Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Poor leadership will cost them elections in August-Katele Kalumba


A veteran politician Katele Kalumba has said that the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) has created a foundation for a loss in this year’s elections because of poor leadership.

Dr Kalumba who is also former Minister of Finance under the Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) regime, said that UPND has a dictatorial kind of leadership that is why some people have opted to defect because they are not comfortable.

In an interview with PF media team, Dr Kalumba said that the Party should not blame anyone when it loses elections.

Dr Kalumba said that influential people like Mr. Charles Kakoma and Mbabala Constituency Member of Ephraim Belemu have left the party because they are not happy with what is happening.

Dr Kalumba said that the playing field has been leveled for all political parties, so its loss in this year’s election has been necessitated by the leadership.

“So we expect them not to cause any chaos after losing because themselves have created this losing foundation.
We do not want to see them create conditions of instability,” he said.

Meanwhile, Dr. Kalumba said that many people in Southern Province did not register because they are tired of voting for someone who does win elections.

Dr. Kalumba said that people have vowed not to register in numbers because they know that the person they have been voting for will not win even this time around.

“What you have seen in some provinces where people have not registered like what has been done in other provinces is because they are tired to vote for someone who cannot win an election,” he said.


  1. At one time Under 5 claimed he was talking to Trump to come and deal with us. Won’t surprise me one bit if he goes the Capitol Hill way. From his tone lately, you smell he is plotting insurrection abetted by Shushuwa Shushuwa.

  2. Ba sub-chief fimofimo naimwe ikalenifye; all that education, yet you fail to see the hand of akasaka kampiya, aka ’empowerment’ in all such happenings. Smh

  3. Dr Kalumba whom we thought had Principles has joined the Politics of the Belly and now believes that : “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya”. Kalumba’s stomach is empty so he wants to eat Taxpayer’s Money thru the ECL corrupt deals. ECL promised SADC and AU free and fair Elections in 2021. So what is wrong with HH alerting SADC and AU that the Elections are not being conducted in accordance with SADC and AU Election Guidelines and that the Voters Roll has been manipulated in favour of PF Strongholds? HH has done the Right thing by reporting Voters Roll violations to Election Observers. Is Kalumba not aware that Kakoma was heavily bribed to defect while Belemu was rejected by the Voters in Monze. Kalumba has joined the HH blame game to get “kasaka kandalama ” from PF. To give ECL…

  4. Katele Kawitch. Stop blaming the victim’s of Lungu’s regionalism and tribalism. This is a pattern of discrimination that the people of North Western , Southern and Western provinces have continued to suffer under Edgar Lungu. You were quiet when Lungu retired thousands of civil servants from these provinces under the pretext of ‘national security’.
    The only institutions that issue NRCs and voters cards are under government, the Registration office under Home Affairs and the ECZ. Both institutions camped in the PF Govt’s favoured tribal areas. Katele, were you hiding in your hole in the tree, when UPND leaders raised the issue of discrimination in the voter registration process?
    Your fear of people from these three provinces taking part in governing Zambia can easily be resolved…

  5. Kalumba has joined anti HH blame game to get favours from PF. That is how Politics of the Belly works in Zambia. Kalumba is jealous of the huge bribe paid to Charles Kakoma for him to defect to PF. Now Kalumba is fishing for a bribe for himself. We thought Dr Kalumba had Principles. We are so wrong. When u are in Rome do what the Romans do. Kalumba advocating for another 5 year Term of Corruption,Mismanagement, misrule etc.? Njala yamunyekula Kalumba. So sad for Zambia.

  6. People don’t vote for a face, they vote for pertinent issues that affect them on a daily basis. Njala ya nyokola manje, that will determine who wins the elections. Whether everyone including HH moves to PF, we will vote for something else but PF

  7. So Katele Kalumba is saying there’s good leadership in PF? Really? Is this coming from Katele Kalumba who even tasted the unrivalled excellent leadership of the MMD under Mwanawasa?

  8. For us who are in UPND, we are not seeing any poor leadership in UPND, so how can an outsider who is not led by our leaders in UPND see poor leadership, defies logic

  9. This man has never spoken anything good about the UPND. Remember he once mocked the late Mazoka about his illness

  10. The leadership in UPND is very okay, sound and vibrant. Attacks of poor leadership in UPND from the outsiders are just propaganda, that is why people are joining UPND everyday country wide

  11. Dr Katele Kalumba has joined the Politics of the Belly. To endear himself to PF, Kalumba has joined the HH blame game. Kalumba can see People getting “masaka andalama” and doesn’t want to be left out. He is joining the Band Wagon of: “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala”. Njala yanyokola Dr Kalumba. He can’t resist it.

