Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF will bounce back, the election loss was a divine intervention by God for self introspection-Given Lubinda


THE PATRIOTIC FRONT (PF) Central Committee has noted that the devastating loss suffered in the just ended August 2021 General election was divine intervention by God.

Newly appointed PF National Chairperson for Information and Publicity Hon Given Lubinda has said it was for that reason that the party’s Central Committee are in support of President Edgar Lungu’s decision in accepting the outcome of the elections.

MCC Lubinda said this during a press briefing at the PF Secretariat today following yesterday’s first extraordinary meeting after the polls. He however noted that the elections were marred with rampart electoral malpractice, reckless violence and murders like the brutal and barbaric murder of PF North-Western Province Chairperson MCC Jackson Kungo.

MCC Lubinda said the murders were premeditated and most PF officials were accused of carrying premarked ballot papers and “our members were attacked thereby leaving our votes vulnerable and unprotected.”
“Notwithstanding these circumstances, the Central Committee are in support of President Lungu decision in accepting the outcome of the August polls. And for this reason the we hereby congratulate him for deciding not to petition the election results,” Hon Lubinda said.

He further stressed that the highest decision-making body of the party also agreed with the outgoing Head of State that the work ahead and the tranquility of Zambians was too important to be subjected to court petitions.

And Hon Lubinda has said the PF Central Committee has joined President Lungu in congratulating President-Elect Hakainde Hichilema of the United Party for National Development (UPND) for emerging victorious in the just ended polls.

“The PF shall respect his presidency and the authority of his office as Head of State,” Hon Lubinda said. “We in the PF shall not hinder him and his government from delivering on the promises made and fulfil their campaign promises to the Zambian people.”

Meanwhile, Hon Lubinda said the Central Committee reminded itself that the PF had lost three elections in the past before the 2011 victory but it emerged stronger from those defeats.
He said it was for that reason that the party is convinced beyond reasonable doubt that it was God’s will that the PF should lose the 2021 General election.

“Divine intervention as far as we are concerned is meant to teach us lessons. We have therefore resolved to conduct an introspection and postmortem to establish the causes of this defeat so as to strategise on how to move on the higher trajectory,” Hon Lubinda added.

He said the soon-to-be-done intropection and postmortem shall take the form of candid review of all policies, occurances, statements and all commissions or omissions made especially by those of in the Central Committee entrusted by the members with the mandate to provide leadership.

MCC Lubinda said the process shall involve all the party structures and organs adding that all the supporters and ordinary members alike would be encouraged to submit their views and no one shall be ignored and the lessons drawn from that would be necessary for the party to make amends.

“We acknowledge the fact that the members out there are grieving about this loss more than the leadership hence it is imperative that we get them involved in the process of making this introspection and conducting this postmortem.

“Our members across the country wants answers but we understand that they too have the answers because they are the wisdom of the party and we shall give them latitude for them to guide the party going forward,” Hon Lubinda said.

And Mr Lubinda has said that the party will come out as a strong opposition with its 59 Members of Parliament and numerous Councillors around the country as the Party is doing an introspection to establish what went wrong to loose the 2021 general election.

MCC Lubinda further stated that the Party is doing the introspection to come out on the right trajectory and that the party has a strong membership base that gives it the confidence of bouncing back after the loss.

“We are going to remodel, rebrand and emerge even stronger. This we are determined to do and have confidence it will be done,” he added.

Hon Lubinda has further called on party members to work hard to ensure that the PF becomes the best choice for Zambians.

He has further urged party members and cooperating partners to feel free to offer advice to the party leadership on how the development of the party.

“There will be changes after the review and the public will only be formed by the decisions made by the party leadership. We are confident that many issues will be dealt with,” he added.


  1. You are about to be hit with the bill for tax payers money used to finance lungus campaigns……….

    don’t get too compatible

    We hope your so called backers have enough money to cough up for that bill.

  2. If you really did a self introspection of yourselves you would have asked Lazy Lungu to step down as he has zero leadership qualities. the only thing that was holding you together was limitless availability of taxpayers money and inflated GRZ contracts.

  3. Efyaile ba Zambia. Bye bye Pf. You as Zambians we don’t go back to a political party once discarded. May be after years when this voting generation is gone and become ancestors.

