Saturday, July 27, 2024

LAZ urges Police I.G and PF S.G to protect Sangwa from Kamba attacks


The Law Association of Zambia is saddened by sentiments of ill will targeted at Lusaka Lawyer John Sangwa by the Patriotic Front provincial leadership in Lusaka for petitioning the eligibility of President Edgar Lungu in the constitutional court.

PF Lusaka Province Chairperson Kennedy Kamba is reported to have directed party members to treat Mr.Sangwa as a political opponent for merely challenging the eligibility of President Lungu in court.

In a statement, LAZ President Abyudi Shonga says the sentiments are irresponsible and capable of endangering the safety of a citizen who enjoys full protection under the constitution of Zambia.

Mr. Shonga says the PF alongside other political parties recently accepted LAZ’s call to participate in a peace charter ahead of the August general polls and the conduct of Mr.Kamba is an affront to the process that LAZ is spearheading.

The LAZ President said Mr.Sangwa must not be victimized for merely plying his trade no matter how unpopular or controversial the subject matter maybe.

He has since demanded for the withdrawal of the threats issued against Mr.Sangwa and an assurance from the PF that their cadres will not harm him.


  1. SANGWA will be beaten for playing partisan law rather than constitutional law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you start a fight you must be strong to defend yourself……………………..He is opposition for PF and we all know what PF does!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The police will do nothing but the trueth is alaponoka SANGWA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Is it LAZ or more like LAP ( Law association of politicians)

    Listen, that f00I sangwapo knew what he was doing the moment he accepted money from HH and decided to become a political mercenary for upnd. Now you want our police to waste our resources protecting a f00Iish coward like him? Our police have more important things to do. Let this sangwa face a beating so that he learns to stick to being a lawyer who has never won a case.

    #sangwapo akap0n0ka

  3. The scared will be found all over the place when any matter is being looked into! What makes them so jittery when as in the Sangwa case is a legal matter we all are bound to benefit from especially that as it unfolds we’ll have an understanding and interpretation of clauses and how they fit into the arguments to be done by professionals. Anyway whatever the lessons Zambia ha proven to be running on a “useless” constitution that takes the citizenry through winding roads meaninglessly to get to the next door neighbor’s steps!

  4. Bushes ba sangwa tabakwete fimbi ifyakuchita? What kind of hatred is he displaying? If he was a true lawyer and not a politician, he would have respected the courts decisions and not keep on abusing the courts. I think pa last lwakwe bombs. I fear for him.He has gone too far.

  5. Bushe ba sangwa tabakwete fimbi ifyakuchita? What kind of hatred is he displaying? If he was a true lawyer and not a politician, he would have respected the courts decisions and not keep on abusing the courts. I think pa last lwakwe nomba.I fear for him.He has gone too far.

  6. If some people in PF know that Edgar Lungu is on the right side of the law why threatening an innocent citizen who is only exercising his rights to petition?

  7. When you exercise your freedom, be mindful of others. No freedom is absolute. In short, don’t be reckless in the exercise of your freedom!

  8. Wed December 25, 2019
    “Washington(CNN) In an extraordinary move, the State Department is pulling the US ambassador to Zambia after the president there objected to his harsh criticism of the government’s record on corruption and gay rights.
    Recalling an ambassador is rare, especially when an ambassador is arguing for American values abroad.”

    “Zambian government-owned state media announced that Zambian President Edgar Lungu had written to the US asking for the withdrawal Foote.”

    The phrase taxation without representation describes a populace that is required to pay taxes to a government authority without having any say in that government’s policies. PF’s third term is arbitrary use of control.

  9. If ecl is going to lose why are you petitioning. ECL is not eligible if you are looking at from a scared point of view

  10. Honestly on sentiments expressed above when an opinion seems to favour another but still stands on truth there is going to be objection. In this case Sangwas opinion (by Law) seems to favour opposition to PF and its easy to shy away because well you will be seen to be UPND. He Is being BRAVE and speaking for many like myself who have been ignorant to this issue.
    The fact of the matter is there is a constitutional issue and if PF did not just act out as though they know it all and seek sincere dialogue a resolution would have been found way before election, be it alternative person standing or clarify the law with out interference.

