Saturday, July 27, 2024

Labour Minister warns Employers: Adhere to Labour laws


The government has warned employers against the mistreatment of domestic workers.

Labour and Social Security Minister, Brenda Tambatamba says employers who do not adhere to labour laws and mistreat their workers will be punished in accordance with the law.

Speaking in Lusaka today, during an event to mark World Day for Decent Work which falls tomorrow, Ms. Tambatamba has since announced that the Ministry has established a call centre where cases of abuse against would-be offenders can be reported.

Ms Tambatamba has since urged the public to utilize the toll-free line.

And the Minister urged domestic workers to join the labour movement, in order for them to be protected against mistreatment by their employers.

“They should instead report any issues of ill-treatment, abuse by the necessary authorities. I am aware that there are two unions of domestic workers in Zambia, we encourage domestic workers to join any of these unions, such that they have a mechanism to bargain collectively with employers as not belonging to a union makes them vulnerable,” Ms Tambatamba said.

Speaking at the same event, International Labour Organization (ILO) Country Director, George Ukuto called on the government to institute a technical committee to ratify the ILO convention 189 which guarantees the rights of domestic workers.

“We are urging Zambia to consider ratification of this convention and also domestication of the legal provisions of this convention,” he said.

Meanwhile, the Federation of Free Trade Unions of Zambia FFTUZ, President Chingati Msiska emphasized that the implementation of the decent work programme in Zambia needs to be on top of the agenda.

World Day for Decent Work falls tomorrow under the theme: “Decent work for domestic workers starts now,”

Minister of Labour Brenda Tambatamba (R) talks to FFTUZ Secretary General Victor Muyumba (L) as FFTUZ president Chingati Msiska (C) looks on during the official Launch of the World Day for Decent Work at Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Wednesday, October 6,2021- Picture by THOMAS NSAMA/ ZANIS
Minister of Labour Brenda Tambatamba (R) talks to FFTUZ Secretary General Victor Muyumba (L) as FFTUZ president Chingati Msiska (C) looks on during the official Launch of the World Day for Decent Work at Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Wednesday, October 6,2021- Picture by THOMAS NSAMA/ ZANIS
Minister of Labour Brenda Tambatamba cutts a ribbon as ZCTU president Chishimba Nkole (R) during the official Launch of the World Day for Decent Work at Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Wednesday, October 6,2021- Picture by THOMAS NSAMA/ ZANIS
Minister of Labour Brenda Tambatamba cutts a ribbon as ZCTU president Chishimba Nkole (R) during the official Launch of the World Day for Decent Work at Pamodzi Hotel in Lusaka on Wednesday, October 6,2021- Picture by THOMAS NSAMA/ ZANIS


  1. Grabage out Garbage in…this has now become Government of warning and complaining and blaming previous Government

  2. This is the Most Corrupt Ministry. Madam your workers go around Indian companies that abuse Zambians and are paid lots of Money. GO TO WOOD PROCESSING in Lusaka. All Cashiers are INDIANS not a single Zambian is give a decent Jobs yet Educated. Petroda is another Company that badly treat Zambian workers, they sleep outside in the cold. Close their Petrol Stations. Do a tour and u will see yourselves.
    If you are serious: put a rule that all front line jobs, Cashiers, Sales, supervisors should be Zambians. Even in Finance department why foreigners? Yet we have charted accountants unemployed. This is why they manipulate their financial statements and steal. CHANGE AND WALK THE TALK.

  3. we need seriously business not playing why is it that miners in other countries get good money imagine congoDR a war torn country is better than us what a shame.

  4. Something wrong with these Zambian leaders. Why not focus on Zambians that are abused by foreigners i.e. Indians and Chinese?

  5. What an article, they are talking about a call centre and they omit to mention the numbers to call.

    I hope the Minister to did forget to mention the number in the official statement. Does not look like a serious Minister. You don’t need all those fanfare to make anything serious. The poor people who really need your help do not need that fanfare.

    This is also wasteful expenditure.
    Kitchen party behaviour

    Pardon my candid comment but that is what I feel honestly

  6. This ministry is not suppose to have a woman as its head… it needs a vibrant sober young man who can be equal to the task ,,, someone who just can’t buy sh*t

  7. By the time that call center is established probably 3 years from now foreigners would have taken more jobs meant for Zambians leaving the educated Zambian looking for employment and blaming you the government for the lack of it. Indian companies have brought in their own people who have taken up jobs that zambians can do and paid 12 times more than the Zambian employed to work under the Indian so called expatriate. Do more as seen immigration has given work permits to foreigners to do jobs that zambians can do.

  8. Why are some bloggers racist themselves ? Abuse is Abuse – local or foreigner and has no boundaries. I know of ALL RACES THAT ABUSE WORKERS INCLUDING ZAMBIANS. ABUSE IS ABUSE.
    To protect the Zambian youths and employment Labour office needs to work with immigration to ensure permits are only given to people without local skills. Examples like CASHIERS, PAINTERS, ACCOUNTANTS, WELDERS, BRICKLAYERS ETC MUST BE RESERVED FOR ZAMBIANS PERIOD.
    However can we not be racist thinking only Foreigners abuse workers. It is a world problem.

  9. But is it taking so long for this government to act because this Chinese people still treats us like slaves in our own country?Mr president we voted for you and we came in numbers us youths so that you can help us with this Chinese people but still nothing is working towards this issue

  10. This minister is too slow to attend to many issues Zambians are going through in work places.This ministry requires action oriented individuals and not just giving lame speeches that don’t add value to the welfare of Zambian employees.Many Zambians are being exploited in so many work places,but up until now should doesn’t seem to be alive to this issue and the right thing that people voted the upnd into power.I see her ministry as one of the reasons that would cause upnd to start looking like they are failing to govern.Employ protests you’ve seen should be an openner madam minister.I don’t see you lasting in that ministry with your below par performance so far.

  11. This is one area we don’t need IMF for us to move. If this government is serious , they just need to push foreign owned companies to pay their workers well and this will assist in stimulating our economy. Most Chinese, Indian, Lebanese, Turkish companies do not pay their workers decent salaries hence the labour Minister should look into this matter urgently not just talking. This should be a very simple task for the new dawn. Please do not disappoint us!!

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