  4. No party the Zambian people have punished at an election has ever come back. This is the end of the most corrupt and lawless political party.

  5. Lubinda you were personally saved from defeat because you have no grade 12 certificate so you couldn’t stand and were in the wings waiting for lungu to win so that he can nominate you as MP so that you enter parliament through the back door. Unfortunately it hasn’t worked out and now you will slowly disappear from the political scene.

  6. Cold comfort coz history is against you Bwana Lubinda .Ask other dead parties like UNIP MMD which once ruled Zambia.

  7. Can you imagine this man with a diploma in Agriculture Sciences was a Justice Minister in Lazy Lungu’s cabinet?

  8. Political oblivion is the graveyard of Zambia’s once ruling parties and Mr Lubinda is the personification of that reality coz he couldn’t even contest these last elections.The dead speaking for the dead ,kikikiki .

  9. Zambians punish stupid political parties once and for all. Ask UNIP, MMD and yourselves as PF. We dont get back o our vomit. Just think of turning PF into a thieving cartel kwasila atleast thats what you know better and there you have the experience – kikiki!!!!!

  10. The statement by PF MCC Hon. Given Lubinda is correct. It was Devine Intervention by God to save Zambia from the most corrupt regime Zambia has ever had. There will be no looking back. Memories of PF just bring sorrow.

  11. This is the same man who was saying PF will win the election before the elections, he has now rebranded his message to say PF will bounce back. Sorry, no Zambian is bringing PF back. Dreams are free, dream on

  12. He even says PF will introspect, introspect what, the issues are straight forward, Tutwa Ngulube asking Police to break opposition bones, Bowman Lusambo dishing out huge sums in public before his President instructed that the same must be done in private, Edgar Lungu using the Police to stop his opponents from campaigning, suspension of civil liberties, and bringing the economy to a halt due to incompetency, A very disrespectful PF media directorate , you have very little to introspect as most of your issues are well known

  13. Is this not the same man who was above the law by campaigning with Nkandu Luo using government resources and defying the covid guidelines and meeting chiefs and headmen through the country whilst the opposition were not allowed, God punishes, and he has just done it to the most incompetent party in the history of Zambia’s ruling parties

  14. Let the DEAD bury the DEAD i man am a living man i have work to do….
    Neville O’Riley Livingston (Bunny Wailer)

  15. The courts failed to stop the third term, The church failed, civil society failed, various organization failed but the people stopped it. Those who thought that they were above the law, we hope you have learnt that it is important to follow what the constitution says, and of course having advisors like GBM, Kambwili and Davies Mwila was a total disaster

  16. PF was infiltrated by MMD, look at Chipata central for example, a very unpopular MMD candidate standing on PF, Campaign managers Katele and Vincent both from MMD, they may not even have an idea what PF stands for. It might take PF ten years to introspect, they were just too many mistakes

  17. I just saw Cornelius Mweetwa on ZNBC online very impressive. gone are the days of interviewing clueless thugs like Bowman singing praises for his inept boss Lungu.

  18. Lubinda is a spent force, he may not realise that PF is burried for ever, And that Edgar was very unpopular through out the country

  19. Hey Given Lubinda we as Zambians have too much dignity and self respect we don’t ever go back to our vomit.

  20. No surprise that it is the same God who appointed him, I doubt it whether He will bring him back, though. Our God is disappointed with the deposed leader.

  21. What do you with a criminal organisation in Zambia? A corrupt, law-breaking, murderous and thieving organisation – that is your dead and buried pf. If that criminal organisation of yours will survive the next five years, then the first former ruling party that will bounce back might be UNIP!!!

  22. I agree with Hon Lubinda ‘s statement that PF will get back sooner or later , It still enjoys a strong support base country wide while the UPND
    strength will be postulated on its campaigns promises it made.
    We are watching at the distance. Five years from now we shall be accounting many new companies be will created , how many youth will be employed , and whether the bag of fertilize will be below K 250.00. Let us give the support while watching at the distance .
    Beside that ,If the PF had won the just ended election, as we are talking now Zambia would have been on fire, burning of properties will be have been the talk of the day surely God loves Zambia. One term has saved thousand of lives that would been destroyed by people who where determined to…

  23. They really think it was divine intervention? How hypocritical. I thought it was 2.8 million Zambian voters! Voters totally and utterly fed up with lies, thieving, undemocratic behaviour, and unbelievable arrogance! But the PF clearly think otherwise. Okay, you will find out in five years time. Zero MP’s!

