Saturday, July 27, 2024

Tourism key in socio-economic development – President Lungu


President Edgar Lungu says tourism plays a key role in the social and economic development of the country through wealth and employment creation.

President Lungu said the country is moving on a positive trajectory towards attainment of the tourism master plan.

The Head of State explained that Chitambo district like many other sites in the country has to be fully harnessed in order to propel both local and international tourism.

President Lungu made the remarks in Chitambo district Friday afternoon when he opened the Visitors information center in honor of late Christian missionary David Livingstone.

“Let us all be champions of promoting domestic tourism as it will help the country in job and employment creation. We should also hail the role that local people played in the preservation of this heritage,” President Lungu emphasized.

The President pointed out that tourism industry needs to continue diversifying in order to create visibility.

And Tourism and Arts Minister Ronald Chitotela hailed the British government for the support to the Sector.

Mr Chitotela was quick to mention that President Lungu is the champion of tourism as he is the second head of state to have visited Chitambo village.

He pointed out that all roads leading to sites will be rehabilitated.

And British High commissioner to Zambia Nicholas Woolley and Senior Chief Chitambo hailed government for the memorial centre.

The duo noted that the center will enhance the flow of people visiting the Chitambo village.

President Lungu has since returned to Lusaka.

President Edgar Lungu greets tourism ps Patrick lungu when he visited the David livingstone memorial site on chitambo district
President Edgar Lungu greets tourism ps Patrick lungu when he visited the David livingstone memorial site on chitambo district
 President Edgar Lungu read on the cenotoph when he visited the David livingstone memorial site in chitambo district
President Edgar Lungu read on the cenotoph when he visited the David livingstone memorial site in chitambo district
 President Edgar Lungu read on the cenotoph when he visited the David livingstone memorial site in chitambo district
President Edgar Lungu read on the cenotoph when he visited the David livingstone memorial site in chitambo district


  1. Meanwhile the same lazy man Edgar is happy to see lower Zambezi National Park turned into an open pit mine …he just reads speeches he doesnt understand.

  2. Great stuff my boss. Looking very cool, calm and collected. We are wondering where the tribal faycebook president HH is. He has been missing in action at a time when most leaders are selling their plans for zambia. For him his obsessed with suing government because he is an arrogant mb0I0. Tongas can you call him out or else we will take it that you promote and encourage tribalism.

  3. Three months before the election, suddenly Lungu discovers tourism, while over the last six years he didn’t want to know. The most hypocrite and unproductive head of state not only in Zambia but throughout Africa! August 12 can’t come fast enough!

  4. And KZ the UK based imposter diasporan: you might as well go to sleep, everybody knows now that you’re not the real deal!


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