Saturday, July 27, 2024

Men’s network urges males to get circumcised


The Zambia National Men’s Network (ZNMN) for Gender Based Violence has called on the menfolk in the country to go for circumcision in order to prevent new infections of HIV/AIDS.

ZNMN National Coordinator Nelson Banda said the number of new HIV infections recorded in the last 13 years could have been lower if most men were circumcised.

Mr. Banda said three million men, who were circumcised in the last 13 years, is negligible hence called on the men to voluntarily go for circumcision between now and 2025.

“We would like to encourage the government through the Ministry of Health to cooperate with the Zambia National Men’s Network so that we can sensitise more men on the benefits of circumcision vis-a-vie HIV infections,” he said.

He noted that the low turnout of men who went for circumcision during the last exercise could have been as a result of lack of enough centres where the service is offered especially in rural areas.

“Male circumcision is voluntary and there are few men who would walk long distances just to go for circumcision,” he said.

Mr. Banda has since appealed to cooperating partners such as the church to ensure men are sensitised on circumcision as one way of reducing the rate of new HIV infections.

Meanwhile, Young Women Christian Association (YWCA) Copperbelt Region Coordinator Sharon Chisenga said there is need to circulate information on preventive measures of new HIV infections.

Ms. Chisenga said the three million men that were captured in the last circumcision exercise was fair adding that the most effective way of preventing the spread of HIV is to observe moral uprightness and sticking to one sexual partner.

According to information emanating from the last circumcision exercise, about 26,000 new HIV infections were prevented through the Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) which started in 2007.


  1. Caution needs to be exercised to prevent people assuming cutting your dunga prevents infection. Let us preach abstinence. I am firm believer in Christian values of no sex before marriage. We shouldn’t even have condoms in Zambia because their use is tantamount to abortion which is against Christian values

  2. I will die the way GOd made me. However, kujuba luga is your choice. For me I know that women report increased satisfaction from intact luga. We hear in Europe men are undergoing surgery to replace their foreskins. Think carefully

  3. The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “Don’t feed the trolls.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

    You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of day.

  4. You are not what?? hahahahahaha, Kaizar Zulu just undressed in front of PF women’s league.
    I trust condoms, they have been very effective in last 30 years. 15 condoms x 50 weeks = 750 condoms per year or 22,500 condoms I have used in 30 years. Patrick Mvunga help me calculate how much that cost.

  5. Sorry Ba Patrick, I mean Uncircumcised Chris Mvunga. How much worth is 22,500 condoms I have used to escape STDs you guys suffer from?

  6. The lunacy of this author. Apparently, being circumcised will prevent STI, it reduces the risk, by less than 5 percent, that’s nothing to write home about.
    Please preach condom use or abstention for unmarried men.
    Why do we even have an organization for men?

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