Saturday, July 27, 2024

Revised Intellectual Property will ensure better Implementation of IP-related activities


Minister of Commerce Trade and Industry Hon Christopher Yaluma says the Revised National Intellectual Property (IP) policy will ensure that all IP-related activities of government agencies, research institutions, higher learning institutions, and the private sector are implemented for a better Zambia.

Officiating at the commemoration of the World Intellectual Property Day and the Launch of the National Intellectual Property Policy, Hon Yaluma said the aim of the government in developing the policy is to ensure that it operates as a principal guide in enacting laws and regulations for Intellectual property.

Mr. Yaluma noted that the policy does not only intend to promote innovation and creativity, but also to educate and enable the business community and the general public to understand, manage and protect their intellectual property rights.

“The Revised National IP policy is guided and motivated by the vision 2030, which is our National long term planning instrument that reflects the collective understanding, aspirations, and determination of the Zambian people to be a prosperous middle-income country by 2030,” he said.

Hon Yaluma added that the policy has been formulated to facilitate the creation of an environment that stimulates and fosters the generation, protection enforcement management, and exploitation of IP in all sectors in Zambia.

“This document we are launching today is intended to support efforts by the government towards achieving the objectives of the country’s vision 2030, the Seventh National Development Plan(7NDP) as well as the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).


  1. Just stop doing anything, HH will come fix it in 3 months.
    All of just focus on burning those useless papers in your files. You have 3 month May, June, July, to clean up.
    Go get paint from the lazy ministry of works, and paint all offices.

  2. Ba Yaluma, you are shamelessly saying you are determined to make Zambian a prosperous middle-income country by 2030 when Tanzania, our next door neighbor achieved that status almost two years ago!

  3. “Hon Yaluma said the aim of the government in developing the policy is to ensure that it operates as a principal guide in enacting laws and regulations for Intellectual property.”-LT Am I reading this right? If yes PF time out.

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