Saturday, July 27, 2024

You are Free to Engage with any Citizen including the Opposition, HH tells Diplomats


The President-Elect, President Hakainde Hichilema this morning met Four diplomats accredited to Zambia and assured them that his administration will ensure that human rights,freedom and liberties are guaranteed.

In a statement released to the media by Brian Mwiinga, his Press Secretary, during the meeting, Mr Hichilema assured the diplomats that under his administration, human rights, freedoms and liberties will be guaranteed, adding that they were free to engage with any citizen including the opposition in order to get views on how he was governing the Country.

Mr Hichilema said that he is confident that when human rights, freedoms and liberties are upheld, the Country will attract investment and goodwill and in turn promote his economic vision.

“You are free to meet anyone, talk to any one and ask about our leadership and no one from our end will call you to ask why because we will ensure total freedom for our citizens while delivering economic development as that is what they voted for,” said the President-Elect during the closed-door meeting held at His Residence in Lusaka today.

The President-Elect met with the Germany Ambassador, Mrs Anne Wagner-Mitchell, Finland Ambassador Mrs Pirjo Suomela-Chowdhury and the Swedish Ambassador to Zambia Mr Antonio Maggiore.

Earlier in the day. Mr. Hichilema also met with Ambassadors Mrs Anne Wagner-Mitchell of Germany, Mrs Pirjo Suomela-Chowdhury of Finland, Ms Anna Maj Hultgård of Sweden, and Ambassador Antonio Maggiore of Italy.

“We discussed issues of mutual interest and encouraged them to engage with Zambian people from all walks of life. Our renewed commitment to human rights, and individual freedoms, and liberties will once again restore Zambia to it’s rightful place as a bastion of freedom and stability in the region,” Mr Hichilema said
During our tenure in office, citizens will live free from political threats because that is what democracy requires of us.

“Further, a society where human rights are respected, can and will be a catalyst for economic development as people engage in meaningful debates and economic activities, knowing that their life and property are protected.

“In the interest of our country, we will continue with these bilateral and multilateral talks, with a strong focus on building an economy which provides jobs, food, and positive change for all Zambians”, concluded the statement


  1. Very Presidential this President elect, very different from Kaizars misfiring President. Thank you Zambians

  2. Western world puppet…..ZAMBIA IS NOW OFFICIALLY BEING AUCTIONED…..HH this what he’s been planning for the past 20 years…

  3. You are free to mingle so you can bring your experimental drugs with you no questions asked. This is where we go wrong. If we are to learn from Trump, I say learn the art of the deal. Guard your assets jealously. If these people wanted to trade with us, they wouldn’t have introduced trade tariffs. We had a president who let the Chinese mingle freely now we have shifted to the west. God help us is all I can say.

  4. No wonder Africa doesn’t develop always rushing to please bazungu….instead of meeting fellow African ambassadors he is rushing to kiss Bazungu’s ass…..Julius Malema and Pro Lumumba talks about these kind of house Negroeess and HH is a house negroee…if it was Lungu doing this you could ingombe ilede Bantu botatwe complaining

  5. Anonymous we warned them. This boy hh has loyalty to his imperial masters to whom he sold our undervalued parastatals to. They funded his campaigns through the years and now its pay back master time. Zambia will be recolonized by next year. Why do you think kk never supported hh presidency? An insult to our freedom fighters. Jehovah forgive these hyenas

  6. We are trending in the weldi! We have a savvy President. Now the world can say “utunensu” :-). It is so good to be Zambian right now!

  7. A president can choose who to associate with: Left or Right; East or West; Kaunda chose China, Namibia and Angola over Congo DRC; Chiluba was Westernised; Sata went to Taiwan, but later turned China centric, so was Lungu. The sidelined West in their own right can now associate with Zambians again.
    Welcome to the liberal markets, no parastatals. Just collect tax.

  8. Look at the paranoid PF rats above……..

    Why are you so afraid and paranoid of white people ???

    Treat them as your equals and use them to your advantage……

    This inferiority complex the PF have towards whites and the west in general is why the Chinese have bought all of them out…..

    Well done HEHH , meet everyone and layout your vision…….

  9. The outgoing President was a really bad president, you can imagine Vespers Shimuzhila is killed at the university of Zambia by the Police and the man does not even frown, I think if such a thing was to happen with HH in power now the nation would come to a stand still. Let the man go please

  10. #3  Anonymous 
    August 19, 2021 At 6:05 pm

    “Western world puppet…..ZAMBIA IS NOW OFFICIALLY BEING AUCTIONED…..HH this what he’s been planning for the past 20 years…..”

    Why are you so afraid of white people ???

  11. Directionless people like Kaizar and Freedom gave us an impression as though clue less Lungu would win the elections but with all the glaring incompetency we all knew it was a question of time, and Davies Mwila gets up from his deep sleep and says the elections were rigged, their many stage managed opinion polls were being reported in positive instead of negative, base ten I think, maybe it was decimals which were wrongly placed

  12. At last we have a confident President that knows how to play the game and understands wealth creation for a country.
    Its high time the USA sends an Ambassador no disrespect to Young but the Chargé d’Affaires was suited for empty tins like Lazy Lungu.

  13. @ 13 Deep

    It is the bitterness of losing the election after boasting that the’d win. We pray that they heal soon from that pain!!

  14. HH is the greatest and wisest man in the Africa political arena today and every Zambian should feel proud.

  15. Come come white people, we want also to receive the gifts you give Rwanda. Imagine Zambia sponsoring a team in PL, “Visit Chambia” or “Chambia the real Africa” on football jerseys and electronic billboards.

