Saturday, July 27, 2024

DRC Vice Prime Minister praises Zambia for peace


Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) Vice Prime Minister Willy Ngoopos says Zambia’s tourism sector has succeeded because of the country’s peaceful environment.

Mr. Ngoopos says Zambia has built its good tourism profile because it has never experienced civil wars.

ZANIS reports that Mr. Ngoopos was speaking shortly after visiting the Victoria Falls for in Livingstone.

He noted that there is no tourist who can visit a country where there is no peace.

He has since urged Zambians to maintain the peace which the country has enjoyed since independence adding that without peace, no tourism can thrive.

And Mr. Ngoopos, who was visiting the Victoria Falls for the first time in his lifetime, described the natural wonder as unique.

He said Zambia as a country stands out in Africa because it is endowed with not only waterfalls but also wild animals.

And Housing and Infrastructure Development Minister Vincent Mwale, who accompanied Mr. Ngoopos to Livingstone, said the current government has anchored the economy around tourism.

Mr. Mwale thanked Mr. Ngoopos for acknowledging Zambia’s peace credentials.

Mr. Ngoopos, who was in the country for a bilateral meeting on the Kasomeno-Mwenda toll road and Luapula bridge project, has since returned to DRC.


  1. We thank you very much for those kind words our brother. We hope to continue working with your country to foster peace and development. Amen

  2. Congo is the most beautiful country in Africa; its wild and enormous if only you guys can stop fight. The way forward is a federal country ; it’s too big to be governed as a single state.

  3. Just a few months ago the Congolese wanted to get part of our land near their border. It took the intervention of South Africa otherwise there was going to be war.

  4. Taking Congolese all over, falling all over them sp that they can answer to the desperate desires of making the Mwenda – Kasomeno Bridge/Road project commence! The desperation of wanting to have something to show in order to hoodwink the people of Luapula for votes.Further,those who could have eaten from project developers are now being urged to refund or start the project before losing power.Otherwise this project is more in DRC’s interest,why take so much lead on it??

  5. Let me tell you people in Zambia…our country has always been peaceful and without wars. Neither civil or military wars or otherwise have taken place in Zambia but this is a reason why people are lied to all the time by fake politicians especially in an election year. It’s like we’ve never learned anything from Chiluba’s regime which is so sad indeed. With the advent of advanced technology and making the world more connected, guys we should never think backwards. Zambia is better off than having a PF government in place. Remember ECL is busy campaigning openly in fact bribing everyone openly along the way. Where has he been all this time?? Wake up Zambia wake up and vote HH and UPND.

  6. Yes, there’s wht seems like peace in Zambia but do people know wht really keeps the peace in Zambia? Do they know the threats to peace? These are high-brow policy issues. Government guns keep no peace. Just ask the Nigerians Sudanese, Somalis, Cameroonians etc.

  7. Even Infrastructure development plays an important role in boosting Zambia’s tourism sector. We must thank President Lungu for his incredible work!

  8. President Lungu is a focused leader. He has the skills to attract foreign companies and people to Zambia. He initiated major infrastructural development like wide roads, flyovers, bridges, schools, hospitals, and so on. He almost resolved load-shedding and clean drinking water issues. Plus, he is boosting business sectors through launching various schemes. Only fools will say that Zambia is not developing.

  9. Yes!!! Victoria Falls is beautiful and it is one of the largest waterfalls in the world. People experience it as the best creation of Mother Nature!

  10. Zambia is a Christian Nation that follows the ideology of love and peace. That is why we ranked 4th as a peaceful country in Africa.

  11. Building national parks and other tourist places is easy, what is hard is to maintain them throughout the year. The PF government is doing a commendable job and we don’t think so any tourist has regretted visiting Zambia for its unfriendliness.

  12. I guess, Zambia is successful in attracting foreign investment and people in Zambia. No one can stop the country from growing.

  13. Indeed, our nation stands out in Africa. We are experiencing true development and soon the nation will be economically strong. We must continuously show our love and support to President Lungu.

  14. Tourist love visiting Zambia because we have a leader who is managing the country very well. President Lungu hates corruption and violence and so he makes sure that Zambia stays away from it.

  15. There are a lot of things to explore in Zambia, and we welcome tourists with a warm heart. That’s why they love to visit this nation again and again.

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