Saturday, July 27, 2024

Mucheleka must familiarize himself with the PF Constitution before making any remarks-Sunday Chanda


The ruling Patriotic Front (PF) Media Director Sunday Chanda has advised UPND Spokesperson Patrick Mucheleka to familiarize himself with the PF Constitution before making remarks regarding the just ended PF Party elective Conference.

Mr. Chanda said the PF has noted with much disappointment the attack on the party by the opposition UPND spokesperson in a statement he has issued that is disguised as a congratulatory message.

“His statement disguised as a congratulatory message is loaded with malice which clearly stems from the fact that our colleague from the opposition has not bothered to look at the PF constitution and understand the party’s guiding statutes when it comes to dissolution and putting in place it’s central committee.” Mr Chanda said

He adds that it is public knowledge that the PF has and will always be guided by its constitution.

“The just ended conference was transparent and successful and had both local and foreign participants. The constitution which allows the President to nominate members of the Central Committee was followed. The council carefully reviewed the names and approved.”

To clear the air on the issue of the Central Committee, Mr. Chanda advised Mr. Mucheleka and company would find the following clause helpful and informative.

“ARTICLE 57 of the Constitution of Patriotic Front party Election of Members of Central Committee! Sub-section (3) The PRESIDENT of the party shall submit HIS LIST of CANDIDATES TOGETHER with the names of other CANDIDATES for the office of the members of central committee to the NATIONAL COUNCIL FOR CONSIDERATION and APPROVAL.” the PF Media Director said.


  1. And you Sunday, have you familiarized yourself with the UPND constitution before making your usual misguided comments?

  2. Both UPND and PF can only throw insults at each other – I haven’t heard one word on POLICIES from either of them all week!

  3. Which is more democratic, the party members electing members of the party’s governing body and then the president choosing their portfolios OR, the president nominating the members and asking the party faithful to approve them?
    In the later case, the president chooses those HE can work with, i.e. those who will say, YES YES YES BOSS.

  4. Did we not have a manifesto saying more money in peoples pockets in 90 days. What did we get. Zero money in peoples pockets. So these manifestos and constitutions really mean nothing. PF has been boasting of having a manifesto mean while all economic indicators are all their knees, be it inflation, exchange rate, reserves, record unemployment, unsustainable debt and all the others, and indeed truth be told, they were down even before Covid

  5. Mr. Sunday Chanda this is not time to hit back at Mucheleka but hitting the ground and explaining to the Zambian voters how the PF is going to bring back the economy on track. The rest is water under the bridge.

  6. Where can I get a copy. Even us PF members need to familiarize. It was suprising that MCC had to be appointed and not elected

  7. I think even u Sunday are ashamed u boasted wen UPND held their successful conference where they had elections only to b hit with a thunder bolt of a selection conference wen u had said wait for our elective conference only to discover there were no elections

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