Saturday, July 27, 2024

Divisive Theology of Politics


The the launch of an Empowerment Scheme for Churches,Religious and Faith Based organisations at Government Complex
The the launch of an Empowerment Scheme for Churches,Religious and Faith Based organisations at Government Complex

The current issue that is dividing the church is the “church empowerment fund” and the sudden generosity of politicians,especially from the PF to churches.

This is not new.”Religion is a clever enterprise (for politicians) to stay in control”! Emperor Constantine was one of the first politicians to realize how his political aspirations could be well served by aligning himself with the (clergy) while neutralizing their godly influence..” (Dr Francis Myles).

As we approach 12 Aug 2021 politicians are finding their way to front pews and pulpits with bundles of cash,even cars as offering and extolling the “important” role of the church! The message to the church is clear.

“This country is in a state of crisis and you are more aware of this than anyone else.Therefore be fearless in your task.Do not silence your conscience(for a few pieces of silver) but let it lead you”.

By Concerned Zambian


  1. Why do we hold this foreign religion(s) & political phylosophies as if it’s shinga shinga? Black people this is why we have lost our ways & today we are the poorest continent & undeveloped, all because we have embraced foreign things more than the very people who brought these to us. All we see is disoriented loud Africans closing their eyes while the people who brought this religion are busy taking natural resources in our land.

  2. Lusaka Times should not entertain some dead and out of topic attack comments from hate mongers.Ban the idyot he’s far worse than this divisive theology of politics.

  3. It is such a pathetic political ploy that PF is pulling. All those receiving funds will be ignored after the elections like they have been ignored the last 5 years.PF must go! They have wrecked the country enough! Zambians wake up! But power is sweet – the truth is PF has rigged the elections long before any vote is to cast ( voter registers).

  4. What PF
    doing to stay in power is mind-boggling.

    “Washington(CNN) In an extraordinary move, the State Department is pulling the US ambassador to Zambia after the president there objected to his harsh criticism of the government’s record on corruption and gay rights.
    Recalling an ambassador is rare, especially when an ambassador is arguing for American values abroad.
    US Ambassador Daniel Foote, in a scathing statement on December 2, slammed those in the conservative Christian country who compare homosexuality to bestiality and said he was shocked by the “venom and hate” he received for criticizing the sentencing of two men to 15 years in jail for being in a gay relationship. Same-sex activity is illegal in Zambia.”

    PF time out.

  5. “sweep (something) under the rug

    To ignore, deny, or conceal from public view or knowledge something that is embarrassing, unappealing, or damaging to one’s reputation. The senator has been accused of trying to sweep his former drug use under the rug. You need to stop sweeping your problems under the rug.”

    PF time out.

  6. Corrupt PF and its incompetent president contravene every single one of the Ten Commandments on a continuous basis…. and they support the church? That’s just hypocritical. The church should REJECT anything they get from PF.

  7. Churches that do not wish to be “empowered” should refuse the money without climbing an anthill to announce their refusal. And those that choose to accept should do so willingly without being coerced. Different churches have varied challenges and can’t be rated the same way.
    The opposition can turn a good gesture into a monstrous evil act.

  8. The Church Empowerment Fund (CEF) is intended for the congregations that need financial support during the Covid-19 pandemic. Some congregations do not any financial assistance. However, some congregations especially small congregations need financial support to cope with Covid-19 pandemic. When followers are praying in your presence, it is better to ignore them if you are an atheist than to stop them from praying. There are numerous unresolved issues in the church congregations that leave room for dissent. However, the dissent should not be at the expense of less privileged embers of the congregation. Take time to reject food. Take time to reject medicine. Take time to reject solidarity.

  9. @ Mulongoti
    I agree with you 100%. Those who are busy publishing don’t understand the verse that say when you give from the right hand let the left hand not know. Why just keep it to yourself if you don’t accept. F00lish Clergyman

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