Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH is scared of facing President Lungu on the Ballot paper


By Marvin Chanda Mberi

Initially, we have abandoned the debate pertaining the eligibility of President Edgar Chagwa Lungu as it was without any doubt coined to divert the debate. We did our level best to belabor to engage the opponents of President Lungu’s candidature but the issue is void and we cannot substitute our energy for productive debate.

As far as we are concerned, ECL is eligible and his eligibility is no longer a legal but a political debate.
We will therefore treat the statement by a named Senior Lawyer as political discourse just like any other person opposed to his candidature. We will not discuss legal issues pertaining ECL’s eligibility because with all due respect, the learned counsel was merely politicking.

As far as we are concerned, ECL is eligible and his opponent of his candidate can do what is within the law and above they should respect the decision of the Court. We know the proceedings that are premised on Article 52 are novel in our legal history and our friends on the left are ever zealous with futile academic court processes meant to hold the institutions of Government hostile.

We recall on how in the aftermath of the 2016 elections pursued the proceedings in the High Court over what they termed as the “right to be heard” with the apparent hope of holding the Constitutional Court culpable over the interpretation of 14 days. It is in public domain on how they persistently fished in the dark and they have not succeeded in their academic legal proceedings.

It is ostensibly clear President Lungu is a popular candidate who is in good standing with the electorates and this is calculated to avoid facing him on the ballot. It is also surprising that the named State Counsel has elected to suggest that it’s treasonable for President Lungu to contest as Presidential candidate.

As far as we are concerned, the Court pronounced itself on the period less than 3 years as not constituting a full time.
Moreover, ECL did not even serve of the 3 year period which constitutes a term. All we can say is that obeying the judgement of the Constitutional Court is not treasonable at all, it is instead ECL’s patriotic duty to offer himself for service.

It is not correct in an event ECL has filed his nomination, he can be accused of seizing state power by what his opponents are calling as unlawful means. We therefore urge the Zambian people and all those interested in public affairs, to ensure they properly acquaint themselves with the judgement of the Constitutional and all relevant literature so that they don’t fall prey to hoaxes of deception.

It is become a matter of public concern that most Zambians have opted for the “copy and paste” kind of thinking. The copy and paste kind of thinking process is the one that adopt the thought of others as gospel truth without interrogating the substance of the thoughts. It is this same “copy and paste” kind of thinking which has made some Zambians not to have the courage to interrogate the barrage of misleading comments regarding the eligibility debate.


  1. @ Kanyata. His got more brains than you. You incompetent twat

    This convict has served two terms. How much does he want to steal. He knows his days are numbered and once he loses power will be facing the courts.

    Lungu is following Museveni textbook. Let him hold free and fair elections without police intimidation and PF cadres set on loose to create havoc and violence.

    Ann no other 5 years of PF , Zambia will be worse off than Zimbabwe


  3. If indeed Concourt cleared ECL to stand in the 2021 Elections why are PF Cadres Panicking? They are threatening Concourt Judges and insulting the Malawi Govt and it’s Judiciary. Why? Why are PF Cadres scared of Concourt nullifying ECL’s Eligibility ? In terms of Article 52 of the Republican Constitution any Citizen can challenge ECL’s Eligibility after Nominations are closed. Why are PF Cadres worried about Concourt Judges being bribed and changing their minds on ECL’s Eligibility? That seems to suggest that PF knows that ECL doesn’t qualify for a Third Term. ECL has held Office,has been elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016 so he cannot stand for the third time. Period. Kwamana ba dala!

  4. Look at that theiving useless as they come ka worst president on earth, dull, dull dull, the first ever id1ot to bankrupt a country

  5. I thought it was John Sangwa and Fube who have been very vocal on Lungu’s eligibility. How then do you bring HH in this argument? I hve never heard or read anywhere about HH talking about Lungu’s eligibility. Get your facts and headline correct….you stupid PF good for nothing cadre.

  6. PF Cadres should take it easy. If Concourt approved ECL’s Eligibility then it will re-confirm his Eligibility when the Nomination is Petitioned. If PF is sure of Concourt ‘s stance then there is no need to threaten, intimidate and accuse Concourt Judges of being corruptable. Paul Moonga went too far when he insulted the Malawi Judiciary and it’s Govt. PF Cadres should leave Zambia Concourt to hear and determine ECL’s Eligibility Petition as required under the Republican Constitution. Interfering with the Electoral Processes will lead to the 2021 Elections being declared not free and fair. A violent and disputed Election in August 2021 Elections in Zambia will have dire consequences. The writing is on the wall.

  7. Nowadays every man jack can submit an article to lusaka times and even garbage gets published. Sometimes i shudder to think what the end game of some of these published articles by Online Media.

