Saturday, July 27, 2024

Vice President happy with China National Building Investment Project


Vice President Inonge Wina has expressed pleasure that the 200 million dollar partnership investment with the China National Building Materials group CNBM is contributing to the realization of the vision 2030 to transform Zambia into a prosperous middle income nation by 2030.

Ms Inonge Wina said the government appreciates the partnership with CNBM as it is the largest investment in Africa.

“Government appreciates this partnership. I must say that this investment is the single largest investment by the group in Africa” she said.

Mrs Wina said this when she toured the CNBM Zambia Industrial Park in Chongwe district today.

She commended the company for choosing to invest in a place that has been isolated for a long time.

“I commend the company for choosing to invest and locate Sinoma Company in this area as part of rural development among the people, especially the qualified skilled youths who deserve a good start in life through employment opportunities” she said.

The Vice President called on the company management to also consider exploring other business opportunities in other parts of the country.

She also urged the traditional leadership to provide an enabling environment that supports development.

Brick factory process controller Mwala Paul welcomes Vice President Inonge Wina and her entourage during the tour of the Sinoma Cement factory in Chongwe District yesterday. Tuesday, June 8, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE ZANI
Brick factory process controller
Mwala Paul welcomes Vice President Inonge Wina and her entourage during the tour of the Sinoma Cement factory in Chongwe District yesterday. Tuesday, June 8, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE ZANI

CNBM Mpande limestone limited Managing Director, Zhang Yuanci said the company has created 400 direct jobs and has not laid anyone off despite the effects of the pandemic.

Mr Yuanci added that the company however put up measures to maintain production and operation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“The company took all kinds of measures to maintain the operations and productions.

All employees were provided free masks and sanitation facilities were developed.” He said.

The Managing Director also mentioned that the company paid over six million kwacha in taxes per month and ten million kwacha in fees to municipalities and related organisations in 2020.

Mr Yuanci also called on the government to continue working on improving the business environment.

Meanwhile, Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary, Elias Kamanga has commended the government for their commitment in ensuring investment projects in the country are completed on time.

Mr Kamanga said investments like CNBM will put the country on the map and will reduce joblessness among the youths.

“It is gratifying to see this massive investment. It will not only boost cement production in the country but also attract sales on the international market, while creating massive job opportunities in line with the government’s desire to create jobs for the young people” the Permanent Secretary added.

Mr.Paikani Banda shows the Vice President Inonge Wina and her entourage the map of the Sinoma Cement factory during the tour of the Sinoma Cement in Chongwe District yesterday. Tuesday, June 8, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE ZANIS
Mr.Paikani Banda shows the Vice President Inonge Wina and her entourage the map of the Sinoma Cement factory during the tour of the Sinoma Cement in Chongwe District yesterday. Tuesday, June 8, 2021. Picture by ROYD SIBAJENE ZANIS


  1. Investments are welcome , but Zambians should watch the Chinese and Indian unchecked immigration to zambia.

    If this goes on for much longer it is likely to cause racial tensions between have and have nots……

  2. We need such investment but local people should not be subjected to slavery wages and poor conditions of service. I wonder if the Labour commissioner has ben there to have on spot inspection.

  3. Garlic – So what’s your investment in this selfsame partnership with your Chinese masters? Some of you can sell your daughters to a brothel without knowing it thinking its a 5 star Hotel…really laughable.

  4. Garlic – So what’s your investment in this selfsame partnership with your Chin-ese masters? Some of you can sell your daug hters to a bro thel without knowing it thinking its a 5 star Hotel…really laughable.

  5. Tarino I told y0u that as long as you continue yapping your hateful tribal nonsense, I will ensure that you get moderated. You f00I.

    This is great development to say the least. You people there’s too much development under pf. I am finding it hard which ones to highlight within our campaign strategy. There are too many

  6. Where is COVID-19 rules being followed no 1 metre apart. Where have these 2 guys been for them to campaign under inspection of projects.


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