Saturday, July 27, 2024

Chitotela applauds cooperating partner’s effort to conserve nature


Minister of Tourism and Arts Ronald Chitotela has called on Zambians to uphold culture, morals and values during the Easter holiday.

And Mr. Chitotela has said government’s effort to grow wildlife-based tourism as a contributor to the economy is bearing fruit as seen by the support from the international community.

In his Easter message to all Zambians in Lusaka yesterday, the Minister said a nation without culture and morals is dead.

He said the two form the backbone of the identity of the people and that is what visiting tourists want to come and see.

Meanwhile, the Minister appreciated the support of cooperating partners in wildlife conservation during his tenure as seen by the willingness by the donor community to partner with the Ministry, through the Department of National Parks and Wildlife in stepping up conservation efforts.

He cited the One year agreement with African Parks Network to support protection efforts on the Kafue Ecosystem, the Euro 1.2million by Frankfurt Zoological Society for protection of the North Luangwa Ecosystem and USD45 million in the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the United States Government for the management ivory stockpile as one of the examples.

“The MoU with the British Government that brought 21 British Navy members to training Wildlife Police Officers at Chunga Training school in the Kafue National Park has improved the entire drill programme,” Mr. Chitotela stated.

He said partners like Peace Parks Foundation and Wildlife Fund for Nature have been all weather friends in the Ministry’s efforts to conserve and protect wildlife.

“My Ministry is determined to invest more in poaching programmes and training of wildlife police officers (WPOs),” the Minister added.

He thanked the Ministry of Finance for approving the treasury authority for the recruitment of 105 members of staff under his Ministry this year of which most slots would be dedicated to WPOs.

Mr. Chitotela said tourism in Africa is mainly wildlife based and hence the need to have more foot soldiers to protect the resource.

This according to a statement released to ZANIS in Lusaka today by Ministry of Tourism and Arts Public Relations Officer, Sakabilo Kalembwe.


  1. Thats so true above ^^^^
    PF does nothing without partners when will learn to stand alone ??
    Certainly not with this party

  2. This is why Ministers in the developed world either resign on their own will or are dismissed by appointing authorities as chitotela has no moral upright to be teaching citizens morals when among other things, recently he was on air promising to put a cadre on the Board of Directors in a parastatal he controls, when public office requires discharge of public duties with integrity transparency & accountability

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