  8. Picture with Kaizer Ze Zulu in his heydays. Now reduced to a Blogger ……kikiki

  9. It’s common cause that ECL has been scheming to have HH convicted so that his name is removed from the Ballot Paper. It’s not only HH and UPND who are questioning ECL’s Eligibility. The Republican Constitution is barring him to stand for a third time. Zambia is a Constitutional Democracy and the Constitution of the Country must be respected. Concourt is a Product of the Republican Constitution and it is not above the Constitution. In interpreting ECL’s Eligibility Concourt must be objective and Professional. According to the Republican Constitution ECL no longer qualifies to stand in 2021 becoz he has held Office,been elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016. That is the Constitutional position and ECL must respect our Constitution. Breaching the Republican Constitution has…

  10. I don’t agree with insults in any way.You can disagree without abuse no matter how strong you feel.
    In a fair election without Museveni tactics Lungu would lose.Museveni tactics include use of police to arrest opposition, close internet, arrest under breaking POA and possibly Covid regulations.Use national TV to villify opponents without giving them chance to answer on same fora.etc.
    How do we celebrate such victories?

  11. ECL’s Eligibility is a Constitutional issue and not a Personal Issue.The Republican Constitution is the corner stone of Zambia’s Democracy. Most Constitutional Lawyers believe that ECL has already held office,has been elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016 and therefore doesn’t qualify for a Third Term. It’s up to ECZ and Concourt to interpret the Constitution and decide whether or not ECL should stand in 2021 Elections. If Concourt permits ECL to stand in breach of the Constitution then Zambians will punish him at the Polls. Rigging Elections have serious consequences.

  12. To the contrary ECL and PF are scared of HH standing in the 2021 Elections. ECL has been scheming to have HH convicted so that he is removed from the Ballot Paper. So far all tricks to entrap HH have failed. Thank God! HH is ready to contest Elections with ECL as long as that is not in breach of the Republican Constitution. ECL and Concourt are not above the Constitution so they must respect it. The Republican Constitution is very clear that ECL cannot contest the 2021 Elections becoz he has held office, been elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016. If Concourt can give ECL a Permit to contest 2021 it will be in breach of the Republican Constitution. ECL should allow a New Person to be elected President and PF Presidential Candidate for the 2021 Elections. Period.

  13. Haha I am not reduced to a blogger. My job now involves high level strategy. We now have a younger generation who can do the campaigning for us. While we wise old members of party manage bigger affairs. That was a good day with the president years ago. August we are showing upnd again that zambians don’t like tribalists


    Anyone with eyes can see the many developments which LUNGU has implemented? Its like Zambia has just woken up.

  15. The collapse of Bill 10 was a disaster for ECL and PF. Had Bill 10 been passed into Law then Article 52 of the Republican Constitution would have been removed from the Constitution. This failed. Now Citizens can use Article 52 to question ECL’s Eligibility. The problem for PF is that ECL is their best bet and yet his Eligibility is being questioned. Should PF insist on fielding ECL as their Presidential Candidate they run the Risk of Concourt finding ECL ineligible after Nominations are closed. If this happens PF will have no Presidential Candidate for 2021;they will be in limbo. Hence PF Cadres are forcing Concourt Judges to approve ECL’s Eligibility even if it is unconstitutional. Concourt is between a Rock and a Hard Place. Which way ECL and Concourt?

  16. Its State Advocate John Sangwa who has undertaken to challenge ECL’s Eligibility in Concourt. This has all to do with the Constitutionality of ECL’s Third Term and has Nothing to do with HH. ECL has to clear his Eligibility with Concourt and should he succeed then HH will be waiting to compete with him. ECL cannot win a Popular Vote against HH. Without Election Rigging ECL cannot win against HH aka Bally will fix it.

  17. Computer scientist who is probably just a fraudster, nothing wrong with having a big head. Your girlfriends don’t find a problem with it whenever they chase after me.

  18. upnd diasporans why are you concerned about Zambia and always blogging on zambian sites ? You should be more concerned about the racism there in UK and abroad. In fact we would like to let harry and Meghan know that they are always welcome to move to Zambia. We will provide housing and all support required. We will welcome them here before we welcome any upnd diasporans

  19. Edgar “Yoweri Museveni” Lungu needs to go he’s already served his two terms as per the Zambian constitution.

  20. Ur day in court will come and wen the judges tell u that u r not eligible bps will go high i see a ruling party not having a candidate for the first time the president will go before the concourt as a lame duck and judges like such pipo with zero influence and his fate in their hands wina azalila wait and see

  21. Who is afraid of the other ? One bribing electorates by all means to cling to power or the one who is selling credible policy and economic recovery plan ? The heat is being felt in every corner of the government, hence this desperation.

