Sunday, February 16, 2025

Stakeholders react to President-elect speech


Alliance for Zambia Informal Economy Association (AZIEA) says it is elated with the election of Hakainde Hichilema as President.

ZANIS reports that, AZIEA General Secretary Lameck Kashiwa has described the President-elect Hichilema’s victory as a sign of faith and confidence the Zambian people have in him.

Speaking in Kitwe today, Mr Kashiwa has asked the President-elect, Hakainde Hichilema to look into the affairs of the informal workers.

He said the sector is hoping that his government would bring change and relief in various sectors of the economy.

“Mr Hichilema must address the challenges in the informal sector workers face which include social protection and formalisation bargaining forums as platform for airing their concerns. It is important that workers have equal rights with those in the formal sector such as health and safety working conditions,” he stated.

He further observed that the rights and affairs of the informal sector has been disadvantaged and trumped upon for a long time now.

Mr Kashiwa said the association will offer criticism and provide solutions where need be.

And Jesuit Centre for Theological Reflection (JCTR) Kitwe Coordinator, Rose Kapilya has expressed happiness with issues highlighted by the President-elect during a press briefing held yesterday.

Ms Kapilya pointed out that acknowledging the importance of uniting the country is more critical for development of the country.

Ms Kapilya said over the past years the country has witnessed political violence and disputes over tribe which threatened the country’s national heritage.

She said it is important that Zambians abide and follow the guidance as set by the President elect.

“We are happy that the country went to the polls and transition is peaceful. The President-elect has acknowledged the importance of uniting the country and it should be supported by all well-meaning Zambians. It is important that peace and harmony is embraced by the citizenry,” she emphasized.

Meanwhile, Ms Kapilya has asked enforcement agencies to clump down on unlawful cadres vandalizing Infrastructure and property.

She has described the act as harmful to the country’s economy and potential to destroy businesses which are creating employment base for the locals.

She has asked the Ministry responsible to put up measures to arrest the situation.


  1. Most of us didn’t expect that speech from HH, he has inspired many. I know it won’t be easy especially that many of his supporters and sympathizers are demanding justice for the rimes committed by the PF. HH has looked at the bigger picture. The cost of pursuing others might be higher than the benefits to accrue. LPM spent a lot of time and resources in pursuit of FTJ, the net was that he spent far much more than was recovered. So HH must be supported, and once he says that let the by-gone be gone let’s just do that. The election defeat is enough punishment. Soon some people will be on the streets, mark my words

  2. Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee Corruption scandals: 48 Houses Social Security Cash Luxury Presidential Jet Ambulances Fire Trucks Mukula Trees Ndola-Lusaka Rd Malawi Maizegate Fuelgate Swaziland landgate Zesco Loans Honeybee

    Ayatollah, what’s the deterrence for future politicians not to commit said crimes. I have no problem HH asking thr law enforcement agencies to recover stolen public resources… as long as it is done professionally and independently. That money needs to be recovered as it is badly needed by the Zambian people.

  3. Great Speech so refreshing and we have to bring back the Rule of Law. The nonsense that Lungu and his thugs brought upon us was disgusting. It’s a New Dawn we have to start afresh. HH Please please, we don’t want to see any old faces. The Kandiles from MMD, PF should never be tolerated. They will set you to fail.

  4. Actions speak louder than louds. Pf property is being destroyed by upnd thugs and they are violently mistreating suspected pf supporters. The problem with some zambIans is that they get carried away by the mere use of words..any sane person can memorize a speech and make you think they are jesus on earth. Us we are waiting for free education, 1:1 exchange rate with dollar and many other promises

  5. #1  Ayatollah
     August 18, 2021 At 10:45 am

    You can not let by gones be by gones , least we forget and emboldened theives in the future…….

    PLMs very visible corruption crusade was more beneficial in mentality at the time than in any measurable monetary value.

    The visible corruption crusade had immeasurable benefits in brining sanity and normalcy to all systems of governance.

    We need to pursue all suspects

  6. @Spaka, you have a right to your opinion. The Police aren’t auditors or accountants, that’s the reason they have difficulties to successfully prosecute white collar crimes. LPM’s task force ended up abusing the same assets that they were mandated to recover. Those tenders people are talking about went through the tendering process and you’ll not find ECL or Chitalu Chilufya’s name anywhere, not even a signature. I will be vindicated here. If HH’s goes on that path he’ll end up like LPM who spent his first term chasing FTJ’s shadows and ended up sending Richard Sakala to jail over a Toyota Hilux Surf. Richard had many vehicles than that, so he was sacrificed.

  7. #1  Ayatollah
     August 18, 2021 At 10:45 am

    You can not let by gones be by gones , least we forget and emboldened theives.

    The visible corruption crusade had immeasurable benefits in brining sanity and normalcy to all systems of governance.

    We need to pursue all suspects of violence and corruption.

    Even lusambo is a suspect in a roan murder of a UPND……

  8. Brian Mwila can play defensive midfielder, and drop that Benson Sakala to central defense.
    This is UPND chief advisor.

  9. Ayatollah has no clue what he’s talking about. Informed people know what happened in the prosecution of Chiluba and his collaborators. Convictions that were secured were not defended on appeal by the current DPP and the courts freed the appellants. She basically turned up in court and said “we don’t support the convictions”. Which prosecutor behaves like that? Why didn’t government hand back the assets that were seized if the convictions were dodgy? There’s no way u can know that Ayatollah. So shut up and put up.

  10. Fulfill
    Giving back meal allowances
    Selling that jet
    Reinstating those Sesheke retired cops though they got their pensions
    Scrap the Cyber Law
    Pardon paparazzi Tukuta

  11. Where is Kaizer Zulu? He promised to run naked from Arcades to Manda Hill if HH won. In case he’s not sure, let me confirm to him, HH won. Please do the honours. Make sure you take pictures for proof.


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