  12. UPND leadership is very vibrant. This propaganda of attacking UPND leadership wont work. Everyday multitudes of people across Zambia are joining UPND, so how can one say there is a leadership problem in UPND

    • Because 90% of the people who post on social media or who have access to are opposition supporters. The only people who will vote for ‘you know who’ are those without access to social media, those who have no clue about the real happenings in this country

  13. Where have you been, we still remember the United Transformation Movement (UTM) Secretary General Patricia Kaliati when she called on the Zambian High Commission in Malawi to ensure that three top Zambian nationals left the country.
    Kalyati claimed that former Minister of Finance, Dr. Katele Kalumba, former intelligence chief, Xavier Chungu and former State House Special Assistant for Politics, Kaizer Zulu were spotted in Malawi and were been brought to allegedly rig elections in favour of incumbent Peter Mutharika.

  14. The economy of Zambia has crumbled. Immediate past bank of Zambia governor said the economy crumbled even before covid came. So how can one start attacking UPND leadership instead of starting to work

  15. Unemployment highest ever, inflation highest ever, exchange rate highest ever under PF government and you are still talking of the good leadership in UPND instead of fixing things, you have very little time left before departure from government

  16. Is Dr Kalumba a member of PF or UPND? What interest does Dr Kalumba have in advising HH? Kakoma defected to PF after receiving a hefty bribe from ECL so is Dr Kalumba jealous of him. By joining the “HH” bashing Band Wagon Dr Kalumba hopes to receive his own bribe from ECL? Hon Belemu was rejected by his Constituency so Dr Kalumba expects HH to impose Belemu on Voters? Dr Kalumba also complained when HH alerted SADC and AU to the rigging of the Voters Roll. What was wrong in HH doing this after all Zambai should conduct these Elections in accordance with SADC and AU Election Guidelines. Dr Kalumba is hungry and wants to eat from ECL’s palms. He should join PF and be part of:”Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala” corruption. Dr Kalumba should ask GBM for “kasaka kandalama” for himself.

  17. Everyone is telling upnd the same but they are so arrogant and so up their own backsides to listen. This is what happens when a party’s foundations are tribalism. They will continue with the same failed leader because after all only a Tonga can rule upnd. Very nasty party

  18. I suppose everyone has his own way of seeing things. If Doc has seen things his way and said it remember it is his right to say as go he does not insult anyone. Ba UPND you speak the way you see things it is your right and say what you see and think but not to insult.
    Doctor Katele thanks for your opinion.

  19. Dr Kalumba should just open up and say in the upcoming 2021 he is supporting ECL’s Power Retention. Kalumba has joined the HH bashing in turn for PF Monetary Benefits. It’s amazing for Dr Kalumba a former Minister of Finance to advocate for the continuation of ECL’s Corruption, mismanagement, misrule etc. Maybe Dr Kalumba has just joined the Politics of the Belly currently under way in Zambia. Dr Kalumba is excited to join PF’s Gravy Train. He should join the “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala” Choir. GBM is waiting to give Dr Kalumba his own “kasaka kandalama “. We shall see.

  20. Dr kabimba let’s look at your history. Why were you in court?
    What made you go into hiding?
    Let’s not point fingers at others
    Before looking at our record.

  21. The letters by Hakainde to AU and SADC will haunt him. There are so many factors in his seemingly dwindling voter numbers. After the 2016 elections, I heard someone in Northern Zamvia saying Ya! Our colleagues in Southern province voted in large numbers. Chitimukulu just indicated the same and encouraged his subjects to vote in large numbers. That did not go well with HH who depends on one or two provinces for his votes. But now that the ghost voters, and other reasons for dwindling voter numbers HH only singles out PF for those numbers and forgets about other pertinent reasons for his dwindling fortunes

  22. Come rain come sun shine, type 100 words per minute, scheme your language against UPND, hard luck for you as Zambians are in love with UPND

  23. A fair point, HH like many politicians should have left the Zambian political landscape by now. These are part of the problems.

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