Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government to support institutions making efforts in improving the provision of quality health care to Zambians


Southern Province Minister Cornelius Mweetwa says government will continue to support institutions that are making efforts in improving the provision of quality health care to the people of Zambia.

Mr Mweetwa said government wants Universities and colleges that are offering health and science education to equip learners with necessary competences that will help drive the country forward.

The Provincial Minister was speaking in Chikankata when he officiated at the first ever graduation ceremony for South valley University.

ZANIS reports that 30 students graduated from the field of nursing and bio medical science.

And South Valley University Vice Chancellor Professor Trevor Kaile stated that the University is committed to equipping young Zambians with relevant skills in order to bring economic development to the country

Professor Kaile said the University prides itself as the only institution countrywide that is offering online distance education in nursing and biomedical programs.

He said the University believes that science education can bring about innovation which in turn can bring development and community transformation.


  1. Lets be careful with the way these universities are mushrooming coz we may end up having every one having degrees like in Nigeria but without work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Can universities be regulated with emphasis on quality education!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Great. So now support the organizations (HPCZ, MAZ) responsible for accrediting and monitoring these universities. It’s pointless effort without their ability to provide proper oversight.

  3. All talk talk. Yapping is their only skill. Months later the country does not have a full government. Hh is in predicament. He insulted all those that served in pf govt as corrupt. Now he realises that he doesn’t have enough competent people in his own team and needs the same people he insulted. Ba under 5

  4. @Tarino Orange. Mweetwa is Southern province Minister. Common sense.
    @Musa. How do you if they are regulated or not? if anything we need more private universities in Zambia because the country does not have enough public institutions.

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