  11. PF time out third term is contrary to millennials.
    Please don’t take us back, time has an arrow, always pointing into the future.

    “Archives are the documented memory of the nation. They tell our stories and help us understand who we are as individuals and as a nation. They underpin every aspect of education, science, health, culture, law and the historic environment. Archives inform the future by helping us to learn from the past.”

    PF administration forgets that there is archives.

  12. Asking the corrupt PF to protect Sangwa? You might as well commit suicide with those lying criminals

  13. KZ might have a black belt, but he is also based in UK, so how is he going to handle this? He can’t even vote on August 12!

  14. Is it the same Kamba who always says as the party instead of saying as a party, I am sure he does not have an idea of the difference of the and a. If he does not understand these little basics, you expect him to understand inflation, GDP, reserves and other stats which are in negative even before covid came, it is support chinampofu, and that is what is killing Africa.

  15. Hahaha. Wait until hell freezes before the ECL funded despicables are criticised. They put him at the helm of the PF and they will keep him there.

  16. So if this IG was not a PF cadre Kamba will already be under investigation proposing violence. Because of his affiliation and weakness now the police has lost respect, effectiveness or sensibility? All of see police as corrupt PF puppets! They enjoy killing and maiming opposition members!

    Do your job for once, arrest Kamba and show us that you still deserve the pay you are getting!

  17. Hooliganism must not be entertained, according to u, u know that ECL is Eligible, wait for the Concourt to uphold his eligibility. why do u want to beat a lawyer who is excising rights given to each citizen by the constitution? The President himself and PF at large must ensure the safety of John Sangwa Failure to which we urge the International community to cripple the Leadership and PF leadership with sanctions for trampling upon human rights. And as Zambian people if anything happens to John Sangwa we shall hold u accountable one day.

  18. What has changed? He has always been protected. He will get the same protection as ever. Don’t be timid. He who treads in the jungle, is afraid of nothing.

  19. KZ might have a black belt KIKIKIKI

  20. Please do not attack the IG, because Kennedy Kamba is very powerful in the country, this is the list of the top 7 very powerful Zambians
    1. Edgar Lungu
    2. Davis Mwila
    3. Kennedy Kamba
    4. Innocent Kalimanhi
    5. Stephen Kampyongo
    6. Mumbi Phiri
    7. Davis Chama

  21. What has changed? He has always been protected. He will get the same protection as ever. Don’t be timid. He who treads in the jungle, is afraid of nothing. Crawling insects can’t stop justice.
    Am keen to hear what comes our of this odd petition coming from a strange source.

  22. This is where we need independent institutions especially in Police…did you know that Malcolm X was getting FBI agents stationed outside his house at night even though they detested him.
    When I tell people that Lazzy Lungu is not a leader and lacks leadership acumen this what I mean. As for IG he is waiting for instructions from State House. PF has completely destroyed our public institutions.

  23. @ Tarino , are you suggesting that the police should protect john 24/7 ? Where is the threat in kamba’s words? A political opponent is a person with a different political view. Tarino you live in uk but you are failing to use the oxford dictionary.

  24. The last days of Kakoma Kanganja. Even if PF win, Kakoma Kanganja will be retired to Libala South. If he is lucky, he may get a diplomatic post to Papua New Guinea. This has been the worst Inspector General Zambia has ever had. He has really tarnished that high office that was once occupied by great men like Mataka, Chela, Mtonga etc.

  25. Sangwa withdraws Presidential petition…i told you that Sangwa is a half baked Lawyer….he messed HH’ elections results case in 2016….some Lawyers awe mwandi….and Constitutional Lawyer who can’t interpret the constitution and doesn’t know whether he is going or coming…he could be working for Lungu….trying to disturb HH from concentrating on his campaigns…

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