Friday, October 25, 2024

ECZ dismisses HH’s allegations that the Commission was under pressure to disqualify the UPND leader


The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has demised the allegations leveled against the Commission by the UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema that it was under pressure to disqualify his nomination.

ECZ Chief Electoral Officer Patrick Nshindano said the remakes issued by the UPND leader were far from truth.

Speaking during a briefing to wrap-up the closing of the Presidential nomination at the Mulungushi International Conference Center, Mr Nshindano described the statement made by Mr Hichilema as unfortunate.

“With regards to the UPND allegation leader Hakainde Hichilema that the Commission was under pressure to disqualify the nomination that is far from the truth and it’s very unfortunate, ” he said.

Mr Nshindano stated that the Commission was at no point under pressure to warrant the disqualification of the UPND as alleged.

He explained that the Commission is an independent autonomous body which operates according to the provisions of the constitution.

The ECZ Chief Electoral Officer pointed out that the Commission will continue to function independently adding that it will not be influenced by any individual or institution.

“And the Commission was at no point under pressure from any body and the Commission will remain an independent and an autonomous body as is provided for in the constitution and will undertake its mandate diligently as per law and will not be influenced by any individual or institution,” He said.

The exercise commenced on Monday 17th May 2021.

HH filling in his nominations
HH filling in his nominations

Meanwhile, Mr Nshindano said that the opposition UPND party refused to submit the required documentation in advance for processing the nominations.

He said when the party agents were contacted by the Commission to bring the documents in good time refused and opted to bring the documents on the actual day of nominations.

“The Commission did contact UPND political party agents to bring the documents in good time of which they refused to do so and preferred to come with the documents when they were filling in,” he said.

He further indicated that the documents submitted by the UPND during the preprocessing were not in order but that the Commission accommodated them so as to ensure that the documents were in order.

“And when they did in the preprocessing the documents were not in order and they had to be accommodated, for them to ensure that were in order,” Mr. Nshindano revealed.

And the ECZ says UPND and MMD breached the COVID-19 guidelines during the nomination process. Mr Nshindano said the Commission observed that on Wednesday and yesterday the UPND and MMD did not abide by the set health guidelines.

However, Mr Nshindano disclosed that during the opening of the nominations on Monday 17th May 2021 political parties did observe and follow the COVID-19 protocol.

“We noticed that all political parties that processed after the opening of the nominations process on Monday 17th fully did abide by these procedures and unfortunately these were breached yesterday and today. We did see a breach by the UPND party as well as MMD, ” he said.

ECZ has since made a plea to all political parties to observe the COVID19 guidelines as they campaign.

“Our plea to political parties please do recognize that this an issue of life and death. It important the COVID 19 guidelines are upheld we also call on other political parties to follow suit, ” said the ECZ Chief Electoral Officer.


  1. Well done ECZ on the nomination and that none of the residential candidates was disqualified on flimsy grounds. Thanks that even those who were disorganized were accommodated. That is the democratic spirit. Keep it up!

  2. The claim by the CEO that ECZ is an Independent Body is false and laughable becoz we know that ECZ is 100% controlled by State House. If this was not so how does ECZ allow Presidential Candidates with Criminal Conviction contest Elections? Our Electoral Institutions in Zambia are now State Captured.

  3. Considering that the gassing and Nawakwi sagas were both aimed at HH this allegation is believable. In any case ECZ is so PF orientated.

  4. The problem with HH and the UPND is that they overate themselves,UPND knows that they lost the 2021 elections and they want to find any possible to reason to discredit the election process. They is nothing new that HH is selling .

  5. Hichilema is a hypocritical liar, ati they wants to kill me,they want to stop me from standing..Are you not ashamed now that you have filed your nomination and if the truth is not on your lips,you are a crook.. Hypocritical liar..

