Saturday, July 27, 2024

Kamanga urges Zambians to take Covid-19 vaccine


Lusaka Province Permanent Secretary Elias Kamanga has appealed to people who missed the first phase of the Covid-19 vaccination programme to take advantage of the next one, which will have about three million doses.

The next consignment of the Covid-19 vaccines is yet to arrive in the country.

Speaking during the second dose vaccination day at the provincial administration, Mr. Kamanga noted with concern how difficult it was to convince people to get vaccinated when the vaccination programme started.

He has since urged people to take the Covid-19 vaccination process with utmost seriousness.

“It is very unfortunate that some of our people are not taking this Covid-19 vaccination seriously for this is a matter of life and death,” he said

He added that currently, the vaccination process is only for those that took the first dose.

“Am excited to get my second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine as I got the first dose about a month ago,” he said

Mr. Kamanga said medical indications show that people who have received the vaccine will not fall into critical conditions if they get infected with Covid-19 compared to those who are not yet vaccinated.

The Provincial Permanent Secretary said the third wave of Covid-19 is claiming a lot of lives in an unpreceded manner.

“We are getting thousands of positive cases per day, fatalities are in double digits and sooner than later we will be getting fatalities in triple digits if we don’t do something about this and clearly, we are not doing anything about what is happening and it’s extremely worrying,” he explained

Mr. Kamanga added that it was worrisome that some people are still patronizing bars and nightclubs unprotected while others are in serious conditions requiring oxygen in hospitals.

“We are losing lives in our workplaces, families and communities, why is it that our people continue to be this irresponsible,” he asked.

He explained that if people continue to be negligent, the government will be forced to impose very drastic measures because it has a responsibility to protect the lives of citizens.

He said some people need to be dealt with because their recklessness will cost the lives of others who are keen on following the stipulated Covid-19 health guidelines.

Meanwhile, Christone Mukuka, a Covid-19 survivor, reiterated that the disease is real hence people should take it with extreme seriousness.

“It is by God’s grace that am alive today because my situation was very critical,” he said.

And Annie Mwila, a fish trader at Chawama market, said everyone needs to do the right thing that will help curb the spread of Covid-19.

“People should always wear masks all the time, wash hands or sanitize,” she said.


  1. Meanwhile shut down the country. HH shut the thing down.
    Only vaccine will save half of the Zambians.

  2. I fully agree that the vaccine should be taken but what about those taking the second dose? Why are some clinics running out of doses, despite people showing up on the date that they have been asked to? Prime example is Bauleni clinic which only had twenty doses yesterday, yet they should have anticipated how many people would show up based on the first dose. People had been lining up since 7am. Yet those that came much later were attended to. This should not be.


  4. Corruption even in administering vaccines
    The corrupt MOH management told the nation vaccines had been reserved for 2nd dosages , where is the vaccine ?

  5. Who ever refuses to take vaccine will only blame themselves because we will be directing medical staff to not take care of those who catch covid after refusing the vaccine. Upnd diasporans are spreading conspiracy theories scaring people from taking vaccines while they sit there abroad safe after taking the same vaccines. They want zambian to die because they think hh will win when zambian die. Motherfcukers

  6. According to Ministry of health, only 228,000 vaccines were received. and about 9 million Zambians , needs to be vaccinated. Meanwhile, all these talk of people refusing the vaccine, is just a PR and we are hiding behind that. Otherwise, if all Zambians decide to go and get vaccinated, TODAY, the government will be exposed that they don’t have capacity and don’t have serious programmes. infact, they havent ordered any vaccine (dont have the money to order), just waiting for donation from WHO (COVAX ). Zimbabwe, ordered from China , without waiting for donations and vaccination programme is running smoothly, such that the 3rd wave hasnt affected them much. Our MOH major programme/Activity is to count dead bodies every day and announcing

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