Saturday, July 27, 2024

Emulate the non-violence stance of political leaders-President Lungu


The mainstream churches in association with the Ministers Fellowship across the country have today successfully held national prayers with various political leaders ahead of the 2021 general elections.

The focus of the event was to bless the political campaign landscape and pray for all candidates of the elections for peace and issue based campaigns.

With the message centered on the quest for the right motive, President Edgar Lungu has implored the media to amplify the information so that candidates may have the right motive as they contest for the general elections.

The Head of state tasked the media to translate the message properly concerning the motive surrounding all political players.

Speaking in an interview with journalists at the Cathedral of the Holy Cross, President Lungu reiterated the need for peaceful campaigns especially among various political cadres.

The Head of Stated indicated that party supporters should emulate their leaders who have never engaged in violent activities against one another.

He told party cadres to follow the behaviors of their leaders as they have strived to always lead a non-violent example, adding that they were friends who are just contesting for a common position.

The President added that none of their children has been seen at the battle front to fight with the opposition, thus questioning party cadres to do the same.

“Why should our followers fight, they should follow the leaders who have set an example. We are friends so why should we fight and kill other people, in fact we don’t even love our children to get into such activities,” President Lungu explained.

He noted that some political leaders have known each other even before they got into politics hence maintain their friendships.

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu being prayed for during the National Prayer initiative for 2021 peaceful elections at Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka.
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu being prayed for during the National
Prayer initiative for 2021 peaceful elections at Cathedral of the Holy
Cross in Lusaka.

Meanwhile, Pentecostal Assemblies of God Bishop Harrison Sakala urged all political leaders to be sincere with their motive for the country as they contest for positions.

Bishop Sakala noted that all politicians ought to check their motive as they campaign and that it should be based on the wellbeing of Zambia.

“Motives are important because they are a driving force to what we intend to do. It is the same for politicians to have a motive for the country as they aspire for various leadership positions,” Bishop Sakala preached.

He further urged politicians to be mature enough and concede defeat when the results are not in their favour, while encouraging voters to cast their votes on the right motive.

PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu and Rev.Godfridah Sumaili at National Prayer initiative for 2021 peaceful elections at Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka.
PRESIDENT Edgar Lungu and Rev.Godfridah Sumaili at National
Prayer initiative for 2021 peaceful elections at Cathedral of the Holy
Cross in Lusaka.

And Lusaka Ministries Fellowship Chairperson Christopher Kabunda said that the church will from onwards spearhead the spiritual matters of the country.

Bishop Kabunda observed that the church has in the recent past been in the back seat when it comes to national matters, but that it plays a pivotal role in providing counsel, wisdom and uniting the body of Christ among other duties.

“For a long time, the church has been at the back seat concerning their blessing on the country’s spiritual matters. But now they are front runners starting from this moment,” Bishop Kabunda stated.

Political players are happy with the initiative saying it helps various political parties to carry out their campaigns peacefully.

United National Independence Party (UNIT) Presidential candidate Trevor Mwamba said the service was inspiring for all participating candidates to be guided by God as they practice peace among one another.

Bishop Mwamba called on fellow politicians to preach peace before, during and after the August 12, 2021 general elections.

“All political leaders should be peacemakers, let us work for peace, unity and for the prosperity of all God’s people in this beautiful nation of ours,” Bishop Mwamba added.

The national prayer initiative for peaceful elections which carried the theme: proclaiming peaceful, issue based political campaigns to provide responsible leadership for the next five years of Zambia had an attendance of over 10 political party leaders.

At the end of service, President Lungu and other political leaders mingled as they embraced each other.

Blowing of the shofar and dedication by Bishops at National Prayer initiative for 2021 peaceful elections at Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Lusaka.
Blowing of the shofar and dedication by Bishops at National
Prayer initiative for 2021 peaceful elections at Cathedral of the Holy
Cross in Lusaka.


  1. Look at this silly moron Edgar pretending to humble with his hands clasped together…yet he is the one pushing on his cadres…he has never address them directly!!

  2. I knew about the Northmead Assemblies of God from a dear friend on the 90s , a well rounded human being who I respect very much. I am not a Pentecostal member and am not sure what they teach about public finance , human rights, honesty, and respect of the constitution.

    I am not sure what drives these people;money or tribalism! Certainly nothing to do with God’s Kingdom!

  3. As expected the eviI freemas0nsic tribaI ring leader HH was no where to be seen. Upnd is a party for satanlsts.

  4. ECL is a wolf in a sheepskin. He is the one promoting,protecting and financing Rival PF Cadres, Militias and Vigilantes. ECL is using ZPS and the Courts to persecute his Opponents thru Prosecution. It was ECL who arrested and detained HH and 5 others for 127 days in 2017. Just this year Ackson Senjani and three were detained for 32 days without being taken to Court. ECL has been invited for Dialogue with Opposition Parties led by the Church but he has refused to participate. ECL is a hypocrite and doesn’t do what he says. Even Tayali now knows how brutal the ECL Regime is. ECL pretends during the day that he is a Man of Peace but at night he is busy fanning violence. People should not be misled by this violent,Corrupt, incompetent and Visionless hypocrite.

  5. Madongodongo governance at work
    Watch “Court Acquits CK In The Defamation Of The President Case” on YouTube

  6. Look at these so called bishops using God’s name in vain once again by talking nonsense.
    ECL is not a humble man. He is a Wolf in A Sheep’s Skin.

    Once a new government takes power please get rid of all these fake bishops. And make sure there is no link between the church and the government. Government should be left to govern. And the PF government should not compromise the church on any matters political. PF should stop to hoodwink the public into believing that they mean well, when they Don’t. Scrap the ministry of religion….or whatever. Scrap it….zap all them fake pastors and fake bishops, zap briefcase political parties.,, zap stupidity in Zambia for once.

  7. The money you pay in taxes goes to many places. In addition to paying the salaries of government workers, your tax dollars also help to support common resources, such as police and firefighters. Tax money helps to ensure the roads you travel on are safe and well-maintained.

    PF time out. Third term does not make sense, you are complicating things.

    This is truly taxation without representation.

  8. Asembe sikunali cyber law and citeci ici ci defamation of women asembe takamba vambili pamene apa. Anyway, friends, please. Friends. Please. Do the right thing in the upcoming 90 days. Please.

  9. indicated that party supporters should emulate their leaders who have never engaged in violent activities against one another. Really? What was the arrest of HH for overtaking about? Niye actions of violence kabili

  10. “indicated that party supporters should emulate their leaders who have never engaged in violent activities against one another”. Really? What was the arrest of HH for overtaking about? Niye ma actions of violence kabili

  11. Good Practice to retain your SANITY ON LT… Skip whatever this LOW LIFE KAIZAR has posted… OK now let me express myself by copy and pasting what one of you has posted.. What is the stance of Northmead Assemblies of “GOLD” on : public finance , human rights, honesty, and respect of the constitution

  12. Is kaizar zulu really a zambian,why don’t the police quiz him for the insults on our beloved HH and Tonga speaking people.

  13. # 15, why did you not comment on #1 Tarino Orange? aren’t these guys from the same mother? At least I thought so, because they are just different children from the same parents?

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