital no wonder no politician want to be cared for there when they are sick.

  44. The pandemic is a created one. The vaccines have questionable developments as most of them have been grown from aborted stem cells. Morally, those who make,those who will buy, give and receive such vaccines are and will be guilty of mortal sin of abortion because they would have willingly participated in murdering a baby as a sacrifice for their bodily well being. This is the argument that some theologians are putting forth.
    Moreover, proponents of covid 19 vaccines like Bill Gates and allies are fierce advocates of population control methods. How can they work against their long time dream of drastically reducing the population of the world? We cannot help but wonder that they’ve put inside those ‘vaccines ‘ some lethal poisons. We’d rather make our own vaccines.These are some of…

  45. Before we condemn Dr Mumba or Dr Mulenga we should analyse and read widely. The problem with us Zambians is that we do not read or have short memories or too trusting.
    1. When you analyse the covid statistics you will discover that USA and most European countries are the highest victims of covid deaths. These are the countries that should masively promote and use the vaccine but they are not, why? Because they have not tested the vaccine long enough and therefore can not risk the lives of their citizens.
    2. The same countires with the highest numbers of covid deaths want the vaccines to be used in Africa and on Africans. They want to use us as guinea pigs for trials. They dont care about our lives. All they want is to use us, period. The same labs and organisations cited by Dr Mulenga…

    • You have imagined too many things and just like Donald Trump you want followers to believe what you say but not the reality.
      These are the countries that should masively promote and use the vaccine but they are not, Really?
      All the vaccines are coming from the US and Britain. The US is busy trying to vaccinate its population. Noone has asked for the vaccine to be tested on Africans.

  46. An interesting debate between two former classmates. However, the journey of a vaccine from phase 1 to phase 111 supports Dr Mulenga’s argument. Before a vaccine is approved for use, it goes through careful testing to make sure it is safe and effective. Highly trained scientists and doctors evaluate the results of these clinical studies. Dr Mumba why would you buy a vaccine and then break it up to analyse its safety and effectiveness? It defeats all logic. The vaccine is not made for Africa or Africans alone, it is for whole wide world. In fact, the standard for testing and monitoring of vaccines is higher than it is for most other medicines, because they are one of the few medical treatments given to healthy people. When Dr Mulenga talks about capacity, its not about knowledgeable…

  47. When Dr Mulenga talks about capacity, its not about knowledgeable people, it’s more about equipment and other paraphernalia.

  48. Dr Mumba is right we are not in 1960’s,this issue of vaccine it’s all over on social media we know the plans of America and the so called Bill gate’s team is to eliminate 3 billion plus African people and what do they do is to find ways and means to do so that’s why they have brought vaccines . Leaders protect your fellow African by not accepting everything that comes from whites in the name of dollars in our pockets.

  49. @CH Daniels politics and church are one and the same thing. Both offer believers a better future but don’t deliver. Both argue without objective evidence but convince followers to join. Both can lead followers to their demise-check out Rev Jim Jones and Lenshina. In politics check out Donald Trump who convinced followers that the government was the enemy. Yet he was the leader of govt.

  50. I salute you Dr Mumba you are 100 percent right.We need to analyze things, it is not just the matter of receiving things.No!

  51. This vaccine is worrying us as youths there is so many Scarry videos on social media where even a Dr is confessing to depopulate africa that is poorest as for how wait for the government to take it face it might be a trap

  52. I am an African from Nigeria, Dr Nevers Mumba raised very valid argument on the need for Africans to subject the Vaccine to scrutiny. Admitting that Africans have no capacity to question what she consume is very absurd. Why will the maker inscribe on the literature that the vaccine should not be distributed in the “US, CANDA, EU”. Are Africans so dumb that we can’t ask questions? Has the beggarly nature of Africa also taken our brains from us entirely that we now only act like zombies?
    God help Africa.

  53. I totally agree with Dr Andrew Mulenga.
    Nevers Mumba’s rhetoric on the Covid 19 vaccine is very misleading and dangerous.

  54. I totally agree with Dr Andrew Mulenga.
    Nevers Mumba’s rhetoric on the Covid 19 vaccine is very misleading and dangerous. Anyone who listens and does what he asks will have to live with the consequences of that decision.

  55. I am deeply vexed by ongoing Cov*****ic dissemination of conspiracies from antivaxxers about the Covid-19 vaccine by some ministers of the gospel. The main issue I have is commanding mass followers not to be vaccinated while a global dark cloud of death hangs over.

    Who are you to issue a directive that no Zambians should be vaccinated?

    Who are you to take away people’s rights to decide for themselves whether to be vaccinated or not?

    Your demand for vaccine verification and validation which is impossible to achieve, is an insult to the integrity and due diligence the govt and ZAMRA, the licencing board may have undertaken on the vaccine.

    First and foremost, there is something called faculty, check it out. It appears you have no clue that there is a difference between ordinary…

  56. First and foremost, there is something called faculty, check it out. It appears you have no clue that there is a difference between ordinary doctors and specialists in viruses and vaccines (Virologists) or you wouldn’t call for doctors to this task. Do you think Zambia is in any optimal resourceful position to fulfil your request? If Zambian scientists had the resources and capabilities to verify the constituents of a Covid-19 vaccine, they would also be able to produce their own Covid mRNA vaccine. Be realistic, this is a preposterous and nonsensical request.

    You are right, about people dying like fools. However, it will be because they listened to your misleading and baseless rhetoric which is rooted in an epiphany of machinations and not due to the vaccine. (Hosea 4:6 my people are…

  57. (Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge(a)). Given the medical standards in Zambia, most will die or spread the virus to others who will lose their lives because they acted on your call to refuse protection.

    You said politicians want people vaccinated because they are corrupt. In my opinion, your asking people to refuse vaccination is unsubstantiated and therefore more of an attempt to remaining relevant and significant.

    It appears you don’t have any understanding of the laws governing the use of unlicenced/off-label medicines. Drugs with this label simply have their licence in one country but can be used outside the boundaries of the licencing country. It does not mean that the vaccine/drug is unsafe.

    You also wrongly applied the sub-standard medicines to…

  58. You also wrongly applied the sub-standard medicines to Covid-19 vaccine. You appear clueless on the introduction and effect of the Falsified Medicines Directives (FMD) on the medicine supply chain who are tirelessly working to eradicate these drugs from circulation. Sub-standard drugs are obtained from illegal online pharmacies and street markets particularly in Africa and Asia. The west does not produce substandard drugs specifically for Africa as you insinuated.

    You claim to have privileged information about the vaccine. In my opinion, you mean the usual groundless conspiracies about the poison/ mark of the beast chip in the vaccine without any reliable evidence. Newsflash! Google results are NOT a reliable source of information. It is only common sense that if these conspiracies…

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