Friday, October 25, 2024

Tribal talks that characterized campaigns should never be entertained ever again-Southern Chiefs


Chiefs in Southern Province have said that tribal talks that characterized the political campaigns of the 2021 general election should never be entertained in the country ever again.

Speaking to the media, Chief Chikanta has since advised politicians to desist from tribal remarks adding that the outcome of the just ended general election has demonstrated that Zambians cannot be divided on tribal lines.

Chief Macha has also denounced those advancing tribal talks that could divide the Nation adding that people should not be identified by their tribes but recognized as Zambians.

the chiefs congratulated President-elect Hakainde Hichilema for emerging Victorious in the 2021 Presidential Election.

Southern Province Council of Chiefs Chairperson, Chief Chikanta said traditional leaders in the region are ready to support the President elect as he implements the UPND government developmental agenda.

The traditional leaders have also commended President Lungu for conceding defeat and allowing the will of the people to prevail by accepting the smooth transition of power.

Chief Chikanta said President Lungu has demonstrated commitment to ensuring that the country remains peaceful and stable during the power transition process.


  1. Are you taking notice, GBM and CK? The two of you are responsible for these chiefs being rankled. And therefore also responsible for PF’s loss! Well done!

  2. But Southern, Western and Northwestern Provinces voted along tribal lines unlike in the other 7 provinces. So, how can tribalism be defeated with the manner the three provinces vote?


  4. We need to address the elephant in the room first, do Southerners only vote for their own and what was the voting pattern this time round given no other party one a seat at MP or counselor level. Why are you afraid to speak on this when other provinces and tribes showed you that they don’t vote on tribal basis

  5. To totally put this tribalism issue to rest we need to look at what necessitated the tribal talk in the first place. That way we will be nipping it in the bud. Let’s first find the root cause so we mitigate it completely.

  6. Give them a credible cadidate,then you will see, these people have been maginalised for a long time and for them to change will actually take time.If anything they voted for HH who is not there tribesman ,so where is tribe here?


  8. PF campaign was based in demonising HH wherever they went. Their caders ruled this country making all of us fear. They flushed their I’ll gotten wealth and laundered it in properties and cars. They had nothing tobof value say to woo support; they even cooked up cases of abduction and arrested Chief Mukuni’s wife on a fake charge. We will see how far that case will go now that they are not in power. HH was just a better candidate, and UpND had better candidates in terns of character and integrity

  9. Accept that we in democratic state where people choose their leader of choice.

    Some candidates never campaigned in opposition stronghold and you expect people to vote in their favor.

    Tribalism is in politics and not on the ground.

    We have intermarriages and who can agree to slaughter his own blood?

    The election campaigns from PF were centered on HH and yet HH’s were on issue based.

  10. We can’t just gloss over the voting partner from southern province and allied provinces.
    It was purely based on tribe.

  11. Kambwili is the culprit and you people welcomed him when he temporarily abandoned PF. Where I come from people from all corners of Zambia are welcome and many have even decided to settle there. In fact as a child I didn’t even know that certain names were not from my village until I came to town, that’s when I came to know that these names were from this or that tribe.

  12. There was nothing wrong with the voting pattern as HH needed strong platform to launch his political career. You start the journey from your home area before going to other places. As for the Chiefs from Southern Province we know those who did not want HH to win this election. Meantime everything that happened is water under the bridge.

  13. This election had three fronts. First and most important is the high unemployment levels among the urban youths. Second was that in certain rural areas where to some extent people are self-sufficient the PF did relatively well
    The third but also important is that the three provinces west of the country were tired of being ruled by the same tribes ie Bemba and Ngonis, so they gave almost one hundred percent of their vote to one of their own. Like it or not that’s the truth.

  14. Explain to the nation first on the voting pattern in the whole of southern province and the rest of Zambia and then come and give us a lecture on tribalism.

  15. iwe Chief Chikanta learn to believe in data and evidence. tribal talks did not influence the electoral ground matrix. The voting pattern of independent minded great people of Luapula, Muchinga, Northern and Eastern including Lusaka, Copperbelt and Central were issue-based. Unfortunately, the voting profiles drawn from Southern and their two tribal-cousin provinces were utter lunacy and can only be explained by tribalism and regionalism. In 2001 we voted for great man Anderson Mazoka, and you know that because you were not a kid. Only God knows what happened to Mazoka’s vote. Following the death of Mazoka, HH said only To.nga could succeed Mazoka, and you know that because you were not an irrational child.

