Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Manifesto is forgery and a product of stolen photos and images from other people’s websites


Government Deputy Chief whip Tutwa Ngulube says it is a shock that the most publicised UPND 2021-2026 MANIFESTO is in fact a forgery and a product of stolen photos and images from other people’s websites.

“We note with dismay that they did not just lift statements word for word but went further to even forget to edit the photo stolen from the Website in Jamaica. A close perusal of the manifesto on page 8 reveals that the banknote pasted in their manifesto is in fact a one thousand Jamaican dollar bill written Bank of Jamaica,” he said.

Hon Ngulube who is newly elected Patriotic Front (PF) Member of the Central Committee said that the shame and embarrassment of stealing ideas could not be hidden when they repeated word for word statements from a South African mining company website and though HH condemned the Zambian Government’s acquisition of 100 percent stake in Mopani Mine through ZCCM-IH after they were offered by Glencore the major shareholders.

Hon Ngulube said that a proper show of ignorance and in the spirit of usual uncoordinated contradictions between HH’s speeches and written documents, the manifesto contradicts his earlier statements when they stated on page 11 of the manifesto that the UPND will put in place a policy and plan to facilitate local ownership and increased participation of Zambian players in the industry.

“This is not what he said about Mopani, “Hon Ngulube said.

Hon Ngulube who is also Kabwe Central Constituency Member of Parliament said that this was a sign of lack of foresight and the failure to come up with their own ideas, adding that it is clear that the UPND lack original and authentic ideas to run their own future government.

Hon Ngulube has since demanded that the UPND within 48 hours withdraw the forged manifesto from circulation or face criminal proceedings for infringement of section 17 of the Copyright and Performance Act.

“We are taken aback to learn also that the UPND is saying they will start respecting court judgments only after they form a government. We note that their president has never respected our courts every time he has lost court cases. In 2016, after his Petition to challenge the presidential election was thrown out, he went on rampage disrespecting the Constitutional Court judges,” he said.

Hon Ngulube said that Mr Hichilema’s disrespectful conduct continued after the Constitutional Court held that President Lungu was eligible to stand in 2021.

He, therefore, demanded that the UPND must apologize to the people of Zambia for presenting a forged document with the hope of forming a government using fake information and stolen images, explanations and ideas.

“They did forge the manifesto and uttered it to the people of Zambia,” he said.


  1. Tutwa Ngulube should not make noise about the quality of UPND Manifesto. PF should produce its own Manifesto so that Zambians will be able to compare the two Manifestos and judge for themselves which Manifesto is the better. We are less than 4 Months b4 August 12. Let’s have PF’s 2021-2026 Manifesto. Don’t forget PF’s Moto is: “Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala “. GBM said recently that if u want to eat,get rich and u want to grow a big tummy like his u must join PF.PF’s core business is Corruption, Corruption.. at its best.

  2. But for 10yrs the PF has failed to run the economy and has actually made things worse.That’s worse than UPND’s sins of forgery.

  3. At least UPND has produced a Manifesto for 2021-2026. Where is the PF Manifesto? We want to compare Apples with Apples. People of Zambia will tell u which Manifesto they like when they vote on August 12,2021.In 2016 Zambians were promised Money in their pockets but got nothing and instead they are poorer. They will remember that at the Ballot Box. In life Trust is priceless!

    • Chola, PF manifesto is infrastructure development with inflated costs. If you take away that they have no manifesto and no plan for the country. Visionless PF

  4. If the UPND manifesto was stolen one, that would be the least of our worries. We just want UPND to come and sort out the huge economic mess. As a people, we are not even worried with constitutions and manifestos, we are just looking at intellect, competency, capacity, integrity and urgency to deliver

  5. PF and UPND must GO! VOTE UNIP, power mulilo. We have a choice so let the people choose without fear and intimidation.

  6. Kkkkk. Chamubaba baba. Just keep on harrasing police officers dear this wont help you. If PF manifestal is poorly arranged please see how you will do it.
    What Zambians want is have descent life than your brocken cost of living which is so high in the name of development and nkongole.

  7. If this manifest for UPND is attacked by almost every other party to be forged then it is a real good manifesto. Finito

  8. GO TO H*LL TUTWA NGULUBE EVEN Pf Manifesto has bits and pieces of known constitutions does Pf even have the brains to write their own ? they certainly dont show it
    We demand that the UPND IMMEDIATELY, but not later than 48 hrs, withdraws the forged manifesto from circulation or face criminal proceedings for infringement of section 17 of the Copyright and Performance Act.

  9. UPND has finally produced a manifesto after waiting this long and yet they kept on saying they had one.If they had a manifesto before this one what stoped them from having it launched in the same manner as this new one? Uwa fitala akaimwena says ba HH.Aka bwili nako ati umwine wa chisushi tomfwa kunuunka.Ecl ati utupuba tuletalika.

  10. UPND produced a Manifesto for 2021-2026 for the People. UPND thru the Manifesto is selling its programmes to the People when they form the next Govt in August 2021. Instead of trying to edit or critique the UPND Manifesto ,PF should produce its own Manifesto and People will choose the Manifesto they are happy with. Come August 12 People will vote for a Party of their choice depending on the Manifestos. So Tutwa Ngulube is wasting time talking about a UPND Manifesto. People are anxiously waiting for a PF Manifesto. In 2016 PF promised People money in their pockets. PF failed to deliver on their 2016 promises. Once bitten twice shy.

    NOWHERE !!

  12. The problem with the UPND manifesto is the shocking number of spelling and grammar mistakes. “Shepard” instead of “shepherd” – would you trust a party to run the government and its economy when they can’t even spell properly?