  16. Nope HH ,you can’t have bitter sellouts like Kaizar Zulu free to meet with foreigners coz they’ll plan a coup using mercenaries.That actually happened in Haiti recently.

  17. working with white people is not accepting them as superior or paying back etc how I hate the clique of.. that’s why Africa won’t develop. Africa is in the state it’s in because of is the Africans keeping useless leaders like lungu. see what is happening in lusaka city center in just less than a week. where would we be in a continues 5 Years with lungu. Africans , think. choose progress. select leaders with vision. zambia Jas so much potential. we can be the envy of majority of the continent. don’t bring hh down. let’s help him get zambia to higher heights.

  18. See how PF rats are full of negative comments especially the biggest f000l monster headed ,,,you know yourself..
    I can see the pain of losing elections is still bitting your asses ba KWINDI.

  19. Its not wrong to interact with bazungu. what is wrong is to encourage them to interact with PF cadres also. There we are saying – NOOOOOO. PF f.ools like kz have nothing for this country only looting and stealing. even villagers know about this. Ask the Mpulungu residents who chased that fat f.ool from landing in a government sponsored chopper usin tax payers cash.
    No you are not welcome to interact with anyone but true Zambians not PF thugs – there NO.

  20. Hello County Men and Women!
    HH is directly saying Homo and Lesbianism will be allowed. The Ambassadors he met are from countries which practice those things and by so doing you will now open your eyes to the gospel truth that Sodomi is here.

  21. Thank God Zambia is now truly free, the PF thugs will no longer oppress my people. The wicked incompetent PF regime is no more

  22. What a time to be alive in my beloved country! Confidence is 50% of success endeavors. The president is so confident that he has nothing to fear. May the Lord Almighty God grant you long life to see Zambia transformed my president Sir.Hand to head sir!

  23. @Anonymous you are a racist . Calling them Bazungu is a racist insult. If you have such dislike for white people. What are you doing living in their country???
    Zambians rejected tribalism and must reject racial racism.

  24. PF only knew how to chase Ambassadors, look what happened to the American Ambassador…… no diplomacy at all…. awe we are really saved from the worst govt on earth, I heard KZ was asking about his to!let cleaning job at Chelston clinic….

  25. In a multi-party democratic country, a decent and confident ruling party will not strangle the freedom of association and speech and other constitutionally provided rights of the opposition. So any advise above that UPND alliance should deny the western diplomats the freedom to meet the PF and other opposition parties is misplaced. UPND shall not be allowed to be a replica of the dictatorial conduct of PF the last 10 years!!! Due to the dictatorial conduct of PF, a number of people commenting here just like me are using pseudo names. Now with freedom being restored, UPND alliance will know and have a stock of capable human resources to execute its mandate!!

  26. Why are the African Ambassadors and High Commissioners accredited to Zambia sleeping? They do not know how to engage a newly elected president. We get aid from these European countries and in their budgets there is a portion specifically for aiding African countries. Mixing with local people does not mean he is telling to bring drugs and do experiments. Lungu has brain washed PF supporters and their thinking is always twisted. They always accused and delieberately twisted whatever HH said.

  27. Liberties and freedoms to do what ever you want is poison to humanity , human beings cannot be left to do everything thing they want in the name of freedom they will kill themselves.
    This is the potion of worry to the Zambian culture and morality, I would wouldn’t have voted for such if I was in Zambia as it stinks to the creator God , very soon you will start to witness evil parades in the streets, for that is what it all means many will be surprised but that is in the offing.
    Mark my words Zambia Christian nation is gone by the wind and welcome secularism.
    Same sex marriages and it’s offshoots.

  28. Better than dealing with Chinese who pretend to be communist, but few individual enjoying capitalism life style like you Kaizar Zulu. You have looted this country without paying tax. Now PF have started selling all your luxury vehicles because you did not pay ZRA. PF is fully of crooks like you. Just disappear on the scene. You are gone. it is history. you will never rule this country again.

  29. Is this the future generation? In Northern Rhodesia, we hoped our younger siblings and children born from 1960 onwards will guide the new Zambia without the baggage of colonialism. Obviously we thought wrong. Here you are “walking back to happiness “. Mr President-elect, if you had one of your UPND LAZ members with you when you met the donors, he would advised you that Human Rights and Freedoms are not absolute and cannot be guaranteed. Anyone insulting you as President will not be hide under this umbrella. Be careful,Zambia is Constitutionally a Christian National!!!

  30. I was wondering if HH has already taken Zambia in the European Union, look he can only be seen with non Africans what a shame is Zambia still in Africa!
    Africa must come first before you start going out from your own kith and kin go to the African union and present your victory.

  31. President Elect plse be careful the way you are using these term of freedom and human right guaranteed.
    These white people may pin you in future when they want to champion the homoxuals, gayism n lesbianism.
    Napapata be careful how you talk with guys, they are like rats, balya nokuputilisha.

    I sincerely pray that God bless you with divine wisdom as you rule mother Zambia

  32. These diplomats come liberal countries where LGBTQ issues are rampant, and they may be trying to push the same agenda on the unsuspecting Zambian people. I’m all for HH and campaigned for him. But if he begins to entertain the alphabet lifestyle, we’ll have to stand up against him in opposition. Zambia is a Christian nation, and it should remain so.

  33. Uyo uyooo ooooo telebwalelapo pamupando. Kabili telesa wasalile sorry!!!! Thank God, we left this arrogance. I don’t mind who HH meets. As long as he upholds the constitution and respects the rule of law. No blocking his perceived opponents. Tiffling the media and not threatening the masses with army deployment. RIP PF

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