Saturday, July 27, 2024

Green party to hold national convention in May


The Green Party has disclosed that it will hold its national convention alongside presidential nominations in May 2021once the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) sets the nomination dates.

Party president, Peter Sinkamba said he has also urged the ECZ to give guidance whether the presidential nominations will be done virtually or physically bearing in mind the numbers involved in carrying out the exercise amidst Covid 19 guidelines.

Mr. Sinkamba said the greens (Green party) believe in democracy and to demonstrate this, a national conference has to be held where party members will be given an opportunity to elect national leaders to run the affairs of the party.

Mr. Sinkamba said rather than going for a national convention to choose the national leadership now, the party will do this, side by side with the presidential nominations somewhere in May.

“What we don’t know is whether the presidential nominations will be done physically or virtually, that’s why we need ECZ to guide in advance. But what we have decided as a party is to kill two birds with one stone,” he said.

He said because of the surging cases of Covid–19, the party wants guidance on how the exercise will be conducted because 1,000 supporters from all the ten provinces is too huge a number to gather and support the candidature of a party president.

Mr. Sinkamba said his party is otherwise ready to hold the national convention during the time for nominations irrespective of the way and in which order it will be done.

He said the greens, through various social media platforms, are working day and night to woe voters in the forthcoming general elections.

He boasted that the Green party is the only one with the ruling Patriotic Front (PF) that have workable and reliable manifestos whose ideologies can transform the economic fortunes of the country.

“The Green party is ready for the August elections and we are the next party to form government after PF and this could be in September this year or in 2026,” Mr. Sinkamba said.

Mr. Sinkamba said the party will always adhere to the prescribed Covid- 19 protocols as advised by government to avoid further spread of the pandemic among citizens.


  1. Peter Sinkamba has money to burn. His is a one-issue party: legalize marijuana for medicinsl use and presto, u hv an economic miracle.

  2. Good for them. I love seeing parties embracing the tenets of democracy which I hold so dear. We hope the upnd one is free and fair but we all know that won’t be the case when hh funds each and every part of the party. Without him there is no upnd. So you think such a guy can let go?

  3. I would love to attend this convention. I’m sure a lot of pot would be passed around and that will make it a very interesting convention.

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