  24. Pf has gone for good wait you failed Zambia directors were cadres especially ministry education rampant corruption wait for operation recovery and commission of inquiry

  25. The fact is 2.8 million Zambians voted for HH while only 1.8 million voted for ECL. Zambians voted out ECL becoz he is Corrupt, Tribalistic, Incompetent, thuggish, Visionless, he mismanaged the Economy, PF Cadreism etc. People voted for an Angel they don’t know rather than the Devil they know. Its all about Hope,Trust and Confidence.

  26. Don`t give unwarranted comments. Let Lubinda alone and concetrate on your party upnd. PF will bounce back and with Seer 1 and chief herbalist of tonga made it possible to happen. But PEOPLE OF Zambia will be waiting anxiously on HH promises of employing all youths in Zambia, Cadreism to go as they will be employed, fertiliser to come to k200, mealie meal to k50 prices of all essential commodities to come down etc.Governing a country is a mammoth task and it will take years to improve Zambian economy. Take it or live it

  27. I find it amazing how Lubinda is blaming god for PF losing the election. First of all loss of the election should not be blamed on god. You have to accept that you ran a criminal organisation whose leaders should be behind bars. Your cadres were busy terrorising the public at markets and bus stations. What did you do as ministers to stop it? As part of the leadership of the party you were busy accepting bribes from your Chinese friends. The corruption of the PF was an open secret. You Lubinda should accept responsibility for being part of the criminal government. The sophisticated voters of Zambia saw through the rigging tricks you tried like in Zimbabwe and Uganda. Now you are insinuating that the election was not free and fair due to malpractices. Where is the evidence? Bring it on.

  28. Hahaha, kaya! There is Andyford Banda and Sean Tembo, Highvie Hamududu, Fred Mmembe etc. They will be free to campaign under HH’s government more than the oppressive Lungu government and in a FREE and FAIR election to come, PF will be battered even more. If you want any chance to bounce back, start by 1. Giving back the money you stole. 2. Apologise to the Zambian people you brutalised.

  29. You have become irrelevant to Zambian politics ba lubinda. just keep quiet and leave quietly we don’t need an opposition of your calibre TATA.

  30. I like to think that this is a reasonably intelligent man. Politics has just stolen all that from him. Bo Lubinda, what are you doing? Take time off and reflect for posterity. I often wonder why it is our politicians cannot see beyond themselves? It’s over with ECL. You wish to stand, please do. There is more possibility there than the criminal rudderless ECL enterprise. Even more confusing is that idea that PF will bounce back. No, it won’t. Go take care of the grandkids and our beloved Grandma. My Goodness. P/S. Shame is nothing new. It was suffered by Eve and Adam when they ate of the forbidden fruit. And you have had more than your fill of it. GO,GO, GO.

  31. What nonsense!!! Lubinda thinks God voted? No! You abused the power that the people gave you, you thought you were carrying out God’s mandate? The people gave you that mandate and you proved incompetent. If you are carrying out a post nortem, then engage independent consultants who will tell you that your whole leadership is rubbish and needs replacing. Period.

  32. Given Lubinda – if he hadn’t become a cadre in the dying days it PF he would have been the best places to take over.
    Mile Sampa – if miles wasn’t such a joker he would also be in the running
    Prof Luo – sadly this woman was a bad choice for running mate I think her political career is now over
    Dora Siliya – she is beautiful and has the brains to lead the PF but she won’t get much support
    KBF – is the best candidate for the PF presidency.

  33. Indeed it was divine intervention by the Almighty God to ensure the Once Mighty PF was kicked out of power otherwise people would have suffered a lot. The rest is water under the bridge.

  34. You really need the introspection. The trend has been that once in power and ousted, a party goes in oblivion. There should be a lot of cleansing if at all you are to bounce back, which would be against all odds.

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