Saturday, July 27, 2024

ZAF to secure airspace in all 10 provinces


Zambia Airforce ( ZAF) Commander Lieutenant General Colin Barry says his command will continue setting up provincial air defence centres to enhance monitoring of the country’s airspace.

Lt. Gen Barry said the Air force wants to establish its presence in all the 10 provinces of Zambia not only to receive feedback on air aspects but also enhance the welfare of the provinces.

He said the Air force will continue to uphold the territorial integrity of the country’s airspace to keep the Zambian people safe.

He was speaking in Solwezi today when he called on acting Northwestern province Permanent Secretary Beatrice Muyambango.

Lt. Gen Barry who is on his first familiarisation tour of the province following his appointment as ZAF commander, said the Airforce will continue offering Air services in times of emergencies whenever called upon.

“Let me assure you that we will continue implementing our mandate of transporting government officials to far flung areas, ballot papers to hard to reach places as well respond to emergencies whenever we are called upon. Acting PS don’t hesitate to call on us when need for air services arise,” he said.

Lt.Gen Barry encouraged Air men and women to continue upholding the values of national service above self which he said will help move the nation to greater heights.

He added that discipline and dedication to duty must also be maintained at all times if the officers are to discharge their duties diligently.

And Ms Muyambango who congratulated the ZAF commander on his appointment and for inspiring young people in the province to be disciplined and aim high in life.

“As much as we welcome you as ZAF commander, we also welcome you as a son of the province. Your appointment is an inspiration to young people to aim high in life,” she said.

She said young people lack role models to help shape their behaviour hence the high rate of juvenile delinquencies in society today.


  1. That’s integrity of a professional man. We will continue DOING THIS AND THAT. No blame games. Wishing our ZAF Commander the best.

  2. Confirmation that our resources can be flown out of the country undetected. That’s why you have missionaries embedded in the remotest part of our country. We need serous air presence in Zambia and only God knows what’s happened to the relaunch of our national airline. CB has a good vision for the Airforce. It could be key to youth unemployment because a high tech airforce would be attractive to the playstation/xbox generation. Serious gaming is a skill you can use to fly drones.

  3. What you need is proper radar systems and proper interceptor Jets and helicopters not offices with officers doing nothing…I mean Boer bush pilots from RSA fly in and out of our airspace and steal our wildlife at will.

  4. Have ZAF presence in all 10 provinces ? That makes absolutely no sense bcoz ZAF’s primary role is defence and not a transportation outfit.

  5. Good and inspiring to the young…sky is the limit…but they re seemingly flying too low, creating noise pollution and disturbing school learners

  6. Future Zed don’t be negative to what the Airforce commander is proposing, our airspace is so open to anyone to come ad go out. Those missionaries in remote areas are the one taking our resources eg gem stones or gold out of the country ad we are losing alot as a country. Ad from my our assessment, u could be one of the same missionaries, these guys flies their small planes in ad out unchecked. That’s their mission on pretext tht they’re men of God.
    Ba commander check these missionaries, it long overdue.

  7. For what? Another privileged dreamer who thinks this is Europe. That money can be used for other important projects. Zambia is peaceful. What do we need those for? They are runway to be used to steal our copper and transport it to his people there abroad

  8. Zambia needs 5 ministers who look like this Barry, especially female white, Asians, coloreds . Zambia is beautiful country, needs beautiful leaders too.

  9. Lt.Gen Barry instead of visiting your home town …you should have accompanied HH to USA or sent an officer with him to ask for technical assistance in the form of mobile radar technology or cheap drones or even used F16 jets…this is the best time to engage them.

  10. Mushota alot of people want to be like me and envy me, although they show hate for me in public. I am sure you are one of the many people who message me on social media asking for money after insulting me.

  11. Look the trolls still stuck in the past…the internet moves very fast its either you adapt or disappear no one is interested in your childish games of yesteryear

  12. One thing with lungu , he kept the defense forces happy…….

    ZAF is fairly well equipped for 3rd world standards with Chinese technology

  13. Tarino grow up. What do you gain from cloning my accounts. Your hh is now in power and yet you are still a sad unemployed blogger.

  14. Is this news? If doctors announced they would be treating patients would that be news? If a dog barks does it make news?

  15. @Ray Neil Nelson#7 learn to read properly. I was complementing the airforce commander for his vision to secure our airspace because these missionaries have been stealing at will for years. Missionaries are government agents stealing your resources under your noses in the name of charity. Wake up.

  16. what a waste of resources this will be………..cant we use the monies they intend to use to buy school desks, medicines for clinics and hospitals etc etc. The problem we have now is that everybody wants to say something for nothing and impress whoever it is. They are saying there is no money to continue with certain important projects but there will be money to expand air force even in these peaceful times….my foot. THESE PEOPLE ARE JUST THE SAME

  17. AH reminds me of Mwaliteta…….wanted UPND cadres to have presence in all markets and bus stops, to do what? He also didnt know

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