Saturday, July 27, 2024

Non-compliance of COVID-19 health guide worries committee in Chipangali as Minister holds rallies


The COVID-19 epidemic committee in Chipangali has expressed concern with the high number of people in the district who have not been adhering to the COVID-19 health guidelines. The committee has noted the laxity in wearing masks and observing physical distancing.

Committee chairperson, Peter Msimuko has observed that people have been gathering in large numbers without observing health guidelines to protect themselves from COVID-19.

Mr Msimuko stated that the district has a challenge with centres of worship, political party rallies and funerals where people carelessly mingle without observing health guidelines.

The District Commissioner was speaking yesterday during the district COVID -19 epidemic committee meeting in Chipangali.

“We are very much concerned with a high number of people not wearing masks and observing physical distancing. This disease is still with us and we must continue sensitizing people especially in churches and at funerals,’’ he said.

And District Health Director, Dr. Danny Suya, said numbers of positive cases were still being recorded in the district and there was need for all churches to ensure they provided masks and hand washing facilities to their members to protect them from the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We still have positive cases being recorded in the district and churches should not relax to tell their members to continue masking up and washing hands whilst maintaining social distancing,’’ he said.

Meanwhile, 5,150 in Chipangali so far tested for COVID -19

Chipangali, April 14, 2021, ZANIS— A total of 5,150 cumulative COVID – 19 tests with 325 testing positive in Chipangali District, Health Authorities say.

ZANIS reports that the cumulative total of COVID – 19 tests cover the period from last year to date targeting members of the public, and pupils as well as health personnel.

District Senior Environmental Health Officer Agripa Zulu disclosed the COVID -19 statistics , when he presented a report to the COVID 19 district epidemic committee on Monday.

Out of 325 positive cases, 321 were recoveries while only one death has been recorded and three are still active in quarantine.

Mr Zulu, who disclosed this during the meeting, also indicated that schools alone had coverage of 340 tests, with 238 pupils testing positive COVID – 19.

Adding to this, 54 health care workers in the district were tested during the same period with nine coming out positive.

“We have cumulatively tested 5, 155 people in the district and out of that, 325 were positive with one death. Currently there are three active cases in quarantine,’’ he said.

Currently, the department of health in the district has continued with COVID 19 sensitisation messages at health facilities and in schools, adding that, tests were also being done.

Mr Zulu told the meeting that all the 22 health facilities were conducting daily sensitisation messages on COVID-19 at Out-Patient Departments (OPD) and Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDT) for the disease.

Follow-ups were also being done at facility catchment area with the support of the district office, saying other stakeholders have come on board to provide masks especially in schools.

During the same meeting, Chipangali District Health Director, Danny Suya appealed to all Heads of Department (HODs) to help continue sensitising members of the community on the dangers of the pandemic.

Dr Suya also called for the need for communities to be informed on the voluntary vaccination of COVID 19, saying people must know interventions which government has put in place to protect citizens from the disease.


  1. That’s what we will see in the months up to the election: PF rallies with irresponsible behaviour from the top down to those criminal cadres! Covid-19 anyone? Those rallies will prove to be super spreader events!

  2. Who is COVID-19 epidemic committee? Please explain to us is it a NGO or State institution….as for Minister holding rallies what can you say when his boss Lazy Lungu is inept and okay with it…can you imagine a leader who has never held a press conference since this pandemic started.

  3. @Tarino, there are community health committees in every Ward. These comprise of community volunteers. They work under the supervision of the District Health Office. CPVID-19 Epidemic Committees are drawn from these groups. They’re assigned tasks at a small allowance. Most health centers are under-staffed so these people fill in that gap. They receive some kind of training. They distributed fliers in the community, they assist in programs like massive immunizations by acting as ushers, and various odd jobs that nurses can’t cope with alone. They fetch water, distribute disinfectants, mosquito nets, they also bring information especially on suspected unreported cases. They play an important role in health service delivery

  4. It’s not only Chipangali that is affected. People in almost all towns have relaxed. If there will be a third wave, it’ll hit us hard because of that. This is the time to strictly observe the covid-19 guidelines, especially that we’re going into the cold season. Let’s not relax, otherwise even the vaccines that have been brought in won’t be enough should a catastrophe hit us. The most notorious are politicians. May be we should give Mwami 1 special powers to enforce the covid-19 guidelines. I have seen even on buses few people wear masks, and even those don’t wear them properly. It’s as good as not having a mask on if it’s below your chin

  5. Ayotallah dont waste your time explaining anything to that ignorant f00l tarino. The f00l doesn’t live in Zambia and yet thinks he is an expert on our country just because he is living as an asylum in Europe.

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