  16. PF was destroyed by Kambwili just move on and nurse your endless wounds quietly.

    Twalimyebele kutilati Edgar Lungu teti awaine nakambi.

    The constitution rejected him though he forced himself through corrupt concourt judges.

    We are fixing everything and no stone will be left unturned.

    Zambia Forward!

  17. The worst tribalists Zambia has ever known are Chishimba Kambwili, Geofrey Mwamba (GBM), Lusambo, Nawakwi, Nkhanwe luo, Anthony Mwanza, Davies Mwila the list is endless. Atleast I have given you where to start from if you want to make a followup. These i.diots should never be allowed to be leaders in any party in Zambia not even in the now disbanded PF.
    What a disaster of fake trible leaders these are.

  18. We always desire for the best in life. I still believe HH was the best candidate on the in this year’s election. Kicking out the corrupt and cadre
    PF government was nothing tribal for a sensible Zambian. Voting ECL on tribal lines in order for somebody to dodge a tribal sentiment could have destroyed the nation. He was too of himself. At least the country is given back to the owners.

  19. They vote for the party with good policies. The recently held general election shows that the other provinces saw for the first time that PF had no good policies for the country. The PF had no message of hope while the UPND spelled out exactly what it is going to do once given the power. The PF was going to continue with bankrupt policies of borrowing from abroad and stealing the money. The PF with Lungu at the head was promoting tribalism. Kambwili, Nkandu Luo, GBM, Canisius Banda etc have been promoting tribalism. I challenge you to name any Tonga politicians promoting tribalism.

  20. The upnd will be a party that will spend all its time talking about pf. Just look at comments above. All they blog about is me. I am more popular than their president. If lusakatimes posted an article about me, trust me I would get way more comments than an article about hh. Lusakatimes have some pride and decency to not continue posting about hh all the time. It comes across as desperate and cheap. You were not like this under pf. Is it because you know hh is ruthless and so need to be on his side everytime? Hh will be worse than idi Amin and Hitler combined

  21. Those who are fixated on the fact that Southerners voted 100% on tribal basis, let me bring to your attention that you need to understand some psycho-social dynamics here. When you oppress any group of people, whether on racial, tribal, gender, religious grounds, those people will stick together under the umbrella of ” we are in this together as the marginalised minorities.” These people will support one another and find a solution to their problem. The solution in this case was to vote out the oppressors. Yes, tribe was a factor, and the reason was …ruling government speaking negatively and exclusively against certain tribes or tribe.

  22. Yes southern is tribal see how they vote.Even the schooled southerners stink tribalism.They really need deliverance

  23. Enlightened… Southerners have never been oppressed by anyone…. explain in which way they have ever been oppressed.

  24. Southern chiefs talking about tribalism…did they look at the their voting pattern….the voting pattern in the Southern Province reflects who they really are….tribalist and the truth hurts….the voting pattern was perfect in 7 Provinces….just Southern and the other two western and North west

  25. @Anonymous….Suppose the three provinces had given Lungu the same margins other provinces had given to the Upnd what would have been the result?

  26. I noticed something in some video clips of HH’ journey on local and foreign media. As early as 2007 he is talking about building deep tanks and restoring farmers pride like it was in KK’ time. No other candidate said those things to southerners. To the Southerners, a farmer is better equipped to help them. If you were born in CB and lived there, then you have some understanding of how life is affected by the mines. You will be talking sense all the time to the CB people. This time around, the CB natives including the outgoing have disconnected the link to the CB people. Tonga people follow fertile land and rains, they are everywhere now from Livingstone to Mukushi and beyond, don’t forget those votes also.

  27. @Deja Vu
    You missing out on the big picture…it matters definitely he wasn’t going to win…but my point is that Southern Province should also embrace non Tongas…it’s just that this topic is very elusive just like racism in the Western World…..we are biased in some ways…it’s just common….the way a white man will interact with a fellow white man is different from the way he will interact with a non white…but the key word is Coexist…meaning we should have some die hard ECL supporters also in Southern Province…and Tongas are tribalist no doubt about and they know it deep down their hearts

  28. Ba UPND, Zambians voted for your party because they were fed up of the bad economic situation and cadrerism under PF. The voting pattern in southern province clearly shows that the motivation for voting UPND was different.

