Wednesday, October 23, 2024

PF dismisses Allegations of trying to Poison HH, it’s just Playing Politics


Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Hon Davies Mwila has refuted claims that the ruling party is scheming to poison leader of the opposition United Party for National Development (UPND) Mr Hakainde Hichilema ahead of this year’s general elections.

Reacting to allegations by Chief Mukuni with regards to the matter in question, Hon Mwila wondered how the PF could manage to poison the opposition leader.

The Secretary General added that Mr Hichilema is just politicking. He further mentioned that the ruling party will retire Mr Hichilema in the August polls.

“How are we going to poison him, we don’t stay with him? If he is poisoned then it’s the wife or his children. It is not possible for us to poison him. So those are just false allegations and he is just politicking,” he said.

“And I know people are becoming desperate because they know that they are losing these 2021 General Elections. They know they don’t have the numbers. We were telling them, lets mobilize our people to go and register, they were busy celebrating on Bill 10. That’s the more reason now you see HH has to retire. Come 12 August, we are very much ready.”

Meanwhile, Hon Mwila said President Lungu will win elections because Zambians have seen what his government has done.


  1. Its not a far fetched thought and its not beyond PF to do exactly that. Remember how Joseph Kaunda was killed in unclear circumstances last Dec 2020?

  2. Touch HH and you 3zee volcano eruption.

    Once said that Edgar Lungu wants rule by iron fist and that’s dangerous.

    The economy has crumbled and arresting HH will bring civil strife and eventually end his rule.

    People are angry because of worse economic situation.

    PF members are not happy too don’t listen to these weird thieves advising Edgar Lungu wrongly

    PF must go!

  3. But Bwana Mwila its true the PF has been poisoning the economy since 2013 and its still on life support.Maybe HH will be the 2nd act ?

  4. U can hide the fire but u can’t hide the smoke.Zambia under ECL has become lawless. Who knew that instead of protecting the People the Police is now killing Citizens.Nsama and Joseph Kaunda were recently murdered by ZPS and we have not seen Justice in this case to-date. Jezebel Nawakwi The PF Surrogate has threatened that she will not rest until HH is arrested b4 August 12 Elections and have his name removed from the Ballot Paper. What did the Police do about this threat? Nothing. We know that it is ECL’s wish that HH be eliminated from the Presidential Race b4 August 12 by any means.We suspect that the intention to arrest, poison and kill HH and then claim that HH has died from Covid-19 is still on the Cards.The Plan has been aborted 4 now due to bad publicity but wait 4 the…

  5. The allegation to poison HH, kill him and then pretend that he died from Covid-19 is real. Even some PF Cadres were claiming that HH is in a Covid 19 Comma. The killing of HH was on the Cards but becoz of this exposure it has temporarily been shelved. There is no smoke without fire. People have been gassed,killed,harassed etc under this ECL Panga Family Govt. It’s a lawless Party and Govt so poisoning HH to remove his Name from the Ballot Paper is not beyond them. With this lawlessness People should brace up for a violent, rigged and disputed Elections in August 2021. Just like in Uganda the illegitimate ECL Govt will be put under Sanctions. So we can forget about an IMF Programme and access to Western IFIs for Concessionary financing. The future of the Zambian Economy under…

  6. ““How are we going to poison him, we don’t stay with him? If he is poisoned then it’s the wife or his children…………”
    SPENDING RESOURCES TO COME AND SAY THIS? Has this guy ever heard of Sergei Skripal and his daughter, what happened in the UK? Was that family done by member? I am not insinuating that PF planned it, but I am saying this is a DULL justification or objection that a person at Davies level can ever say. In this Zambian political jungle, where you have this political prostitution as a norm, where today`s friend is your tomorrow`s enemy, its no far fetched from having some of the inner circles to HH being planted. Therefore, that risk still holds, and the above from Davies doesn’t disqualify it. As per Kampyongo`s threats from yesterday, and if you can read through…

  7. Mwila should tell us why KZ has been falsifying that HH is under a Covid 19 induced Comma? How did KZ know this and what did ECL and Mwila do about this lie?This led to the speculation that that they want to kill HH and then claim that he has died from Covid-19. It’s not a Secret that ECL doesn’t want HH on the Ballot Paper. If the 2021 Elections are free,fair and credible it is obvious that HH will win with a landslide. People are tired of ECL and PF Govt and want a change of Govt on August 12. This is a fact! The only way ECL can retain Power is to either eliminate HH by Hook or Crook or rig the Election massively. Jezebel Nawakwi who is a PF Surrogate has said she will not rest until HH is arrested b4 August 12 and his name removed from the Ballot Paper. What has ECL and Davies…

  8. What benefit is there of poisoning a f00l who has been losing election for decades and who is losing again? Why poison the tribal leader when he is in a severe coma? Nature has a way of dealing with crooks, tribalists and liars

  9. HH is afraid of being poisoned to death. Really??? I just laugh at this allegations. If they really waned to kill him I am sure these guys could use bwaanga bwakwa Mununga. Why wait for poison when these guys have the ability to send lightening even in the dry season? This is all politicking. My advise to HH …do not be afraid of those who kill the flesh. Come out of your hiding and campaign . No one will harm you. Time is running out.

  10. HH and his media team telling this poison and killing story to people for almost 5 to 6 months now to get the attention of Zambians.

  11. Wonder, from where Hichilema gets so much overconfidence to speak lies and cheat Zambians. I must say that he is a disgusting and shameful person.

  12. We already knew that HH is playing politics. Why in the world, a strong, powerful ruling party will try to kill a leader who never won in any election in his entire political career! What kind of threat PF will have from loser HH???

