Saturday, July 27, 2024

Edith Nawakwi Challenges HH to state his position on Continuation of Zambia as a Christian Nation


Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi
Forum for Democracy and Development (FDD) president Edith Nawakwi
Forum for Democracy and Development FDD Leader Edith Nawakwi has Challenged the opposition UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema to come out in the open and state his position on Zambia continuing to exist as a Christian Nation if he was to be elected.

Mrs Nawakwi said she has never heard the Opposition leader campaign on the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation.

“Never has he pronounced himself whether Zambia would continue to exist as a Christian Nation if he were to be elected during this year’s general election,” she said.

Mrs Nawakwi said this is unlike President Edgar Chagwa Lungu who has continued to preach about the importance of defending the declaration of Zambia as a Christian Nation.
She said President Edgar Lungu has started building the house of prayer which is commendable.

Mrs Nawakwi said President Edgar Chagwa Lungu’s works in the church are visible.

“We see him support all congregations and preaching peace and unity. President Lungu’s presence in the churches is seen,” she added.

He has a heart for the people of Zambia therefore deserves to be re elected as president during this year’s polls.

Meanwhile, Mrs Nawakwi donated 150 bags of mealie meal worth 18 thousand Kwacha to three churches in Matero namely; United Church of Zambia, Anglican Church and the Methodist Church.

She said this is to help with the funerals that have overburdened people in the area as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic.

Mrs Nawakwi further urged the people to adhere to the stipulated health guidelines set by the Ministry of Health.


  1. Edith Nawakwi should just keep quite if she have nothing of value to say than just ranting, let her tell the national how president Lungu and her will create wealth for the nation because for the past 7 years no wealth has been created. People want to hear how PF or UPND will create wealth, not attacking innocent HH.


  3. Edgar China Lungu claims to run a Christian nation. Is that the explanation for the stealing that he does, the rampant CORRUPTION, the ruining of the economy? The continuous trespassing of the ten commandments by his entire government? PF: Lying about everything, not delivering anything!

  4. HH is Prayer warrior; on his last trip to Chingola, he congregated with the SDAs on the sabbath and on Sunday, he wanted to go and congregate with some Sunday worshiping pork eating worshippers.

  5. HH is prayer warrior. During his last trip to Chingola, he congregated with the SDAs on the sabbath and on Sunday he wanted to go and congregate either the Sunday worship pork eating worshippers.

  6. Useless challenge. HH has never divorced and Christianity established itself in this country before Chiluba and all those prattling on about the Christian nation declaration were even born.

  7. No wonder Nawakwi always looks damn stupid all the time! I mean how can someone who has been living in Zambia and seen how fraudulent this declaration is vomit such stupidity? She really looks like she just gave Lungu a blow job and swallowed a lump of shoot!

  8. So in the 21st Century you still think Zambian politicians should be believed by what they state in public? Move over and move on.

  9. KK was member of the United Church of Zambia, Michael Sata was a catholic, FTJ was UCZ turned Pentecostal, LPM was JW later Bapstist, Where is ECL’s church membership? Tell us Madam Nawakwi…Who is His Pastor/Priest?

  10. Edith Nawakwi should deal with Bread and Butter issues instead of talking about HH all the time. Nawakwi should tell us what ECL will do about High Cost of Living,PF Corruption, PF Cadre Violence and thuggery, the trouble Economy, PF Gassing Citizens, managing Covid-19 etc. ECL can say Zambia is Christian Nation but went to commit several extrajudicial killings. When is Edith Nawakwi reducing the Price of her Lazania sausages and repaying the $ 4 million DBZ Loan?

  11. Kikiki this man is not serious.He told his supporters that there is no COVID.Now he has seen his people dying like flies now he is believing. You can’t have such a leader.A good leader ECL saw it with good judgement. I don’t think HH prays for guidance from the Lord.He said there is no COVID in Zambia PF wants to stop us from campaigning. Look at such leadership in this opposition loser! This man can’t rule this country. He is just like Kamanga in FAZ.Kamanga is a UPND. See where soccer is now in Zambia due to lies from these UPND cadres.Kamanga painted Kalu black.How can HH say COVID is real in Zambia?Look at the inconsistence. Awe this man has no direction.

  12. Christian Church does not have the power it once had, yet, we have witnessed the Christian abuses of children, child r a p e, molestation and other vile acts that reveal the true nature of many Christians and the effects their “God” has upon his followers. The pedophilia scandals are just a small sample of what Christians are capable of. This is due to the evil energy they tie into. “God” and the “Devil” are backwards! This can be plainly seen in the Old Testament where that “God” of Christianity was “a Murderer and a Liar from the beginning.”

    Years ago, when the Christian church had complete control over government, human life and spirit, we can see from the inquisition, just how sick these people are and just what lengths they will go to get you to accept “Jesus.” Just as…

  13. …….. Just as is seen in the numerous Christian abuses of children today, years ago, with the Inquisition, girls as young as nine and boys as young as ten were tried for witchcraft. Children much younger were tortured to extract testimony against their parents.¹ Children were then flogged while they watched their parents burn.