  29. The people of southern province saw in PF what the rest of zambia are only seeing now…….that they are a bunch of theives lead by the worst crooks ……from day one.

    Especially with lungu…..there was noway the people of southern would vote for a fraud convict.

    So you guys complaining about voting patterns expect people of other provinces to vote for crooks and theives just because you, your selves vote for them ?????

  30. The worst tribalists Zambia has ever known are Chishimba Kambwili, Geofrey Mwamba (GBM), Lusambo, Nawakwi, Nkhanwe luo, Anthony Mwanza, Davies Mwila the list is endless. Atleast I have given you where to start from if you want to make a followup. These i.diots should never be allowed to be leaders in any party in Zambia not even in the now disbanded PF.

  31. KZ every time you open your mouth, diahoria comes out…The boys are waiting to work on that virgin ass of yours in jail…you’ll die there

  32. Trouble is none of the commentators hv done serious reading on post-colonial states such as Zambia. This country’s various tribes were only brought under one state by colonialism. B4 that they were living as independent little states under their own chiefs and village heads with little to do with each other unless they were neighbours or if a tribal war broke out. Governing such a state is an exercise in nation-building. And this is still work-in-progress.

  33. HH knows what I hv said above. We’ve what we call national symbols in Zambia which aren’t really national symbols but symbols of statehood. Nations hv no symbols strictly-speaking.

  34. In all 7 Provinces Zambians voted for change in the Southern Province they voted on tribe…numbers don’t lie…and yes UPND is a tribal grouping and it has been confirmed….the truth hurts and I know the majority of of UPND bloggers on Lusaka Times are from Southern Province….and you know am telling the truth

  35. It’s high time the politicians who have the Financial pockets stop looking to politics as a livelihood for themselves. This is the reason why we have a mass plunder of national assets and coffers government in and government out.

    Nawakwi for example has agricultural businesses that she can focus on and even employ many young people. If only they look to expand their businesses that are very profitable and contribute to mass employments for the youth which in turn will increase productivity in the economy.
    These people who know they’ve big businesses and can employ even 2500 people, I’m telling you they can acquire wealth than what they get in politics.
    They should be the ones in the forefront of employment creation whilst out of power. My view is that they are the ones creating…

  36. We won vasililamo. People vote out a government that’s not performing, could have been Socialist Mmembe but it’s HH. Let’s move on forward.
    Vote for a candidate of your choice next time.

  37. Since HH is a credible candidate, the voting pattern in southern province is exactly as it should be. If HH was not a credible candidate with well known lack of leadership qualities and southerners then voted in mass as they did, then it would be tribalism.

  38. Zambia is really a country with a short memory! Let me address this question, since I hear it from time to time. You ask about the Tonga’s not voting for anyone else, tell me about Chiluba, didn’t he overwhelmingly win that province when the country needed change? Why is this never brought up? To say Tonga’s only vote for a Tonga candidate is a bad faith argument. The real question to the Northerners especially is, why he hasn’t been carrying those Provinces when he has been the most qualified candidate for the particular issues we have faced for some time now?

    • You are so correct about Zambians having short memory. Unfortunately the majority of Zambians don’t have the culture of reading especially history. The Tongas overwhelmingly voted for MMD in the 1991 election which removed UNIP from power. The tribal lie about Tongas not voting for politicians from other regions comes from politicians like Sata who developed a dislike for Tongas for unknown political reasons. Probably he suffered from an inferiority complex because of lack of university education. Among the politicians of his generation in government the Tonga politicians such as Elijah Mudenda, Mainza Chona were university graduates.

  39. Zuba indeed you have a short memory… Chiluba didn’t stand against a Tonga candidate and the MMD was formed by and composed of those Tongas. Chiluba was used as a pawn because Kaunda had no damaging dossier on him… the rest had a record he could have used against them eg drug dealers, killing of Zambia Ceramics, using Forged passports, former finance ministers with dented past. Man always look around before you say anything.

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