Wednesday, October 23, 2024

United States Announces K36.75 million for COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign in Zambia


The U.S. government congratulates the Government of the Republic of Zambia on the approval of its COVID-19 vaccination program. COVID-19 vaccinations are critical to controlling the pandemic, slowing the emergence of new variants, and helping to restart the global economy. In support of the global vaccination effort, the United States recently announced an initial K42 billion ($2 billion) obligation — out of a total planned K84 billion ($4 billion) — to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance to support the COVAX Advance Market Commitment, making the United States the single largest contributor to global COVID-19 vaccine access. In Zambia, the U.S. government is committing an additional K36.75 million ($1.75 million) to provide technical assistance to Zambia’s vaccination campaign.

In announcing U.S. support for Zambia’s vaccine campaign, Chargé d’Affaires David Young noted “The United States has worked closely with Zambia throughout the duration of the pandemic to protect public health, strengthen the response to COVID-19, and save lives. We look forward to continuing this support throughout Zambia’s vaccination rollout.”

U.S. government funds will provide critical technical and logistical support to the Ministry of Health for planning, coordination, and delivery of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines for Zambians. U.S. government partners will provide timely support for the rapid deployment of the COVID-19 vaccine plans, including the coordination of various stakeholders and implementation of the vaccination process. These funds will also support supply chain logistics of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign, including assistance in maintaining the cold chain, which is vital for safe delivery of the vaccine.

The U.S. government will continue to collaborate with the Ministry of Health on its nationwide communication activities to ensure citizens have accurate information about vaccines and the vaccination process to make informed decisions.

Since the start of the pandemic, the U.S. government, through the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Department of Defense (DOD), the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), has provided more than K500 million ($24 million) in funding to respond to and prevent the spread of COVID-19.


  1. Ati we do not need you to meddle in the affairs of our country…. This was some clue less drunk in statehouse some time back.

  2. They are going to pocket the money kwasila!
    You will see the once MMD die-hard going about claiming to empower the people with sacks full of money,shame!!

  3. They will start charging people for
    Vaccination and will sell to private
    Clinics.As they will say stock has
    Run out in government hospitals.

  4. While the support is welcome, people should still be given the prerogative to make individual decisions. There’s a lot of controversy going on about vaccines right now that leaves many questions unanswered. One question being: while all other deadly diseases (HIV, TB or Cholera) have been managed by treatment only, why is it that there seems to be an endless budget to push Covid-19 vaccines through to the global population?

  5. The Good Gesture from the US Govt will continue until ECL starts breaching the Republican Constitution, disobeying Rule of Law, ignoring Good Governance and violating Human Rights. The 2021 Elections is an Acid Test for the ECL/PF Govt.

  6. Nigerian Parliament once refused a $10 million vaccination packaged by Bill Gates and west….its like in Zambia everything that is put in front of them that is free, they accept it without question. How can the US have vaccines when the whole of EU is waiting on supplies from University of Oxford’s AstraZeneca vaccine something does not add up.

  7. The question we should be asking is why is the west so eager to help out with vaccinations when their nations are the ones that are hit hard by covid-19?

  8. We thank you. Our people safety comes first that is why we took longer to approve these vaccines as we wanted to make sure that they are safe. We can now proceed to the next stage

  9. Tarino Orange, Yes and your Nigerian heroes learnt a hard lesson. They and the other two superstitious nations, Afghanistan and Pakistan, were the last to eradicate polio.

    Tarino Orange you’re in the UK and I expected you to be aware that the UK and USA made advance orders of vaccines even before they left the labs. The EU is in crisis because they waited for the vaccines to be produced and approved before they made the orders.

    The USA ordered about 2 billion vaccines for a population of 328 million. That is why they have even been able to offer vaccines to their two big neighbours i.e Canada and Mexico.

  10. Zambia’s cancer of corruption will definitely infect this anti Covid 19 initiative.Blame the PF thugs posing as government.

  11. USELESS USA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Those vaccins donated by the USA are made possible by tax payed by disporans in the USA……..

    Then we have a useless monkey on this forum telling disporans to butt out of commenting on Zambias affairs ???.

    Stop accepting things funded by tax payers in the West and we will stop commenting on going ons in zambia……

  13. Anyana – Yes “my Nigerians” have every reason to cautious wit these free handouts given the history the have had with big Pharmaceutical like Pfizer…did you not know that the Nigerian govt sued Pflizer for $7 billion allegedly carrying out illegal trials of anti-meningitis drug that killed or disabled children (Guardian, 2004). You expect us Africans to accept everything from the west without carrying out due diligence whilst you bring the lawmakers with blank cheques. The US govt of Trump secured secured almost a third of the first 1 billion doses planned for AstraZeneca’s experimental drug back in May 2020 ( Reuters, 2020) then the US placed an initial order for 100 million doses of the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, with the option to acquire up to 500 million additional…

  14. 500 million additional doses (PMlive, Feb2021). Its clear from these orders the US is probably handing down its excess experimental drugs to Developing countries that don’t have the capacity to test and at the same time promoting Pfizer Inc. products which is an American multinational pharmaceutical corporation.