  6. The ECZ CEO mustn’t take Zambians for fools. Its not a secret that ECL’s real intention was to make sure HH ‘s Name was not on the Ballot Paper at all costs. ECL’s surrogate Jezebel Nawakwi publicly stated that she will not rest until HH is arrested b4 August 12 and his name removed from the Ballot Paper. ECZ did nothing about these Statements. ECL and PF were Campaigning thru working visits, Empowerment deals etc. Now ECZ is being used by ECL and PF to weaponise Covid 19 to their benefit. ECZ wants to stop the Opposition from Campaigning becoz they have no Campaign message. The Opposition Parties have plenty to Campaign on: PF burning Markets, Gassing People, Corruption, Lawlessness, poor Governance etc. Is ECZ going to direct ZNBC to allow the Opposition to flight their adverts…

  7. Any normal person can see that PF doesn’t play to the rules of the game as they are hell bent to fix their opponents regardless of the rule of law & the constitution. ECZ doesn’t work autonomously without PF interference. Same interference in the justice system hence we have Mubita still jailed without formally charged for two weeks against his constitutional human rights. Our institutions including ECZ are riddled with PF rot. Its a shame!

  8. Nawakwi saga will not go away just like that,wait after the elections,wina azamangiwa.Pray that he wins,if not hmmm…..FTJ was called a thief by Nawakwi see where it ended.Can she fail to sort out HH on land issues and many others?Let’s wait and see.Uwafitala akaimwena says HH.

  9. HH and Nevers are typical examples of rude boys that should never be allowed in the corridors of power. It is a shame that HH has continued to behave like an under-five, rules are rules if you do not abide by the rules you are yourself to blame. But what HH has been doing through and through is to think that he will go to state house through defiance. If the so called largest opposition party had no idea which documents are required to bring then they are not worth going to state house. What example are they setting? Maybe one of the other alliance members will take over the leadership of the party after August 12. HH has lamentably failed the UPND.

  10. Its the usual suspects …how can that Judge in the photo to be in that position for more than 5 years surely!!

  11. Pressure has been there as said
    By Nawakwi and others but there
    Was pressure from support on the
    Day of nominations as seen from
    The crowds.

  12. Here he goes again with his inflated ego and yet he knows he will never rule this country. Out of all candidates only hh is picked on apparently. How can such a cry baby ever be given the instrument of power. We don’t even take this donkey seriously. I would take one of his mps more serious because at least for them they have experience of public office unlike this privatized bab00n

  13. Having assessed the prevailing climate in Zambia, UPND leaders have been looking for an excuse to bail out (escape) from a constitutionally programmed democratic Presidential Election. UPND resorted to creating anarchy by floating allegations that Govt. planned to arrest HH so as to prevent him from filing his nomination paper to the ECZ. HH’s successful filing of his nomination papers at the ECZ actually killed this strategy. Zambians will vote decisively to elect a developmental-orientated President on 12th August.

  14. Another 2nd strategy was for HH to hire Panji, JJ Banda, KBF etc to infiltrate PF in order to destroy the integrity of the ruling Party from within. It is a strategy that also aimed to prevent ECL from contesting in the August 2021 Presidential Elections. However, recent Constitutional Court rulings to dismiss legal contestations by UPND MPs and John Sangwa denied HH from gaining access to State House on a silver platter. Democracy is hinged on political competition based on genuine facts.

  15. HH’s 3rd strategy was to create space for international involvement into Zambia’s Presidential Elections. HH hoped to gain South Africa’s support by using Johannesburg to blame Zimbabwe’s economic plights for being the genesis that led to homophobia in South Africa. Fortunately Ramaphosa is much wiser than Zuma. The Kazungula Bridge has killed UPND’s divisive plot in SADC region because Ramaphosa knows that the project will boost the economies of South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Zambia, Malawi and Congo DR.

