Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government orders the Closure of Schools and Bars, Bars to only operate on weekends


Government has directed the closure of Primary and Secondary schools for 21 days among other heightened interventions to mitigate further escalation of COVID-19 cases in the country.

Secretary to Cabinet Simon Miti says the move has been necessitated by poor adherence to COVID-19 guidelines among members of the general public, thereby worsening the COVID-19 situation

ZANIS reports that during a media briefing in Lusaka yesterday, Dr Miti added that the government is cognizant of the negative impact of the pandemic on the education sector hence the need to safeguard the lives of both teachers and learners.

He indicated that the directive is subject to review, inspection and certification and also dependent on how the pandemic evolves.

He has therefore instructed school authorities to utilize the period to conduct preventive, monitoring and maintenance activities.

“In the next two weeks, inspections will be conducted by ministries of Health and Disaster Management and mitigation Unit (DMMU) to inform decision-making,” Dr. Miti announced.

Dr Miti has further directed higher learning institutions to provide online sessions for the next one month subject to review.

He added that places of worship have been restricted to start conducting two meetings per week of one hour duration whilst observing the five golden rules against COVID-19.

Dr. Miti further stated that bars, night clubs and casinos will operate from Friday to Sunday from 18:00 to 22:00 hours while eating places have been instructed to operate on take-away basis.

Secretary to cabinet also noted that social gatherings such weddings, kitchen parties among others will be allowed with a maximum number of 50 participants subject to certification by the authorities and that funerals will also be held under strict compliance with a maximum number of 50 people.

He indicated that conferences, workshops and general meetings of all sorts have also been suspended until further notice.

In addition, Dr. Miti stated that public places such as trading places, bus stations and Malls among others should be fumigated at least once every week, as he implored the managers of these places to ensure compliance to health guidelines.

He assured that awareness activities on the fight against COVID-19 will be amplified under the leadership of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services.

“To ensure that all these are adhered to, I direct the relevant ministries and institutions to apply the existing laws in their enforcement,” Secretary to the Cabinet directed.

He however, urged the law enforcers to carry out their duties in a humane way by refraining from harassing members of the general public.

Dr. Miti reiterated the need for concerted efforts in the fight against the pandemic, adding that government will continue to work with local structures and leadership at various levels to promote positive behavioral change.

He stressed that the measures were not meant to punish anyone considering that the country is in an election period, but that there was a need to protect people to be able to exercise the democratic right of selecting their leaders on August 12, 2021.

All measures come into effect starting tomorrow, June 17th 2021 at 06:00hours.


  1. Dr. Jobbicks Kalumba tried to prevent school closure. But he just can’t help seeing the hazard creeping through and look the other way.

  2. Another case of dancing to the gallery! So pubs open over weekends! 21 days to inspect closed schools by whom? The lack of seriousness is alarming.

    MARK MY WORDS !!!!!

  4. They should just say schools have been closed for this term because July is even colder than June. The whole of August our children should be in school so the fees we paid for the second term do not go to waste

  5. And not one word on vaccines. That’s the total incompetence of this horrible thieving PF government. No money to purchase vaccines – which have proven in other countries to work very well – but Edgar China Lungu rather pays money to his criminal cadres! Shame on you!

  6. Does covid go on break during weekends? Its on weekends that the risk increases. All drunkards congregate in bars and tarvens. They get drunk and start spitting saliva infected with covid at each other. You cannot contineously wear a mask and keep social distancing in a bar. Just close the bars!

  7. Here is Solwezi is corona harvest. Ku kyalo kyamali.. its no mask and no social distancing. Kyawama market is the epi centre for covid.

  8. My kids’ lives come first. Wise decision. Unlike tarino who cannot have kids due to his homosexuality, I love my kids.

  9. Lungu does not think you can get covid in bars and nightclubs at the weekend?

    The man is pure genius.

    Vote wisely.

  10. Better late then never as they say.
    Situation was getting out of control so a step in the right direction. Buy the vaccines As waiting for donors can take long.
    Get self test kits as waiting to be
    Tested in hospital takes long.

  11. Rather than just condemning, think at times. There is a huge number of people employed in bars and nightclubs supporting a big number of dependants . If completely closed, these people will have no income and may end up dying of hunger.
    It is up to you the drankured to think of how to protect yourself. Or just buy take away and drink from home.

  12. In some companies, there is a system that has been running for ine year now.
    Workers alternate by staying away from work for 2-7 days. It reduces exposure to this contagious disease. Government does not want to paralyse bars and casinos, but reduce contact times.

  13. It is rather disheartening to read some of the comments here. Zambians are always quick to condemn whatever government does, especially in this politically polarized environment we are in. Any sane being will understand that if left unchecked, this Covid19 disease will wipe us off this earth in no time. Zambia has no capacity to handle a full blown pandemic in the worst scenario. The govt is at least doing something trying to mitigate the spread of the disease. However, govt should be bold and bite the bullet by enforcing a level 4 or 5 lockdown, for 21 days at least. That is no bars, no schools, no church gathering, no funeral gathering. All this should be enforced by the military or para-military. Forget about the economic impact for now. There will be no economy to worry about if all…

  14. Cancel the elections
    No bars
    No wedding gatherings, limited 50 at blessing or signing
    No church gathering of more than 50
    No school, both early, middle and tertiary
    Mandatory mask-up and social distancing
    Para-military to enforce strictly

  15. These Infection Prevention and Control measures seem to good. I hope you won’t misunderstand me. Any bleach in the line of defense compromises the entire defense system. The SAR2 CORONA VIRUS does not select who to infect, when to infect and where to infect. Why are you so strict on ensuring places of worship observe COVID prevention measures than these others. Let us be practically sincere with what we do. You allow Buses to load to full and above normal capacity and move for as long as the journey takes. Markets are usually crowded. Who can observe COVID rules in a (bar) drinking place. Let us do what we can in a just and appropriate manner in preventing infections. What we can not afford to do, let us leave that to Our God. Let God’s people gather and worship God freely, while…

  16. To the patriot: yes Zambia has no capacity to handle a full blown pandemic in the worst scenario. I would add, in any capacity. Doctors have gotten infected and died, vaccination was poor ( because of poor education as the govt controls the media) There has been time to learn from disastrous mishandling around the world and successful ones too. I like your words but I disagree, doing something is not the same as doing the right thing.

  17. The MoE PS, Kalumba, has been an advocate of non closure of schools, but he has to give in. Let those of us who see illegalities in everything continue with life as usual before the law catches up with us.

  18. That’s funny…so on the weekend there’s no Corona Virus…what type of backward makaka pompwe thinking is this

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