Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND dismisses reports it will scrap the Social Cash Transfer Program, but promises to increase it to over 200%


The United Party for National Development (UPND) has dismissed claims that the party intends to suspend the delivery of the Social Cash Transfer (SCT) programme once elected into power.

In a statement released to the media by the party’s Presidential Spokesperson, Anthony Bwalya, UPND said that contrary to the reports, the party intends to increase the Social Cash Transfer from K150 per month to K500 once elected in power.

“On the contrary, the UPND is disappointed that the PF regime has continued to swindle social cash transfer recipients by delivering K150 per recipient per month, when recipients will be entitled to at least K500 per month under the UPND administration,” read the statement.

Below is the full statement

We have noted with concern the continuous culture of deception by the PF government around the management of social cash transfer remittances to vulnerable groups in our country.

We wish to refute the desperate claims by the PF regime that the UPND intends to suspend the delivery of social cash transfers to those who need this crucial social lifeline.

On the contrary, the UPND is disappointed that the PF regime has continued to swindle social cash transfer recipients by delivering K150 per recipient per month, when recipients will be entitled to at least K500 per month under the UPND administration.

We wish to warn social cash transfer recipients, that the PF have no ability or capacity to continue paying the K150 per month beyond August, as this is a mere stunt meant to hoodwink those on social cash transfer into voting for the poor PF leadership.

We further wish to remind social cash transfer recipients, that the reason the PF government cannot pay them a minimum K500 per month is because donor support towards social cash transfer was withdrawn after the theft of over $4m of donor money by PF government officials – a matter which went to court and ended in the conviction of a former government Minister.

We wish to assure social cash transfer recipients, that the UPND administration will commit itself to uplifting the welfare of the most vulnerable by expanding the social cash transfer safety net for those who need it the most.

Issued: Anthony Bwalya
UPND Presidential Spokesperson
8 June 2021.


  1. Inexperience in UPND is killing them. Their comments are disjointed and make no sense. They claim they will increase maize floor price and reduce mealie meal price. They claim they will reduce taxes and increase salaries and social cash transfer. These statements can only come from people that lack experience and sincerity.

  2. This is why I mean when I say UPND do not have a clue on how to spin stories…how can you promote a programme that encourages laziness, where are you going to even get this money from…PF are lucky they have a clueless opposition.

  3. Kikik these chaps are crazy. They posted something on watchdog that they’ll increase salaries for civil servants by 100%,increase maize flour prices by 100%,employ thousands of civil servants .At the same time, they want to reduce prices of commodities. How can u reduce the price of mealie meal when the price of maize is doubled it meas it will also doubled.These are desparate chaps in the country.They know it’s their last chance so anything for them even if is not making sense is dowable.

  4. This is what happens when a party like UPND is very much behind. The social cash transfer amount under PF has not been K 150. Contrary to the lies of Anthony Bwalya, it has been K 180 which has been disbursed to child-headed and female headed households, the orphaned and the elderly. Anthony Bwalya also claims that the social cash transfer will be increased from his fictitious figure of K 150 to K 500. But what Bwalya and the UPND do not seem to know is that the PF has actually effected the increment of social cash transfer from K 180 to K 500. This has come about following the renewed confidence by donors in the programme after former Community Development Minister, Emerine Kabanshi, was removed from her position and prosecuted over allegations of failure to follow procedure over the…

  5. Ba Bwalys condemn your chaps in UPND in southern province by beating other people especially from norhern and eastern regions. Your party is evil.How can u start stoning people Namwala ?. These chaps in villages are stoning anyone in PF chitenge material.Do now understand that this fight is not about Zambia but certain tribl clique.This party was not formed on helping Zambians but themselves bcoz u can’t have 99.999% people supporting same party despite losing 5 times consevtively.Think twice Zambians.They are crying about economy now but mwanawasa improved the economy and kwacha appreciated against the dolla but they never voted even for levy.So why crying now when the kwach has lost value?Something is wrong with UPND.I see this party to be so dengerous for some peop;ple.No…

  6. If hh sold zambian companies that employed poor zambian you think he care about social cash transfer

  7. Anthony Bwalya, you are truly Under 5 just like your boss. You have no odes what even Social Cash Transfer entails, kubosa fye.

  8. @Moscow (op) how do you presume that every person who puts on a pf chitenge is from northern and eastern region? why have aligned your brain in such tribal profiling mentality? why can’t we just say cadres from different politic parties should stop attacking each other and learn to co-exist.

  9. PF please let us invest in social media.UPND are creating thousands of accounts.Kaizer please let us organize young people to stop UPND propaganda on social media.We have a following and this party can’t stop us.Ba Devies Mwila please let us invest in social media.

  10. We further wish to remind social cash transfer recipients, that the reason the PF government cannot pay them a minimum K500 per month is because donor support towards social cash transfer was withdrawn after the theft of over $4m of donor money by PF government officials – a matter which went to court and ended in the conviction of a former government Minister.
    You should have completed with the name saying- KABANZI

  11. The wealth of any nation is measured by the level of INFRASTRUCTRE DEVELOPMENT and PF has DELIVERED in this respect since it’s a PRO POOR PARTY, and between NOW and 2026 the FOCUS will be on the MICRO AND MACRO ASPECT OF THE COUNTRY AS PER NEW LAUNCHED PF MANISFESTO
    To you Ba Anthony, can you AS WELL deny or not, that UPND is a CAPITALIST PARTY that will NOT SUPPORT Subsidies (e.g. FISP) and will Privatize NAPSA, ZESCO, ZAFFICO and ZAMTEL instead just to name a few remaining PARASTATALS and that your all weather friends ANGLO are hitching for that moment to reenter the Zambian Mining Industry once again should you happen to form a hang government.?
    Can you explain what you mean by FIXING? Is it the COUNTR or the Zambian people? Please shed a bit of light because these are strong…


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