  16. This party is so desparate.I do understand that losing 6 times is not easy.Can u imagine being in opposition for 25-30 years plus ?Most of these guys have gone cra—-zy and have mental issues.Just look how they insult when u just support PF.The have changed names into bemba or sengas, chewes names.u can’t even understand how they think. For them it’s HH. Kambwili was right otherwise these people from UPND can cause harm to the nation. They are have being indoctrinated that HH is their savior .This tells us that the party was formed on bad agenda. For the it’s HH or their person to rule UPND.This is serious. For those Zambians following this party should be very careful. Everywhere u go, things have gone USA people were complaining how things have gone up.COVID-19 is real and…

  17. CONT
    is real and PF should explain even show videos how other countries are suffering due to COVID. Infact Zambia has done better due to good leadership of Edgar Lungu. Ba PF let us join and comment on social media before these chaps flood social media and influence voters. Meanwhile PF should also start also having rallies but let make COVID guidelines are followed. UPND can’t stop these meeting

  18. Lekeni HH ateke Mwimufulunganya mind we all knows that He is now the President of This Country Not Ka Edgar Chagwa Lungu takaleteka bwino Icalo Cesu we’re angry with Him very much n we hate his Presidency so much ????

  19. All agents at polling stations should remain alert at voting day and get first hand record of results.In this era of smart Phones were you can take a vidoe and post the results on your whatsapp group you can also tally your own results has a party and know instantly how you are doing around the country even before the results reach the main center. If only your Agents at polling stations are fast asleep such an exercise will be futile.

  20. Moscow and chikanga above you two have got a lot of data. You know what the story is. As CIA 1 i can tell you guys analyse issues objectively


  22. HH is just another disillusioned person. It’s good he knows he has lost the election. Any means to get sympathy from voters are being shattered by the system.

    HH, you lost it when you got out of the pact naba Sata. You were given an opportunity but you messed it up.

    You will continue crying until you die.

  23. The sand has shifted in Zambia. PF has been rejected this time. They ‘won’ marginally in 2016 on the back of a promise to perform. Now, the record shows us they have injected poverty. The sub urban voters, youths and workers no longer talking tribe this time. Its all one direction. if you cannot see this, then you are mentally blind.


  25. ECZ openly rubbished Hichilema’s allegation. But still, some fools will support HH. God bless their brain. ???

  26. Everyone is appealing to political parties to observe the Covid-19 health guidelines. But UPND thinks they are special and fall under a different category that is why none of them paid attention to this and gathered just for the filing of nomination.

  27. UPND refused to submit the required documentation in advance for processing the nominations. ???????? They are living in a different world where HH is the ruler.

  28. How could such a nonsense person have followers? HH doesn’t deserve a single supporter, forget about the votes.

  29. According to UPND and its supporters, everyone is corrupt. From police, law to ECZ everyone is working for PF. But #Bally is innocent as a child.??

  30. We demand strict action against UPND for breaking the protocols. He had put millions of lives at risk, the whole party should get punishment.

  31. We demand strict action against UPND for breaking the protocols. He had put millions of lives at risk, the whole party should get punishment.

  32. I strongly believe that UPND should be banned! It is a threat to our peaceful nation. #BannUPND #BannHH

  33. In Zambia , who doesn’t know that the 7th Curtain is going to fall down on HH on August 12 ? Overrating is the major problem of HH and the UPND. That political rally they had is nothing . Please do know that the curtain will come down against HH more heavy than before. True /false ? It is true.
    Surely, you are just misleading your people again.

  34. PF guys let us start now flooding the media.UPND has bought phones for it’s cadres to post everytime so that the masses can think HH is loved.We need to also counter this ru—–bi–sh and start commenting.Then ba PF we need to be on the ground especially in compounds.Let this HH lose terribly.The country will be at risk.Can u imagine his supporters saying even if HH slept with my wife i would vote for him.That is ma-d–nesss.Kambwilli ws right that they can choose HH instead of Jesus mwana lesa.This is too much to have such members to believe in a human being who sold mines.It’s pure tri——b—lis—m at play in their party.PF count out and support our party.Ba Kamba and elections team let us have young people tocounter lies of UPND now.They are coward .Team PF let us gooooo

  35. I always ask ba under5 supporters what makes you think 2021 elections you are winning! Hichilema is a record on repeat.

  36. Since when did ECZ become the enforcer of Public Health Act? Only MoH and MoLG has mandate to enforce Public Health Act, and may call upon police to assist if need be and never ECZ

  37. From #34Beb or whatever you are to #44Chitunga…. what a loss bwana….so you mean you could be everything masquerading as such. Bwafya. You got time zoona. HH ninshimbi….and he is winning.

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