Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Mnangagwa claims credit for getting Zambia’s Lungu to concede defeat


Zimbabwe’s Emmerson Mnangagwa says he persuaded outgoing Zambian President Edgar Lungu to concede defeat after the August 12 elections.

After the presidential poll winner had been declared, President Lungu appeared reluctant to make way for Hakainde Hichilema following the embarrassing defeat.

The incumbent claimed the elections were not free and fair, citing alleged political violence in three provinces.

According to President Mnangagwa’s spokesperson George Charamba, the Zimbabwean leader claimed credit for Zambia’s smooth transfer of power when he addressed his supporters in the eastern border town of Mutare on Thursday.

“Upon his arrival, His Excellency briefed his supporters on the just ended (Southern African Development Communality) SADC meeting,” Mr Charamba said on Twitter.

“He, for the first time, disclosed that he phoned the outgoing Zambian President Edgar Lungu to persuade him to make way for the winner, president-elect Hichilema, to secure the peace in the country and region.”

“Turning to opposition members who dream of the same happening in Zimbabwe, the Zanu PF leader urged such dreamers to come back to their senses.”

Mr Hichilema is a close associate of Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader Nelson Chamisa, a relationship their political parties attest to.

The outcome of the Zambian presidential election has created excitement in Zimbabwe, with opposition activists saying they are inspired to replicate the outcome when the country holds its election in 2023.

At the weekend, President Lungu issued a statement saying violence against supporters of his ruling Patriotic Front (PF) in some provinces rendered the polls “not free and fair”.

Mr Hichilema, a wealthy businessman, won with a landslide and will take the oath of office on Tuesday.


  1. Fake news. This is getting boring. Can you report on how the upnd aim to achieve all the fake promises they made.

    In honour of the new presidency, I have decided to rename my house dog. We have now called our dog HH. We have called our 2 pet cats nalumango and little garry

    A wise man once said if you want to know the son, look at the father. Does anyone have data on HHs father you people? I am asking on behalf of my garden boy.

  2. Fayke news. This is getting boring. Can you report on how the upnd aim to achieve all the fayke promises they made.

    In honour of the new presidency, I have decided to rename my house dog. We have now called our dog HH. We have called our 2 pet cats nalumango and little garry

    A wise man once said if you want to know the son, look at the father. Does anyone have data on HHs father you people? I am asking on behalf of my garden boy.


  4. We all know that Lungu lived in a BUBBLE, he was cheated that he is the most adored, that it was enough for him to win by point on infrastructure. Simply he had NO CLUE what was going on and he took it for granted to an extent of saying he was going to win by more than 500K votes.
    All in All, he had no option, he confessed the same i.diots were continuing to lie to him to say that ELECTION was NOT FREE AND FAIR – That was the biggest joke from the 2021 elections. In fact, had he attempted to do anything, things would have been bad for him and not for HH. THEREFORE, Zambians DONT care what Mnangagwa says. HE is another culprit that needs to be eli.minated. IT IS A POSSIBILITY that, that CALL WAS not about LUNGU conceding, but rather a dictator offering another dictator possibility of…

  5. He had no option.It was landslide and he was
    In control.So Mr Munangagwa don’t take credit as other sources say Mr RB convinced
    Him.At the end of the day Zambians got what they wanted.

  6. I doubt that. ZANU PF and concede can’t appear in the same sentence. Even if Rupiah Banda isn’t anywhere near my favorite presidents I suspect it was him together with the huge margin of defeat that convinced Chagwa to concede

  7. @general kanene Lungu was told to show voters that he was humble. Voters told him that they can’t eat humbleness

  8. The weekend is before us. As usual I have bought my favourite : 40 year old whisky, cuban cigar, caviar and champagne for my beautiful gina. My life has remained the same if not better.

    Now I ask you upnd diasporans, since you voted in your fellow tribalists, how have your lives changed? You are still shackled in council houses living off the state there abroad. And yet you are there shouting we want change. See your life hahaha hahaha.

  9. Lies Lies Lies . Its the Zambian people that removed ECL and the constitution says when ECZ announces the winner he or she takes over power. Zimbabwe and democracy, please spare me. Zambians made ECL leave not RB or Munanagwa. What RB went to do probably is to reconcile ECL and HH .

  10. @ Kaizar Zulu – Lol…kikikiki did you take a look at yourself in the mirror …You the one that looks like a DOG. You are nothing but la ow life useless THUG.

  11. This Lungu guy was a disaster of a President, with very stubborn surrogates, look at how Isaac Chipampe brought decency to the Presidential spokesperson office after the other guy left, look at how Sunday and FDDs Antonio competed for labbish in the media directorate office. If Lungu wants to know where his loss came from, here is the tip, Davies Mwila, GBM, Kambwili, Sunday Chanda, Kampyongo, Kanganja, Bowman, Antonio Mwanza, Nawakwi, Chitalu Chilufya, the Zambia Police, he should not go too far to search where his loss came from, the provided list is adequate

  12. We love our Zimbabwean brothers but it’s seems they have a problem with their young brother status at the moment. We disappointed them by not creating a chaotic situation which would have elevated them back to big brother.

  13. ED is playing a “Muzungu anikonde” game. The truth is ECL had planned to rig and win the Elections by 500000 votes. When there was a huge Voter Turnout and the PF PVT showed that HH had won the Election by 1000000 votes ECL had no choice but to concede defeat. ED and ECL tried to rig the Elections but the gap of 1 million votes was unrigable. The People and especially the Youths decided the outcome of this Election. In the end those who supported Change won. Period.

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