  15. Anyana – Lastly I am cautious responding to new UK based bloggers on this site as we have a UK based impostor and a troll on this site who has too much time.

  16. @akapS thank you for wise comment.Yes my tax dollars helped pay for these vaccines for Zambia. To hell with that toxic monkey.

  17. Hahahahaha can you imagine these asylum keepers who are being kept by the whlte man there abroad are now claiming to be responsible for keeping us here in Africa. These baboons are very f00lish. In fact they are the baboon’s a.s.s

  18. KZ

    90 % of disporans work, and are not lyching maggots like you , sucking the poor Zambian tax payers dry……..

    B4 GRZ you used to walk around with holes in your bambas ……..

  19. The most classic adage regarding trolling is, “Don’t feed the trolls.” Trolls seek out emotional responses and find provocation amusing, so replying to them or attempting to debate them will only make them troll more. By ignoring a troll completely, they will likely become frustrated and go somewhere else on the internet.

    You should try your best not to take anything trolls say seriously. No matter how poorly they behave, remember these people spend countless unproductive hours trying to make people mad. They’re not worth your time of day.

  20. As someone who has had the two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, I encourage everyone who gets the opportunity to get the vaccine to accept it. The advantages by far outweigh the disadvantages in such cases of life or death.

  21. Zambian thank you for risking your life for us. We will ensure to take these vaccines now that you have taken them

  22. @Zambian apart from interfering with your natural immunity and leaving you vulnerable to other variants, these vaccines have not undergone any long term tests, so no one can tell what will happen to all these people getting innoculted 5 – 10 years away from now.
    There’s clearly a hidden agenda behind this hasty roll out and aggressive vaccination campaign. It would have been much wiser for African countries to wait and see what happens before accepting them.

  23. There seems to be an assumption in the blogs above that this is a commitment to providing the actual Covid 19 vaccines. No where is that mentioned -which vaccine? It says; “The U.S. government is committing an additional K36.75 million ($1.75 million) to provide technical assistance to Zambia’s vaccination campaign”. On the other hand, Gavi’s role is to ‘increase supply chain efficiency and consequently improve health outcomes for many in lower- and middle-income countries struggling to access medicines or other health commodities’ – and this refers to Malaria and TB among others (refer to info) Zambia still has to source the vaccine and implement a programme that will then be supported, in my understanding.

  24. I think, even God has decided to stand with President Edgar Lungu. This is the most welcome help from the USA for the fight against Covid19. The vaccination will help the country in more than one ways. It will keep the people safe from two viruses one is Corona virus and the second is Hakainde Hichilema.

  25. After the government decided to participate in free Covax programme this is yet another help coming to Zambia. Hakainde Hichilema must be cursing his fate as all his plans are getting tossed out of window.

  26. The USA has pledged the aide of K84 Billion to Zambia. Now I am sure that we will be able to defeat the deadly virus. It is all because of the visionary leadership of President Edgar Lungu.

  27. I challenge you to prove this allegation. Now that you have said this, onus is on you to prove this. You must be ready to tender unconditional apology if you can’t prove it.

  28. Understand one thing Covid19 is completely different from HIV, TB and Cholera. It is the new virus that has hit the world and scientists are still working on to find a cure. They are in the process to find oral medication for the corona virus. Have faith in the scientists and doctors. Don’t doubt their capacities.

  29. Actually it is the acid test for Hakainde Hichilema. He seems to have hit a wall. He has run out of campaign strategy. Now he is only repeating what ECL has already done.

  30. You are right. Something is not adding up and that is your IQ. The vaccine is being supplied to every country including USA and those in Europe and Asia. The vaccine is being manufactured round the clock across the world. Why don’t you just stop smoking the weed for some days and try to get information on what is happening in the world?

  31. As expected, UPND surrogates are questioning intentions of the government of USA. Instead, they should be thankful to the USA for providing the vaccines. Every Zambian, including you surrogates, would get the shot. ECL will not leave anyone behind.

  32. As of now, we don’t have any option but to believe the scientists and doctors. They are the saviours and not the politicians and their blind supporters who are misleading the people. Let me tell you one thing. HH and his family will take the vaccine while you are fighting a futile battle here for him. Have some sense, use your brains and support the vaccination programme.

  33. Millions of people have lost their lives to the virus. We should be thankful to the scientists for working round the clock to come up with the vaccine. If you have doubts, you are free to refuse it and be responsible for what happens to you. Let others decided if they want to go for the vaccine or not.

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