Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF considers education as a fundamental basic human right that every Zambian citizen is entitled to


Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary-General Hon. Davies Mwila says the PF government under the leadership President Edgar Lungu considers education as a fundamental basic human right that every Zambian citizen is entitled to.

Speaking when he officiated at the fundraising luncheon organized by St. Peter and Paul Church in Chingola, Hon Mwila stated that the PF views education as an investment and not a cost.

He explained that this is the reason why the PF government under the leadership of President Lungu has continued to invest billions of Kwachas in the education sector to ensure access to quality and affordable education for all.

“The PF Government, being a pro-poor Government, believes in universal access to general education for all citizens,” Hon. Mwila said.

The party Chief Executive Officer explained that the PF Government has in the past 9 years constructed 14,235 primary schools, 4,690 secondary schools, 14 trades schools, and increased the number of public universities from 3 to 7.
And Hon. Mwila said the PF party recognize and appreciates the great works that the Catholic Church in general and St. Peter and Paul, in particular, are doing in complimenting the government’s efforts in the provision of education.

“It is for this reason that when we saw your invitation we did not hesitate to come and be a part of this fundraising luncheon,” he said.

Hon.Mwila stressed that the PF will continue to work with the Church in fostering national development, unity and peace.

He said the party believe that apart from preaching the good news, the church has an obligation to meet the physical needs of people adding that this is why the party has been working hand in hand with the Church to uplift the living standards of Zambians.

“Father MUTUNU, I know that we are here to raise money for the school that your parish is building; according to the information I have, your target is K700,000. This money will go towards the completion of the school for our children here,” he said.

The PF Secretary General has since appealled to the business Community and members of the public to contribute towards the construction of the school.

Over K400, 000 cash was raised during the luncheon from the invited guests.

Among the notable people who attended the event include Chifubu Member of Parliament Hon. Dr. Frank Ng’ambi, Health Minister Dr. Jonas Chanda, former Sports Minister and Nchanga Member of Parliament Hon. Richard Kazala and other party officials.


  1. Our achievements speak for themselves. Zambia now has a growing middle class population of highly educated people and this continues to grow. At this rate it might become difficult for people to find maid and garden boys, if everyone is doing well. We might then start employing upnd diasporans as cleaners in our Zambian homes. After all that is what they do there abroad

  2. Educated but unemployed middle class, some of these unemployed educated have excellent Entrepreneurial skills but PF government does not give them an enabling environment and opportunities. Kamo niwe PF Cadre. Sarfina what business acumen does she have to given K300.000. It just goes to show how PF lacks credibility when it comes to youth empowerment. We still have 50,000 unemployed potential civil servants. This year they are saying they wil only employ those who finished in 2016, ba 2021 labenikofye 2026 by then those in pf who have stolen from the public purse will have served atleast 5 years of their jail term .

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