Saturday, July 27, 2024

More Early Childhood Education Teachers Needed-Kalumba


Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba says there is need for more training of Early Childhood Education (ECE) Teachers in Zambia, in order to boost the foundation of young learners while at a tender age

Mr Kalumba told ZANIS in an interview today that more teachers in early childhood need to be trained at Diploma and Degree levels so as to improve service delivery at nursery level for children especially in government schools.

He noted that children will have an opportunity to improve their personality and discover their strength at an early stage in life provided the country has enough teachers in ECE.

“Children perform well in school when the nursery level is carefully nurtured through creation of an environment which provides pre-reading and pre-writing skills for children,” he explained.

Mr Kalumba also noted the importance of creating a favourable environment for children at nursery level in order to build their intellectual personality.

Mr Kalumba disclosed that some primary schools have classes harnessed to provide pre-reading and pre-writing skills for children at nursery level.

“We have put in place the Director of ECE based at the National headquarters whose mandate is to spearhead the ECE policy in some primary schools,” said Mr Kalumba.

He stated that government primary schools have ECE centers where children can access early childhood education in Zambia.

“We have some primary schools where children can access early childhood education in Zambia, which is a great opportunity for the less privileged who cannot afford private nursery school,” explained Mr Kalumba.

Mr Kalumba further indicated that the government is working with other partners like UNICEF and the World Bank who are supplementing in improving in-service and infrastructure development for early childhood education in Zambia.

Mr Kalumba further indicated that government is working towards improving infrastructure in schools in order to create more space for ECE centers where children can go and play.

Early Childhood Education is a government policy which is aimed at providing early childhood education in some government primary schools.


  1. Very intelligent man. I agree with him. The upnd have been trying for some time now to poach this great man. We recieved intelligence that upnd has been sending brown envelopes

  2. We need to check his mental health what he says and what he does is different. We have over 70,000 unemployed teachers. Besides this man’s dressing is disappointing

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