Saturday, July 27, 2024

I’ll not tolerate inefficiency in the construction of the Kasomeno-Mwenda toll road and Luapula bridge-President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu says he will not tolerate inefficiency in the construction of the Kasomeno-Mwenda toll road and Luapula bridge once works commence.

President Lungu said the Kasomeno-Mwenda road project is a very important venture which will greatly benefit both Zambia and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) when it is completed.

The Head of State said this in Lusaka yesterday when a government delegation from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) paid a courtesy call on him at State House.

President Lungu has since directed the Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development to ensure that there is effective coordination between the two countries during the construction of the road.

He urged the delegation from the DRC to be at liberty to inform him through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of any challenges they may experience during the process.

The President stated that he would like to see the implementation of road project as soon as possible.

Speaking at the same event, DRC Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Public Works Willy Ngoopos said the road will contribute to economic growth of the two countries.

Mr. Ngoopos further said the road will increase trade and improve the livelihood of people from the two countries.

And in an interview with ZANIS, Zambia’s Minister of Housing and Infrastructure Development Vincent Mwale disclosed that the total cost of the road project amounts to about US$600 million.

Mr. Mwale said the road project is under a public-private partnership and will be implemented by the two governments.

He explained that the project is being financed by a private investor and will create employment and see an increase in trade between the two countries.

He said in the next one month, there will be a ground breaking ceremony by the Presidents of Zambia and DRC to commence the construction of the road.

And Luapula Province Minister Nickson Chilangwa said the road project will boost trade and open up economic zones for both Zambia and the DRC markets.

He said the road will open up new opportunities for the local people and will contribute to economic growth for the province as well as the entire country.


  1. That’s because most of these road contracts go to politically connected contractors with campaign kickbacks.That’s like cutting your own PF blood vessel.

  2. Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk! Sata was a good joker but Edgar is better. I’ve just begun to understand his jokes! Hahahahahahahaha haha!

  3. Says the most useless incompetent worst president on earth… what does this useless thieving drunk know about work…. useless sh1t

  4. ECL condoned corruption and inefficiencies for the last 6 years. Now to buy votes he has changed tune. Nobody is fooled by this. On August 12,2021 we are voting u out. It’s time to try HH aka Bally will fix it.

  5. Really laughable….how can you tolerate inefficiency when you are incompetent…just look at Ndola Lusaka motorway its beyond ineffiency but daylight robbery yet this moron is now talking when elections are near.

  6. Anyway, infrastructure yena ba pf nabatantika. This project is a game changer to Luapula Province (and Zambia) and Katanga Province (and DR Congo). This decent connectivity between Zambia and DR Congo has been delayed and ignored for decades. Any country can never develop without serious infrastructure. LUAPULA YALATAMPO KULISHA ZAMBIA NOMBALINE FYE.

  7. Mmmmmm……hahahaha but Zambians will obviously tolerate someone when he goes for a third term of office

  8. Hi fellow bloggers, I am thinking of writing my auto biography and I would like to get your input. Please comment below what you think about me or the fond memory you have of me.

    For example think of the amazing things that remind you of me. For example like when I saved a man’s life who was drowning in the kafue river after one of my boat parties. Or when I won the award for most handsome pupil during my secondary school

    Thanking you in advance.

    Please no negative insults. If you have anything negative please keep it for your father

  9. Does this stinking nincompoop know what its talking about. Awe sure Jameson Mataware sometimes uleba ko serious, kupusa sure sometimes uleke.

  10. PF regime was found on destructive concept – look at the symbol FIST. Road construction was based at state house with late Nsanda who was the main fraud conduit to president late Sata on frauds involving road construction in Zambia. Both Sata and Nsanda were syphoning money from all road construction companies. Remember when Nsanda died in S. African hospital breaking into his house as a bachelor found 000s of dollars, pounds, & Kmillions. Good riddance they are no more. So, Lungu inherited the trade and all he says is to hoodwink Zambians, he lives, walks and talks inefficiency

  11. This project once completed will ease lives of millions of people. It will reduce the travel time. The quality of the work can’t be ensured unless the government is strict.

  12. You seem to be alien to Zambia. Can’t you see the development going on across the country? Just see how the power sector, agriculture and rural infrastructure is developing. Do you think inefficient leader could achieve it?

  13. Those who think that the project will benefit only Congo and the toll collection company must be dull. Only an insane person can make such argument. As if only Congolese people will be allowed to use the road! What a logic!

  14. My dear, Covid19 has impacted the global economy. Europe and USA are still struggling to recover from the jolt. It will take some time for Zambia’s economy to recover. The government has initiated steps to revive it. Just wait for some time.

  15. The road will open vast opportunities for businessmen in Zambia. We should appreciate it instead of criticising. After all, it is going to be a national asset, and not someone’s private property.

  16. I fail to understand why some people are upset if the President is being assertive. They will criticise if he doesn’t act and same people will dislike if he acts. You need to see a good psychologist, people…

  17. The road will open vast opportunities for businessmen in Zambia. We should appreciate it instead of criticising. After all, it is going to be a national asset, and not someone’s private property.

  18. Have you heard about Lusaka Decongestion Project, Kaufe Gorge Lower Project, Levy Mwanawasa Hospital, MFEZ Solar Power Plants? I think you haven’t. Please read something about the development project going on in the country.

  19. No need to pay attention to the useless people who only criticise everything. Continue the good work Sir. We are with you.

  20. The twat needs to be put behind bars once he relinquishes power. For all the wealth he had accumulated from stealing. Then we shall she if his bootlicker and orangutan stand by him.

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