Saturday, July 27, 2024

Grades 7, 10, 11, and 12 resume contact classes on August 5th, Government announces


Government has announced that all examination classes and some critical classes will reopen on August 5th , 2021, to create more time for lessons and recover the lost time.

Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services Permanent Secretary Amos Malupenga stated that these include grades 7, 10, 11 and 12.

Mr Malupenga clarified that secondary schools to reopen for boarding school include grades 10, 11 and 12, while those to reopen for day school are 11 and 12, while the Primary school learning will only be subjected to those in grade 7 classes.

Mr Malupenga said the reopening of examination classes will enable pupils and teachers to adequately prepare for the examinations.

The Permanent Secretary justified that the current COVID-19 situation in the country, coupled with assessment and certification of schools, has led to the reopening of certain grades, adding that extending closure may make it difficult for pupils to catch up on lessons.

Mr Malupenga noted that the reopening of the remaining classes will be based on the inspection and certification by the Ministries of General Education and Health in conjunction with the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) as well as the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic in the country.

“All school Head teachers are, therefore, directed to provide leadership, so that the situation in schools will help the government to make a decision on the remaining grades,” he added.

Mr Malupenga also stated that universities, colleges and other higher learning institutions, will continue with online classes for the next 21 days.

He commended the institutions for embracing technology and ensuring continuity in their learning this far.

He said this during a joint press briefing with Ministry of Health Permanent Secretary for Technical Services Kennedy Malama, Ministry of General Education Permanent Secretary Jobbicks Kalumba and Permanent Secretary for Administration in the Office of the Vice President Stephen Mwansa.

Speaking at the same event, Mr Kalumba appealed to all schools both private and public, to adhere to this announcement.

The General Education Permanent Secretary said the government’s desire is to ensure pupils catch up on lessons, adding that the ministry will ensure that the voting arrangements are made for schools that are polling stations despite schools being open.

“We have seen this in the past, schools were still open during elections,” he added.

Mr Kalumba also called on parents to support the government’s decision, by giving support to the learners and the teachers, to improve education.

“Parents should and guardians should talk to their children about masking up, frequently washing their hands and observing social distancing,” he added.

Mr Kalumba mentioned that the school calendar will be communicated to the public tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Mr Mwansa disclosed that all schools reopening on Thursday, August 5th, will be supplemented with food supplies, adding that they will also be assisted with facemasks and hand sanitizers to ensure safety in schools.

“All schools will also be fumigated and the fumigation materials will be left in schools so that they may be able to utilize them anytime,” he added.

He called on parents to take comfort as the government is doing its best to ensure the safety of all scholars.

And Dr Malama expressed happiness that the county has in the last two weeks recorded a reduction of COVID-19 infections, number of COVID-19 new admissions, as well as COVID-19 related deaths.

Dr Malama said this current status should encourage residents to enhance adherence to COVID-19 regulations in order to bring the situation under control, as spikes in the numbers remain possible.

The Health Permanent Secretary revealed that the country recorded the lowest cases of COVID-19 related deaths since June 9th, with 6 deaths occurring in the last 24 hours.

“In the last 24 hours 197 new confirmed cases of COVID-19 cases were reported out of the 3, 314 testes. We discharged 844 patients from 23 facilities” he added.

Dr Malama appealed to residents not to put the guard against Covid-19 down even when the cases are refusing, but must instead heighten them in order to reduce the cases even further.


  1. I smell a big rotten rat. Why not reopen after the elections? Let the youth vote first as the youth are the game changers in this election and they should stay put until after they have voted.


  3. Public universities should also be reopened. Online learning is not taking place as expected as these universities have not provided their teaching staff with laptops and money to enable them buy bundles for airtime when teaching from home. This is even worse for students from poor families who cannot afford the same bundles to access online classes. Very few students are accessing these classes and we should not continue to pretend all is well. It is very possible for public universities to reopen once lecturers and students are mandated to get vaccinated and there is a requirement to produce vaccination certificates. No international airline today can allow you to board it without a Covid-19 vaccination certifications. In France, only those producing these certificates are being allowed…

  4. When this one assumed the power of government not a civil servant I knew he is trouble! The drivel that comes out of his mouth must have endless supply of rubbish! It must be hard for school going parents in Zambia! Do these parents still have any rights or respect from this lot!

  5. Some id!ocy is beyond comprehension. Are you UPND fu(k£rs going to compensate for the school time these children have lost? Ba Skanka Pakunya. learn to use your heads once in a while

  6. How do these guys get such Senior jobs even a grade 1 knows that parents need to find money for transport, Pocket money, food, etc for thier children to go back to school. How is this possible in 2 days.
    Please we aren’t all thieves to have money at such notice.
    Mwandi God please save us from this bunch of dull leaders.

  7. Copy and paste from SA. When you have no vision of your own you copy others. SA closes schools, we follow suit. SA opens schools we follow suit.

  8. Hmmmmm, Spirit of Doubting Thomas sometimes is wisdom. My children will report after voting as a precaution.

  9. I used to open and close the door to my bedroom a hundred times in one day. After repeating the activity for hundred days, the door to my bedroom got destroyed beyond repair. Please help the young brains!??

  10. Someone should be serious, how can you open school on a Thursday, why not on Monday in the information of permanent sec I have only seen Grade 7, 10, 12,do grande 10 writes exams where is the grade 9. Mr malupenga when announcing this were you ok. Can someone say thing renewable Mwebantu.

  11. My name is Tevin and am happy with the goverment Decision.i am in grade 10 at a day school.i pray to God that they wont take long time to open the Remining school.becouse i Think if they takes time it will be add for as Learns to Catch up. Thanks you.

  12. Am in grade 10 at a day school.please.i reported school in Team 2.i hope that they wont Announce the date for as the remining pupils at a let time.becouse i need to catch up as wall

  13. Am in grade 10 at a day school.please.i reported school in Team 2.i hope that they wont Announce the date for as the remining pupils at a let time.becouse i need to catch up as wall

  14. It’s too cold and they want us to take our children to school in this cold and it’s also on such short notice, the elections have not yet even passed but they are already putting us on gun point for us to take these children to school. It’s not safe to open at this moment

  15. I thought PS are technocrats and i am sure they have been to boarding schools, how do you open schools on Thursday and expect parents to organise all the groceries and pocket money required? Does this PS have childrens or relatives they sponsor to school maybe everything government pay for them? MR PS we dont steal money like you in PF governments.

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