Saturday, July 27, 2024

Defend themselves if attacked, UPND National Youth Chairman tells Party Youths


United Party for National Development UPND (UPND) national youth chairman, Gilbert Liswaniso, has urged party youths to defend themselves if attacked, but warned UPND youths against provoking their political opponents.

Speaking on the topic ‘Add Your Voice’ radio programme on United Radio Station yesterday in Lusaka, Mr. Liswaniso observed that UPND youths and other party members have been on the receiving end of violent acts perpetrated by the Patriotic Front (PF) militias.

“It is your constitutional right to defend yourselves each time you’re attacked by the PF thuggery militias. In telling you to defend yourselves, I don’t mean that you should be provoking your opponents. The UPND is a peace loving party, and does not tolerate lawlessness,” he said.

Mr. Liswaniso reiterated that the country’s youths had the responsibility of safeguarding their lives and that of their fellow youths against PF aggression and violent behaviour.

He, however advised that much as the Constitution allowed citizens to defend themselves when attacked, it did not imply that the UPND youths should be the aggressors and perpetrators of political violence.

He said the UPND youths should not allow the PF to continue maiming and assaulting them.

He noted that the Police’s failure to arrest known PF criminal elements and hooligans was worrying.

The UPND youth strongman further argued that there was no way PF’s violent activities against opposition political players could be allowed to continue unabated especially at a critical time like this when the country was holding elections.

There has been many incidences where UPND youths have been hacked by panga-welding PF militias without any protection from the police. In most instances, police have sided with the aggressors, the PF, instead of protecting the victim, the UPND.


  1. And attacked they will by the desperate PF supporters, as they feel August 12 is going to be disastrous for them!

  2. Sometimes attack is the best form of defence becoz when u are hacked u cannot defend yourself. PF Militias are armed so defending yourself with bare hands is stupid and useless.

  3. Arrest this Id10t for inciting violence. You can see from his face that the only thing he knows is violence. Peaceful campaigning will give some of these hired visilu heart attacks.

  4. UPND is just a violent party. The Mapatizya formula trbal gang of devils has caused more bloodshed than any other party is this country.

  5. If the UPND are as educated as they say, then they know arms struggle just messes things up. What is the point in removing a violent party if you are also propagating terror and fear? Can’t UPND sound, look and feel different than PF. People want to see and move along with change. Nothing abstract, but real.

  6. Attacked by who…this Liswaniso guy is decapaigning HH big time….he has some hallucinations about I think UPND is already sensing defeat

  7. This Liswaniso chap needs to be tamed…he needs to be arrested ASAP….these are the same makakas who thinks that being a Cadre will make them rich instead of finding a meaningful job…go get a Job iwe pompwe Liswaniso

  8. Its clear now the ONCE MIGHTY PF is at the receiving end? Its unbelievable MCS must be turning in his grave at the Embassy Park. The Once Mighty PF has been vandalized and remains is to call Fred Joe or Tongues & Hammer to finish off the job.

  9. Thank-you Bo Liswa,,,,this is part of the evidence to use when your man petitions the election results once again… sure you have seen the video clip of your people provoking greens

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