Saturday, July 27, 2024

Suspicious Sinazongwe voters harass returning officer


Voting in Sinazongwe district of Southern province closed at 18hours. However, during voting hours there were a few incidents that were recorded.

The Assistant Returning Officer for Sinazongwe district Chipego Mundia was in the afternoon harassed by electorates when he went to deliver presidential ballot box after the first one was reported to have gotten full at Fisheries polling station.

Mr. Mundia was almost beaten and the vehicle he was using almost stoned.

The driver of the ECZ vehicle drove off, leaving the officer behind.

The officer was only rescued by the police and whisked away by well-wishers to his safety.

The ballot box was however delivered successfully and voting continued at the polling station until the process was closed at exactly 18 hours.

And various stakeholders, monitors and political parties had already started gathering near the totaling center in readiness to witness the counting of all votes cast for presidential, parliamentary, council chairperson and local government.

And in Shibuyunji district in Central province, Presiding Officer for Mwembezhi Primary school one Charles Mwachindalo, declared the polling station officially closed at 18 hours with no one left standing on the queue.

Mr. Mwachindalo said out of the 577 people who registered to vote at the polling station, 450 have voted.

He however said there was no voter apathy, adding that the voting process at the station was peaceful.


  1. No people don’t trust the PF govt so they get upset of boxes being taken away, whu not just leave the box in the polling place until it closes then the people see it there next to the new box.

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