  13. We never believed Hichilema and we are happy that we never did. Or else after exposing all his dirty crimes especially the stolen manifesto, we all would be so embarrassed like his dull supporters.

  14. No patriotic Zambians should forget that Hichilema tried to damage the image of our men and women in uniform who risk their lives for our safety.

  15. The good part is, no smart Zambian entertain HH and his fake stories. He could win long back if we would have started taking him seriously.

  16. Remember how HH was shredded by BBC’s Hard Talk host Steve Sukur when he went there to try and peddle the same lies. He was told in no uncertain terms he was no different from the boy who always cried wolf and if government really meant to eliminate him, it could have done so. In other words, HH was just trying to win sympathy by using the same old method of crying wolf.

  17. It feels sad that Bally is using our youths by dragging them into his dirty politics. Just for the sake of money, many cadres roam around either in police uniform or fake PF cadres, damage public properties, and threaten people to destroy the character of the ruling party. SHAME!!!

  18. The Plans to arrest HH have been shelved for now becoz of adverse publicity. On Nomination Day HH will be arrested to prevent him from filing his Nomination Papers with ECZ. ECL has repeatedly said he doesn’t want HH on the Ballot Paper so he is trying to eliminate HH from the Presidential Race at all costs. ECL knows that he can’t win 2021 Elections against the Popular HH. Zambia is obviously heading to a violent, rigged and disputed Elections. An illegitimate ECL Govt will lead Zambia no where with Sanctions on the Horizon. The writing is on the wall.

  19. Time is the mother of everything!
    PF Secretary General Davis Mwila has told cabinet ministers and PF members of parliament that they will go to prison if they don’t work hard to win the 2021 general elections.
    Speaking during the Luapula Province party mobilisation launch which was broadcast on Prime TV, Mwila said Luapula Province should save ministers and members of parliament from going to prison.
    “Here in Luapula, we have a lot of support. We have 100 per cent support, but you bring five constituencies with 90,000 votes. Our friends (UPND) one constituency is 90,000 even if it’s in the village. Why are you not voting? That is why I am telling you that if you play, you will cry,” Mwila said.
    “… All the cells will be full. All these people you see behind me will be in cells. Abena…

  20. It is the State security organs that are being used and abused by Zanu PF to unleash guns and mass beatings of defenceless citizens!
    The African Union must know that the greatest sanctions on both Matebeleland and Mashonaland Nations in Zimbabwe are Zanu PF and its leaders. These are the greatest sanctions imposed on these two Nations using violence and fear as a weapon of conquer and political hegemony.
    The brazen abuse of the security sector to fight Zanu PF’s political wars must be condemned by the African union and the international community. The security sector and every other institution in that country, since 1980, has been transformed into Zanu PF’s drivers of violence and blood-letting machines.
    There is a Zanu PF army instead of a State army. There is a Zanu PF Police force…

  21. Idriss Déby, the disgusting veteran dictator president of Chad, is dead. He was shot dead “on the battlefield” while fighting rebels. Déby last week won a sixth term in presidential elections. Well, “Jameson Kachasu” Lungu beware, you illegally field yourself and you will end up like Idriss Déby, Africans must learn to listen, enough is enough!

  22. If the 2021 Elections are free, fair and credible HH will win with a landslide. ECL knows this but he is not prepared to give up Power now. That is why he is imposing himself on Zambians thru an illegal and unconstitutional Third Term. ECL will still need to garner 50%+ 1 vote to win the 2021 Elections. This threshold is too high for ECL to achieve based on his current unpopularity. So he will have to rig these Elections to retain Power in 2021. Rigging Elections successfully is not easy especially if most Voters are clamoring for a change of Govt. HH is a problem to ECL and poisoning him to get rid of competition is not far fetched for PF. We all saw how ZPS killed Nsama Nsama and Joseph Kaunda during the day and in cold blood. That’s how Cruel ECL and PF are. The writing is on…

  23. In Russia president Putin has poisoned opposition leader Navalny – it’s not unthinkable that Lungu has watched CNN too much and wants to copy him!

  24. Lusaka times run by puppets, bamushanina bwali, collector’s of dirty money. What a shame. I pity the people who even work there. You are all corrupt through and through. You will give an account to God. This is how low people can sink when they are corrupt. Mr Lungu will not always be there. You are writing your own story about Lusaka times.

  25. After failing to convict HH on Privatization suspected crimes they are trying to incriminate HH on abduction of Hatembos. The objective of ECL and PF is to convict HH in Court so that as a Criminal Convict HH’s Name will be removed from the Ballot Paper. The idea is to block HH from filing his Nomination Papers with ECZ on May 17,2021. ECL is desperate to eliminate HH from the Presidential Race. ECL knows that with HH on the Ballot Paper he cannot get 50% + 1 Vote. ECL’s best bet is to eliminate the Popular HH from the Presidential Race by Hook or Crook. The writing is on the wall.

  26. @Mutale u are spot on . ECL and his Advisors believe that without HH on the Ballot Paper ECL can garner 50% + 1 Vote. So to ECL, HH is enemy No.1 who has to be eliminated from the Presidential Race by any means. All these Arrests and Abductions are targeting HH. The main objective is to block HH from filing his Nomination Papers with ECZ on Nomination Day. The elimination of HH from the Presidential Race will assure ECL an outright win during the first round of 2021 Elections. ECL realises the dangers of going for a Re-run with the Popular HH as his Opponent. Hence ECL and his surrogates are fighting very hard to have ECZ disqualify HH from the Presidential Race. Time will tell.

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