Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kawambwa receives COVID-19 vaccine


Kawambwa district in Luapula Province has received 1, 450 doses of the AstraZeneca vaccines to help in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic.

Kawambwa Town Council Chairperson, Kalumba Chifumbe said the measures taken by government to roll out the vaccination campaign to all parts of the country will significantly help reduce the impact of Coronavirus.

Mr. Chifumbe who got the first vaccine during the launch, has thanked government for providing COVID-19 vaccine to it citizens.

He has encouraged the residents who are eligible to get the vaccine as it is safe for them.

And District Health Director, Chola Kaunda explained that the vaccines are for those in the first tier category such as health workers, police, immigration and journalists who are at high risk.

Dr. Kaunda said COVID-19 vaccination, has more benefits than the mild side effects that one may present after being vaccinated.

He has however, urged people to continue observing the existing health preventive measures such as masking up, social distancing and regular hand sanitising or washing with soap.

And 27 people received the vaccine, during its launch in the district.


  1. Meanwhile bIack upnd diasporans have not even yet got the vaccine there abroad. The family you left in the village here is getting it before you, thanks to his able leadership ECL

  2. You getting all these vaccines that dont even protect people from mutant viruses from South Africa or India ..this is the problem with perpetual lazy beggars you just get anything that is put in front of you!!

  3. The AstraZenica ‘vaccine’ has been rejected by many countries already.

    (REUTERS) EU Commission to end AstraZeneca and J&J vaccine contracts at expiry – paper

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