  22. It is on record that all Ministers were mislead by a misnterplatation of the constitution by this half baked Lawyer. The Ministers, which comprised of the Minister of Justice( Lawyer too) couldn’t help the situation untill they were humiliated by their own appointed Judges. The eligibility case is similar…

  23. Ifintu nafikosa! All along ECL didn’t want HH on the Ballot Paper. Becoz of Eligibility issues ECL now welcomes HH on the Ballot Paper. ECL’s Eligibility for 2021 now depends on ECZ and Concourt and the Republican Constitution. Clearly ECL is ineligible to stand for a Third Term becoz he has held Office, been elected and sworn in twice in 2015 and 2016. We await Concourt’s determination on this Constitutional matter.

  24. Lungu will lose and all his hungry parasites hanging around him will go back to their original kantemba jobs.

  25. Computer scientist, I have already vowed to run naked from arcades to mandahill if pf lose. I upnd leaders to vow the Same but none have come forward. What are they scared of? Haha

  26. Let both presidents contest so that
    Zambians can decide who they
    Want them to rule.Let the election
    Be fair and transparent. Let no one
    Complain after the election.

  27. All of you arguing about the eligibility ECL to stand in next August election are just waisting your time and energy. The best favour you can do to yourselves is downloading the Dan Pule Petition which is about 80 paages (if I am not mistaken). Read this document in full in order to understand how the courts (judges) reached judgemwnt over one ECL. By the way this document does not particularise one ECL’s case. It is a global legal document which was used in the situation of one ECL. Laws/Principles are global. They are not formulated with a single individual in mind. Laws or parts of laws even from different sections are used when the case arises concerning such laws or parts of them. So, those laws were not formulated for one ECL. They were just used when the case pointed to such laws…

  28. From 28.
    …formulated for one ECL. They were just used when the case pointed to such laws or sections of those laws. I would advise the readership to, not just read one sentence and make a judgement from there. Read the all articles.

  29. From 28.
    …formulated for one ECL. They were just used when the case pointed to such laws or sections of those laws. I would advise the readership to, not just read one sentence and make a judgement from there. Read the all articles.

  30. Above image is disturbing especially being from a Christian nation.

    GRZ, please we are one nation one Zambia.

    GRZ, please save and protect.

    What does to serve and protect mean?

    “The average person understands that the term “Protect” indicates that the officer is there to be a guardian or protector of the innocent, not to be at “war’ with them.”

  31. Above image is disturbing especially being from a Christian nation.

    Disturbing: causing feelings of worry, concern, or anxiety disturbing news a disturbing discovery The next phase in which I had a part was even more disturbing, and infinitely more painful.

  32. If you want to know who deserves to lead Zambia, let the Presidential candidates have a debate. Lungu would be beaten clean by anyone on that platform. Lungu is the dumbest person Zambia has ever seen. For sure this guy is not a lawyer and never went to UNZA. If UNZA produces dumb people like Lungu, then UNZA is another trash bin. A person who went to UNZA cannot be so clueless on things like Lungu. That’s why he works with Lusambo, Kampyongo, Mwale, and all those collegeless brainless so called ministers.

  33. The biggest losers in such a contest are the Zambians who don’t know how to choose leaders!
    What do you want in a leader? Do you look at someone’s teeth or what?

  34. @Pompwe Lungu, being able to talk is not a sign of intelligence. HH and his goons tried to use the same trick with Mwanawasa. Mwanawasa was not good talker but can not be compared to HH in terms of intelligence. An intelligent person can not fail five times. Insanity is doing the same things while expecting different results.

  35. kci 
    March 10, 2021 At 7:36 am

    “@Pompwe Lungu, being able to talk is not a sign of intelligence. HH and his goons tried to use the same trick with Mwanawasa. …..”

    Iwe, stop lying , PLM faced the press very braevily and could talk ……..

    Darn , lungu was even caught stealing from a widow , that’s how dumb he is……..

    Also lungu can never win any fair and free election…..ever

  36. If Concourt cleared ECL for a Third Term in 2021 Elections why are PF Cadres panicking? Why not allow the processes to unfold then Concourt will merely re-confirm ECL’s Eligibility. PF Cadres are threatening and intimidating Concourt Judges and accusing them of being bribed by the Opposition to nullify ECL’s Eligibility. This is very strange indeed. So PF Cadres know that Concourt Judges are prone to bribes? That is telling.

  37. The letter of the law versus the spirit of the law.
    The fact that the distinguished Professor of Law, Muna Ndulo has been quiet clearly shows that Lungu is ok.


  39. If votes where on FB then hh might rule on the ground? Bola nyikosa…you think someone like CK hasnt read the script?

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