Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government ommissions Mwandi’s Lutaba Mini hospital in Western Province


Vice President Inonge Wina says government seeks to ensure that all citizens in the country have access to affordable and quality health care services.

Speaking when she commissioned Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi district today, Mrs. Wina said government under President Edgar Lungu has placed great emphasis on securing the health and wellbeing of the people of Zambia as one of the key priorities in the development agenda of the country.

“This is in line with the Patriotic Front manifesto which has put effort in ensuring that a healthy population becomes the backbone for a human resource base,” she said.

Mrs. Wina stated that a good human resource base is key in turning the country into a prosperous and middle income nation by 2030 hence the reason government embarked on transforming the health sector.

“We are improving the services in the health sector through constructing and equipping mini hospitals and first level hospitals countrywide,” she said.

The Vice President emphasized that the aim of transforming the health sector is to achieve universal health coverage of taking services closer to the people by shortening the distance that they walk to access health facilities.

She expressed gratitude that the people of Mwandi district have been empowered with a mini hospital, which she said is a clear demonstration of the commitment of the Patriotic Party and government to deliver on the targets outlined in the Seventh National Development Plan (7NDP).

“I am glad that this facility will provide basic health services, first level referral services, conducting of minor surgical procedures as well as offering maternal and child health services,” she said.

Mrs. Wina has meanwhile thanked the Barotse Royal Establishment’s (BRE) Mboo Kuta in Mwandi for providing land where the mini hospital has been constructed.

The Vice President also took time to remind the people of Mwandi to remain vigilant and steadfast in adhering to Covid-19 prevention measures, adding that the pandemic is now the biggest threat to the health of the citizens and is spreading rapidly across the country.

And Western Province Medical Health Director Francis Liywali said the newly constructed Lutaba Mini Hospital is a fully fledged hospital that will cater for about 12,000 immediate population.

“I am happy that government came up with the construction of this mini hospital that will help a lot of people that used to walk long distances to access health services,” he said.

Dr. Liywali said the facility will also reduce the high maternal mortality that affected the mothers in the area.

“This facility will also reduce on child mortality and will provide immunization services among others,” he added.

Meanwhile, the Barotse Royal Establishment in Mwandi has appreciated the developmental strides that government has made in all areas.

Representing Mboo Kuta acting Leashimba – Lawrence Sitiboha, said the commissioned Lutaba mini hospital will reduce the many challenges that the people of Lutaba used to face.

The Kuta has since pledged to support the development in the area by ensuring that no one vandalizes the facility.

“We are now counting three mini hospitals in our establishment namely Mulobezi, Katima and Lutaba hence we shall ensure that these facilities are well managed,” he said.

The traditional leaders have meanwhile appealed to aspiring candidates to ensure that there is no record of violence in the district as they conduct campaigns for the August 12, 2021 general elections.

He said the Mboo Kuta has urged all its indunas not to tolerate violence but instead intervene by giving parental guidance whenever political parties differ.

Vice President Inonge Wina (r) touring the hospital during the commissioning of Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi District, Western Province
Vice President Inonge Wina (r) touring the hospital during the commissioning of Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi District, Western Province
Vice President Inonge Wina (c) pauses for a group photo with the hospital staff during the commissioning of Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi District, Western Province
Vice President Inonge Wina (c) pauses for a group photo with the hospital staff during the commissioning of Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi District, Western Province
Vice President Inonge Wina (r) touring the hospital during the commissioning of Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi District, Western Province
Vice President Inonge Wina (r) confers with Mwandi Constituency PF aspiring candidate Iris Kaingu (c) and District Commissioner Precious Miyenge (l) during the commissioning of Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi District, Western Province
Vice President Inonge Wina (c) reads the message on the plaque as Western Province Health Director Dr. Francis Lyiwalii (r) observes during the commissioning of Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi District
Vice President Inonge Wina (c) reads the message on the plaque as Western Province Health Director Dr. Francis Lyiwalii (r) observes during the commissioning of Lutaba Mini Hospital in Mwandi District
The just commissioned Lutaba Mini Hospital by Vice President Inonge Wina in Mwandi District, Western Province
The just commissioned Lutaba Mini Hospital by Vice President Inonge Wina in Mwandi District, Western Province


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