Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Lungu celebrates KK’s 97th Birthday


President Edgar Lungu greats Zambia’s First Republican President Dr. Kenneth Kaunda during the celebration of his 97th Birthday at his residence in Lusaka

President Edgar Lungu says it is important that the country celebrates the life of first Republican President Kenneth Kaunda for his immense contribution to the country’s development.

The Head of State notes that Zambia is what it is now because of the selfless contribution and sacrifice that Dr Kaunda made.

“Zambia cannot be what it is without your contribution. We thank God. It is imperative that we celebrate your life and we continue to learn from you,” the President said.

The President said this in Lusaka this morning when he paid a visit to First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda at his residence in honour of his 97th Birthday.

President Lungu stated that the One Zambia one Nation Motto that was affirmed by the First Republican President is still helping to unite the country and will always be held strongly and firmly.

The Head of State who led his team in singing the Happy Birthday song also presented gifts to Dr. Kaunda among them being the Holy Bible and noted that the word of God is paramount and must be embraced at all times.

“We never get tired of the word of God. The word of God is paramount to us. We also have the Ministry of Religious Affairs that among other things help inculcate good values in the nation,” President Lungu said.

And First Republican President Kenneth Kaunda expressed his gratitude to the President for showing him great love on his birthday.

“This is touching. Thank you for coming. It takes me back to God’s place, I’m humbled. Please continue with this good spirit. May God continue to bless you all Amen,” said Dr. Kaunda.

Minister of Religious Affairs Godfridah Sumaili encouraged Dr. Kaunda with the Gospel of Christ and gave a prayer of thanksgiving to God for the life of the First President.


  1. Happy birthday my President…..And thanks ECL for remembering this day and your thoughts on what it is to be “One Nation, One Zambia”.
    Except that you have ki.l.led this concept with your aggressive “Tribal” based campaigns against whoever has a different view than that of PF. I wish you and your PF could show appreciation of this slogan by practising it, not just appreciating it.

  2. Happy birthday Dr Kenneth David Kaunda Your Excellence Sir! You are 97 and going strong! May the good Lord keep you strong and healthy as you enjoy a 3 year shy of a centenary birthday day today. 100 here we come! Amen!

  3. Happy Birthday KK! Wishing you more health and strength. No one can take your place in the history of our beloved nation.

  4. Happy birthday to you Dr Kenneth kaunda your excellence sir may almighty God bless you with many years to come.

  5. Happy birthday, sir! You at least truly believed in the health and education of a nation. Not the current charlatans who have only ever paid a lipservice to it.

  6. Zambia as a nation is what it is today, because the current government has wrecked the economy, dumped the Kwacha and stolen the coffers empty!

  7. This man Kaunda ,a giant of a national figure and an African statesman of huge stature will most certainly hit 100yrs .Felicitations on your 97 trips around the sun.

  8. Yes Edgar is a nice guy, that’s why Zambia is so fvcking boring. Edgar should not file nominations, HH will take care of him for real.
    What I know for sure is that when HH wins, he will be best friend of Edgar Lungu.

  9. Happy birth day my President Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda. You had a vison for this country. Indeed as rightly said by President ECL, the history of Zambia is incomplete without your name. Enjoy your day.

  10. It is important to remember the heroes of the independence struggle and their contribution…he really wished well for zambia and his shortcomings were not for want of trying

  11. The word of God is paramount to us. SO SAYS THE PRESIDENT

  12. VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY KK I wish you many more years of life. Thank you too President Lungu for celebrating the 97th birthday of our first President, Dr Kenneth Kaunda with such befitting words. The history of this country and Southern Africa, can not be complete without his name in it. There is one video clip that I have watched over and over every year, its called ‘End of Empire (1985), chapter 13: The Rider and the Horse’. A must watch for every Zambian.. Check it out on You Tube..using URL:

  13. If hh is not in a coma why does he not come out to wish the father of the nation a happy birthday? This is great day. Happy birthday my grandfather. Healthy lifestyle has kept our shikulu going. For me I will live until the age of 106

  14. Ask yourself how many ex Presidents in Africa live in their countries. Most are dead killed by the bullet while others go into exile upon leaving office to enjoy what they stole. KK has been in Zambia since leaving office peacefully by the ballot in 1991. He was accused by some short man of stealing monies which fake crimes could nt be proved. Admit it. We are a special nation because of KK

  15. We need a big Kaunda square to remind us of the sacrifices and a place where Zambia would show case events, celebrate independence in honour of that great leader Dr. Kenneth David Kaunda. UNIP, father of all things political in Zambia, Power and Mulilo.

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