  13. our parliament is a carbon copy of the house of commons, imagine even the chairs have the same color, have never heard the british talk about copy rights , is this the beans some politician was saying he was going to spill? surely do zambians deserve to be eating beans on a daily?

  14. says the id1ot who cant even control his bully son who is busy breaking kids teeth in boarding school, P0rnt front party… party of dander heads and 1doits

  15. I don’t know why president lungu chose this kz as an advisor, a man of questionable character, without any drop of dignity. Even school goings are respectable, what was the President thinking?

  16. Thinking and coming up with original material is hard work and time consuming. UPND are in violation of commercial laws and academic principles. Only people who have written thesis and produced commercial intellectual property will understand. I don’t expect everyone to understand what Tutwa is taking about.. you could be light years behind.. it is still fine…

  17. It is saddening that our colleagues in UPND can even dare to challange or defend the midiocrity of copying things from other people. If plruralism meant this kind of allegience to the political party that you support even in the work of this kind of midiocrity then some us misunderstood it. If this is true, then this party cannot be allowed to govern our great nation. If indeed its true they should apologise to the Zambian public. For now it sounds like fiction, may be we need to hear the UPND’s response. Just the other day HH was bemoaning low education standards in our country but today we hear that this is the same man who is allowing copying in his political party. Surely if HH means what he says he must apologise to the Zambian people.

  18. During UPND’s Manifesto launch, Hichilema used the President’s slogan of “One Zambia, One Zambia!!! Anybody can go and check it. Pathetic!!

  19. HH knows that there are no chances of him winning the upcoming general elections. That is why he is not wasting his time and energy in preparing new plans and hence just copying from PF and other websites.

  20. Hichilema has betrayed the trust of our long back… Even if he promised the world to us, we are not going to fall into his dirty trap.

  21. UPND leader HH and its cadres have committed the crime, disrespected the President, and broke the public rules so many times. But never apologized. I don’t think so they are gonna accept their mistake and apologize to Zambians.

  22. HH aka #Bally and his handful of party members are shameless. Despite presenting all the evidence against them, they are gonna shamelessly refuse it.

  23. The only solution for this is to vote HH out in elections. He doesn’t deserve to rule our patriotic nation.

  24. Whenever you look at his face, you will notice that he has no guilt or fear, he doesn’t care about the consequences which are very dangerous for Zambia.

  25. We already knew that HH is an evil person. Since 2006, he has never won by our votes. And, this time his retirement is confirmed.

  26. Getting other people’s ideas is not a “sin”. What is unacceptable is failing to *ACKNOWLEDGE*. It runs short of plagiarism. It is even worse that is was written word for word without crediting the source. If it is the dull, illiterate PF you can’t mind, but worse for the self avowed educated UPND cult. UPND hurriedly did the manifesto without giving it checks and balances.

  27. UPND had a lot of time in which to provide a manifesto. They were busy opposing Lungu’s candidature and parley bills. All they gave us is a sham document.. Their egotistic cadres are busy urging the ruling PF to make there own manifesto. They forget PF has a practical resume with track record and traceable references. ,UPND no longer talk about the 10 Point plan as it has failed them. Mu cita fye ico mwa ikata cakaba, mwa leka. Be pro active.

  28. Who’s the copyright owner if there’s plagiarism? Is it Tutwa Ngulube? If not hv the copyright owner hired Tutwa Ngulube? And who are these copyright owners who hv not identified themselves? Assuming Tutwa Ngulube is telling the truth, there’s no copyright infringement where someone’s copyright-protected material is not used for commercial purposes.

  29. Writing. a manifesto is not an examination. If you see things your friends are working and would uplift the lives of the people, what is wrong doing it too if it would work? I find Tutwa to be confused. Lungu cannot even get ideas from friends because he is busy stealing. Lungu naba PF will lie like Trump did on Biden.

  30. Really laughable …this reminded me of Primary school “foolings” on the school ground as boys…this caliber of leadership hand picked by Lazy Lungu is a total and utter disgrace. I mean instead of looking at photos at least read it then rip it apart with facts and issues; you wonder how this boy defends his clients in court.

  31. Tutwa Ngulube is wasting time reading and critiquing the UPND Manifesto Instead of writing a better Manifesto for PF. UPND produced a Manifesto to sell its programmes to the People when it forms the next Govt. PF should produce their own Manifesto so that People can make a comparison. PF Manifesto could include their Moto:”Uubomba Mwibala Alya Mwibala Alya Mwibala” and GBM’s boasts that if u want to eat,get rich, grow a big tummy like his and loot State Resources then join PF. U will have plenty of Money and live well while those in Opposition starve and suffer. That is the PF brand.

  32. @ Pompwe, if CNN or BBC are your sources of what transpired during the US elections, I am sorry for you. Trump’s concerns of dead people voting, illegal immigrants voting, the computer tallying system moving votes from him to Biden, mail ballots still added even after cut off point, GOP representatives chased out of tallying centres, cancelling signature verification of a voters days before the elections, etc. When Trump and his lawyers took these issues to the courts of law the courts refused to hear him. Atleast in Zambia we gave HH a chance to present the evidence of rigging and for 14 days he could not. To me the Zambian electoral system is far much better than the USA’s because we use voters identity cards and participating parties are in polling stations and every part observes…

  33. from the time that HH guy proclaimed himself president,they have never produced anything worth talking about.
    What happened bto his 10 point plan?
    HH is a dreamer.
    Over 20yrs in opposition and you cant produce a credible manifesto sure?
    The MMD and NAREP have far better manifestos than UPND.

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