Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu Warns against Reckless Behaviour during Easter


President Edgar Lungu has wished all Zambian families wellness and God’s protection during the Easter holiday.

And the President has also warned against reckless behaviour such as alcohol abuse, and any violent and immoral acts saying he is aware that some people will use this time to engage in bad vices.

President Lungu says he would like to take this opportunity to join all Zambians across the nation to commemorate the crucifixion and celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.

“Zambia is a Christian nation and it is my sincere prayer that during this period Christians will uphold the sacredness of the triduum by praying and worshipping to God almighty and seeking his face for forgiveness,” he says.

The President added, “I am grateful to God almighty that yet again we, as Christians are commemorating the suffering, death, burial and the resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ”.

And the Head of State has urged the nation to reflect on the goodness of God who allowed Jesus Christ to die on the cross for man to receive salvation.

The President has further advised Zambians to continually seek the face of God by repenting and asking for forgiveness for whatever sins may have been committed.

“The word of God in 2 Chronicles chapter 7 verse 14 says and I quote if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and hear their land, end of quote,” he says.

Meanwhile, the President has noted that the Easter period offers people an opportunity to restore their relationship with God and the Lord Jesus Christ.

He adds that the Easter triduum is a call to everyone to engage in acts of charity, mercy including, preaching salvation, love, peace and unity to everyone.

“As we observe this sacred period, reckless merrymaking and other uncouth behaviours should not take centre stage in our lives over the sole purpose of the Easter triduum,” President Lungu has urged.

He adds “Let us use this season to render a helping hand to those who are less privileged in our society and indeed, to preach salvation and the love of God.”

And the President has noted that during this period and going forward, it is imperative that families remain united by praying together stating that when families are united it will culminate in the unity of the nation.

“We are commemorating the triduum at a time when we are still faced with the deadly COVID-19 pandemic. Therefore, I urge you all Zambians not to lower your guard as the pandemic is still with us. Let us continue adhering to public health guidelines of masking up, social distancing, hand washing and sanitizing. We should at all costs avoid situations that will expose us to COVID-19,” cautions the President.

President Lungu says it is his prayer that Jehovah God who is the great healer will touch all those who are afflicted by the pandemic and many other health challenges.

The Head of State remains confident that during this period everyone from different walks of lives will exercise maximum restraint by living in harmony, love, peace and unity and will continue to do so especially, as general elections approach on August 12, 2021.

“I am hopeful that before, during and after the elections we will continue treating each other as brothers and sisters. I pray that this Easter comes with renewed hope to mankind,” he says.

President Lungu further prays for peace around the world, for god’s protection and for love for one another.

This is according to a statement made available to the media in Lusaka this afternoon by the State House Press Office.


  1. Happy Easter to all my fellow zambians. As a Christian nation we rebuke all evil ness being perpetuated by the upnd tribal bigots. Amen and God bless Zambia.

    To the diasporans happy Easter

    To the upnd diasporans, repent you demons before it’s too late.

  2. This is the man who was smashing bottles of wine with Drug Kingpin Findlay and International Arms Dealer Zingman in that photo. just last year ..and he is telling you to repent. I doubt Lazy even said these things someone at State House just wrote them for press release…the man should have the courage to face the media sometimes.

  3. It’s not a sin to drink. Are you suffering so much there abroad that you cannot afford a drink? We are zambian and enjoy a social drink. You cannot change us and who do you think you are when you are mere refugees abroad. Fuseke

  4. Says the reckless president who has wrecked Zambia’s economy . Iwe Lungu look in the mirror to see who’s reckless.

  5. “And the President has also warned against reckless behaviour such as alcohol abuse, and any violent and immoral acts saying he is aware that some people will use this time to engage in bad vices.” LT

    PF time out.

    “The Head of State observed that some youths are not coming forward to improve their qualifications under the General Certificate of Education (G.C.E) due to pride and inferiority complex.”-LT

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