  14. The Christian Church has murdered, tortured, mutilated and destroyed millions and millions of lives both directly through the Inquisition and indirectly through all of the wars they incited. The damage and destruction this foul religion has perpetrated against humanity is almost beyond comprehension. Most people aren’t even aware of the facts. Between the years of 1450-1600, the Christian Church was responsible for the torture, and burning of some 30,000 alleged “witches. During the reign of the Roman Emperor Constantine CE 306-337 the doctrines of the Christian church were regarded as the foundation of law. Heretics [persons who opposed church teachings, or who were even accused of such] were sought out, tortured and eventually murdered.

  15. Edith why so you keep ranting like an ***** surely, do you have to spill out anything even when the writing on the wall is clear a bunch of criminals.

  16. This woman is crazy. Why would HH do what the Constitution of Zambia ALREADY says? These whitewashed tombs of hypocrites amaze me. HH’s moral integrity among Zambian politicians is second to none. Edith ‘husband thief’ Nawakwi cannot compare HH with a man who is taken to the bottle and who stole a widow’s money. HH’s Christianity and Lungu’s? If it wasn’t for the wife, Edgar would have been suffering from liver failure by now.

  17. Ask people who go to church about their
    Leaders.They will tell all scandals going on.
    By going to church does not mean you are
    Honest.leave politics and church as they are.

  18. The anti christ christian church is now under the bondage of pagan rule thus why they celebrate anti christ celemonies which tells them that Jesus was born on 25thDecember Christmas day and yet the one who declared Zambia a Christian Nation arrested the late Dr Kaunda and threw him in Prison.Soon you will see someone who used to show herself half naked if she wins will be a member of Parliament.

  19. Madam, during campaign we are interested in what your party the PF is going to do that they have failed to do all this time that has led to the collapse of the economy, how does HH continuing on the Christian path or not put food on our table. Get aligned to the season

  20. Organised religions like Christianity has been responsible for wars and other crimes towards humanity. People are killing each other, catholics vs Protestants. Fake Bishops are stealing from their flocks, raping women all over Africa. And one village ***** reckons this Christian declaration thing is the Gods gift to Zambians. Atase!

  21. A country where adults are threatened with poverty when they have independent views, it is quite sad. Zambians should take the examples of Kambwili, Nawakwi, GBM and not listen to a word they say. To an extent, it is pitiful what the PF has done to them, use all institutions to deprive them of a bank balance and tilt them to become mouthpieces, the epitome of the Stockholm Syndrome. Based on what has been done to them, they are victims without realizing it, the narratives that Zambians hate to see Zambians prosper is what PF has propagated. Vote them out and see that they are not businessmen, they are journeymen that stumbled upon gold from a drug deal gone bad (metaphor).

  22. This christian nation thing needs to be subjected to a national referendum in the future.
    A few politicians and members of certain churches appear to be using this declaration for political gain.
    What is the position of all Zambians now almost 30 years after its declaration by FTJ?

  23. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful.

    Lucius Annaeus Seneca

  24. Lungu and his gang of looters are really milking this religion thing at the expense of improving standards of living…..


  26. How did the Carlington maize saga end. Isnt there some unfinished business by law enforcement agencies here. The fear that the incoming President HH might squeeze her, campaigning hard but too late, Zambians are decided


  28. The issue of Zambia as a Christian Nation is constitutional. However, the way we govern, live and act in most cases does not reflect the principle values of a Christian nation. Perhaps this is the reason why we are in such deep trouble as a country economically. If we all lived the principles of Christianity “Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength plus love thy neighbour as thyself”, Zambia would be much better off. The prisons would be empty and politicians would not steal from its own people. The fact that the Christian faith has been abused by those who are power hungry, greed and barbaric, does not disqualify the faith. The truth does not need to be defended. And so the question EN asks is irrelevant as it is a constitutional matter which every president must swear to…

  29. The issue of Zambia as a Christian Nation is constitutional. However, the way we govern, live and act in most cases does not reflect the principle values of a Christian nation. Perhaps this is the reason why we are in such deep trouble as a country economically. If we all lived the principles of Christianity “Love God with all your heart, mind, soul and strength plus love thy neighbour as thyself”, Zambia would be much better off. The prisons would be empty and politicians would not steal from its own people. The fact that the Christian faith has been abused by those who are power hungry, greed and barbaric, does not disqualify the faith.

  30. The truth does not need to be defended. And so the question EN asks is irrelevant as it is a constitutional matter which every president must swear to uphold. It can only be changed by the people and not the president if they so wished to, which I doubt is the case

  31. For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

  32. Nawakwi ichalo chamupesha, can’t sleep, spews Venom, and calls herself a Christian. Ba Nawakwi, your behavior leaves much to be desired and utterly pathetic

  33. When senile dementia and menopause are jostling for supremacy in one and same person, crazy is a gentle description of the affected person! All these people in the likes of Nawakwi, Kambwili and, GBM incessantly fighting to disparage HH with cooked up propaganda have fear of the HH leadership in government having them account before courts the crimes that they have committed against the national economy! It’s not HH’s responsibilty that they face the law but fear is in the envisaged composition of the Judiciary under HH!

  34. No wonder religion has enslaved Africans and this has been one of the root causes of poverty in africa. You have let few clever individuals to amass wealth at the expense of the majority who are undecerning. How is is that one pastor in a church is richer than the entire people in the church put together with the church inclusive. Such purported men of god are taking advantage of you. Where in the new testament does christ or the apostles mention anything about tithes I challenge.

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